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Maybe An Amazing Find

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Nice one mate!

Any one would be happy with that!

All of my largest finds have been crushed and melted, too much bother dealing with scabs and time waisters.

Much easier to deal with a reputable gold assayer or buyer.

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In the past I've sold a lot of large pieces to an Australian buyer at spot because he will eventually donate to a museum, nuggets sizes ranged from 20 ounces through to 83 ounces. Otherwise unless the piece is beautiful or jewelry quality into the melting pot it goes to fund the next prospecting trip.


Seems harsh but I made a decision long ago that the lifestyle was of more value to me than the bragging rights of still having the gold sitting in the dark in a bank vault somewhere. 



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that is unfortunate Jonathan, I still have every spec of gold I have found in thirty years of detecting. I have payed the price in my living standards but I will be a happy man when gold hits $16,000 an ounce!

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Yeah true every man to his own, I`ve a lovely 220acre virgin bush block, fully equipped now and plenty of ongoing projects on it to keep me going,  I traded my gold for that. Just love the peace and quiet away from the hustle and bustle, I`ve said it before and it never bores me, I am very privileged to have participated in the Electronic Gold Rush. It may have made us seem a bit eccentric to the "norms", but it has been and is a magic journey.

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I think most of us "oldies" may be in the same boat. We just didn`t take enough photos, we had the gear to do it, I want to tell episode two of "Lizard Ck." but I`ve no photos of any but that big piece. But I`m going there this winter with the GPZ and camera for episode three. GPZ magic I hope, just gotta be another biggie at depth, never got there with the 5000, busted a CV joint on the way in.

That is why I really go for the Gold Hound videos, imagine in 100 years, your descendants coming across those videos. Whowll !! look how my great greats lived, look at the magic journey their life was, in 100 years we are all going to be born with a bar code on us or chip implanted, no individuality, like bloody robots. Keep them coming Hounds.

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I think most of us "oldies" may be in the same boat. We just didn`t take enough photos, we had the gear to do it, I want to tell episode two of "Lizard Ck." but I`ve no photos of any but that big piece. But I`m going there this winter with the GPZ and camera for episode three. GPZ magic I hope, just gotta be another biggie at depth, never got there with the 5000, busted a CV joint on the way in.

That is why I really go for the Gold Hound videos, imagine in 100 years, your descendants coming across those videos. Whowll !! look how my great greats lived, look at the magic journey their life was, in 100 years we are all going to be born with a bar code on us or chip implanted, no individuality, like bloody robots. Keep them coming Hounds.

I could not agree more.

i would love to see video of how they actually did it a century ago.

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Let Steve`s comment " I wish I had taken better photo`s" be a lesson to pay attention too! For what ever reason thing go away, sell, give, donate, loose, fussy memory or pass away ect.......  Finding gold is why we do the prospecting and that happen once then we are on to the next adventure. But sharing the adventure is the part that keeps on giving.


I agree that the history of mining is really interesting  and I wish more was available on that. But I want to point out something.


I have been prospecting for a short wile 5-6 years. And by paying attention I learn and advance in my ability's. Most of you guys have 10-20-40 + years of experience.


I guess what I am getting at is YOU GUY`S ARE MY HISTORY LESSON!  The stories and adventures , the experience and knowledge you post I am learning from. Keep in mind this is posterity also for NOW.


Norvic, I don`t Know how you feel about the Lizard Creek nugget. But that one nugget is more than I have ever found total. I can only imagine the emotional experience on that one.


Thank for posting that one and the adventure with it. Has me day dreaming about my turn.  And that is what make a great forum.............................


PS I expect a full report on Part 2,3 of Lizard Creek . :)

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No I didn`t think for now, but I read you sjmpainter, your spot on and now after the positive and enthusiastic posts in this thread, well this whole forum I`ll make sure if the GPZ scores in Lizard Ck. I`ll take photos and post them, because really the photo says a thousand words.

Yesterday I spent some hours running the GPZ over a likely looking spot and got 7 small pieces at depth, as there is a lot of tall grass there it may prove to be a good patch to, I should get a better idea of its extent today. I gave my 5000 to my son last weekend, thus having no small coil option, I`ll be battling the grass with the 14inch. But I won`t be suffering. :)  Now I`m stoked and raring to go as I wait for the sun to rise. Every nugget big or small is still a joy for me, like a kid in a candy store.


PS  Capitain you shall have the reports on your desk pronto :D

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