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PTSD And Detecting

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  • The title was changed to PTSD And Detecting
2 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

The system forces each word to cap the first letter only. I have to do specific overrides for any word that has caps anywhere but first letter. This is also why putting quotes around things messes with the capitalization - the quote sign is treated as the first letter of a word. Inserting a space before a letter will make it capitalize. Using full spellings instead of abbreviations is another solution Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome instead of PTSD for example. Or wait a day or two and I will get around to doing an override. :smile:

The inside of my head most often resembles a bag of cats. Metal detecting for me is a form of meditation when I get into "the zone" and wonderfully relaxing. I enter the flow where time ceases to exist. Metal detecting can be very good for people who need constant low level exercise (recovering from heart attack, for instance) and for calming minds that are otherwise anything but calm.

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Detecting works wonders with my PTSD. My mind is clear, I’m not freaking out over crowds or people around me, and I’m more focused. Whatever the case I truly love getting out there detecting.

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My new buddy just informed me last night that he was going to step up to the Equinox 600.

He is doing well with the Go-Find 60,  and since he has the time to detect, i feel we will be seeing some more good stuff from him soon.

He may already be lurking on the forum so make him welcome if you feel like it---his name is-----

ooooops HIPPA...?

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