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Good Legal Dredging Ground For Sale In Alaska

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There are few places left where you can dredge legally in the United States, especially with larger suction dredges. Alaska however is very dredging friendly. I have been updating the Alaska Mining Claims For Sale page and there are several decent dredging claim packages available now at some good prices. If you are looking for a summer long dredging adventure, this is the place to start so check it out.


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what if we're skeered of the man eating bears up there? ?

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Don’t go?

I remember heading into Wrangell St. Elias National Park at one point. I stopped at the highway junction... a couple was parked there. I chatted with them a bit. They were tourists on a trip to see Alaska. I told them how beautiful the park is, then they explained they were afraid to leave the main highway for fear of bears.

The Alaska Highway is a two lane road no different than the road into the park. I explained there were no more bears down that road than the one they were standing on. The discussed a bit though and decided it was too dangerous.

I thought that was kind of sad. For me bears are a photo op to be looked for....



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These statistics are nonsense, the deer didn't kill those drivers, the driver killed the deer and themselves with an automobile. The article says scientists are struggling with the deal with the problem. lol

It's kinda like talking about the odds of getting hit by lightning. Your odds are much higher out on a lake or golf course in a storm then when its sunny out and you're sitting inside.

If you look at the way people die by bears in North America, every instance involves have words describing the event that include, "cabin, "campground", "mountain biking" "feeding", "rural", "hunting", "staking claims", "slept".

It also happens more often then once a year, some years have several fatalities when you look at the different species. 2 people were killed in Alaska last year by black bears. One was collecting soil samples and the other was running. A 3rd was killed by a brown bear less then a year later. Read the descriptions, tourists being dragged off after being warned of bears down the road but wanted to take pictures anyway.

I will stay in the camp of "stay away from bears." I would say you have a 95% chance of surviving a bear encounter, which is too low IMO.

If you look at the murder rate in Alaska it is 8 per 100,000. If you placed 100,000 people in real bear encounter scenarios, I betcha more then 8 people die. Not driving down the road and seeing a bear in a field, I mean a real encounter with food or cubs involved, maybe a bit of surprise factor. Remember those 8 people interact with a 100,000 people more or less, but the people killed by bears don't interact with 100,000 of bears on a daily basis.



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actually I'd love to go to Alaska and prospect. for a month. but not in the cards right now. do love your stories though.

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The last time I was up there I took someone I knew I could out run .

Another thing to remember is don’t shoot one with a small caliber pistol. If you do all you going to do is just piss him off more.


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4 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

The last time I was up there I took someone I knew I could out run .

Another thing to remember is don’t shoot one with a small caliber pistol. If you do all you going to do is just piss him off more.


Yup...all you need in bear country is a .22 ..... if you encounter a hungry bruin or a nasty momma bear, just shoot you ex-buddy in the knee and calmly stroll away.  LMAO!!!!

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Bears in Alaska won’t eat Texans . The reason is they are so full of it,it leaves a bad taste in the Bears mouth .

So if you go there be sure you got a T shirt on that says Texan in big letters.

The only problem you may have is not all Bears can read .


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