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This is so steep you cant have anything in your hands except something to climb with...like a long handled pick i use.


i will probably use climbing rope and an ascendar - clipped to me like a safety belt.... that way i wont fall too far if i slip.....I went to mtn climbing school in France taught by the french airborne....... but that was back in paleo days!!!!!!!


Getting too old, but still stubborn......


PS Steve----I was speaking of the FrankenX...... you may as well sell it to me so it can some use..... I think i can finish her off for you....



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Hi Paul,

Not sure how my modified ATX would help you out much. It will weigh in about the same as the SDC and not be as compact. It can run a 12" x 10" coil but has no provision for mounting the larger ATX 15" x 20" mono. On the other hand, it get your hint!

I am not one to leave things unfinished and so it has to wait until I wrap it up. It was more a project to make a point with Garrett than anything else and so got sidelined when I hit my busy time. I do want to get it finished however as I really do not need two ATX detectors and want to eventually dispose of it along and the Infinium coils. Part of the weeding down the gear thing. Rest assured you are the first person I will think of when the time comes.

Another option not mentioned so far would be a 3.5 lb White's TDI SL or SPP model.

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Real sweetie on eBay right now, only two days left. http://www.ebay.com/itm/WHITES-METAL-DETECTOR-TDI-SL-USED-3-X-WITH-EXTRAS-1-OWNER-DUG-CIVIL-WAR-RELIC-/171733118272?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27fc176d40

Only used three times, straight shaft modification, over 7 months remaining warranty. And going for a great price. I need another detector like I need a hole in the head but I am even tempted to put in a bid!


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Now, I've know you for years! You have owned every gold detector, that I have owned or still own (GB2). All of us are getting older, shorter/longer hikes, rough quad rides, heavy gear, steep terrain, flat tires are just a few of the hardships we endure in this hobby! Here is my suggestion get a GPZ, and I will train you so you won't want another gold detector but this one! Oh, maybe a GB2, cause their so much fun. See ya soon!


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