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TT Blog By JP About GPZ Ground Balance

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An informative read Thanks JP.


In another thread there were questions about mode switching and whether GB info was stored for each mode during a session or if the GB info followed between modes.  Those questions are laid to rest now :)  I've also had to rethink my own practice a little in terms of how to check balancing.  The coil bounce outlined makes sense to me so I'll just leave the quick track trigger alone.


I'm curious, has anyone tried knocking on their neighbor by doing and EMI balance while your mates are nearby detecting? *grin*  When I'm out and my mates come up on me out bush, head down and trotting my way, I'd have a bit of fun or just wake them up from their daze by lifting the detector~ point it at them~ and hit the emi balance.  Great fun watching them start as their machine warbles like a mad dog at them.  Hahh!

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Bonus post by JP with pinpointing tips http://golddetecting.4umer.net/t21485-gpz-my-rating-4-out-of-10-and-thats-being-kind#208623

I am glad people are finding the information useful. I have to admit in my case I simply am putting in hours detecting with the GPZ. I run at stock settings with just a couple changes and basically just use the Quick Start procedure and go detecting. The machine seems very easy to understand and operate compared to a GPX. People reading all the posts would think the GPZ is far more complicated than I think it is.

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Testimony to the GPZ`s ease of use is how it recovers gold in areas flogged by everything else straight out of the box with no operator training, just charge battery and go for it. Waiting for coil choices, especially a smaller one to battle the grass and rocks. Keeping body from coil certainly is a wee problem when retrieving small bits. Currently training my dog to come along behind me with the 705. :D

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Minelab has been producing machines that will find the gold with their stock settings for years. This is a fact that is rarely mentioned on forums like this. Why? Well, because most of the people that post are extreme gold hounds that wring every trace of production they can from every machine they use...that is fine and wonderful for them but all that does is make beginners think there is way more to using a detector than there needs to be. Also, the people that sell  extra coils and after market products want to move their stuff.



I hardly ever read where the posts starts with READ THE MANUAL and use THE STOCK PRESETS...then, after some practice start experimenting.


I find the GPZ to be almost everything I want in a gold detector and with more practice I will gain greater understanding of this fantastic machine...but, I still read the manual, I always read every post that JP and Steve write, I try to glean bits from everyone else...and mostly i need more time on the ground and the gold will come.



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Like all hobbies, the more you put in the more you get out. I am a real slacko, hardly read manuals more just skim through them but being new to forums, I am getting a lot out of forums especially this one, group of people separated by 1,000 of miles chewing the fat tis magic. I know fishing is no different 10% of the people get 90% of the fish, why, simply because their out on the water a lot, getting experience. But detecting like fishing supports a lot of aftermarket gear and how-to guides.

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I am now wearing a belt with a non-metallic buckle. Good for being around the GPZ and for air travel.


The GPZ is the first machine I've owned that doesn't like it when I wear my pick on my belt.

For most of the weekend I had to keep it up on my shoulder.

It's amazing how sensitive and powerful it is.

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Tortuga, if you are under 5'8" the way I am, you have to seriously rethink

where all your metal is located. I had to consider that even with the 5000.

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