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Everything posted by Northeast

  1. I can feel a new thread coming on. Best settings and coils for coin hunting with a GPX. I won't start it as I don't own one ?
  2. Hi Mitchel. Is this for seperation?
  3. Yes, but easier to dig, refill and cover your tracks I suppose. I've only had 2 attempts at beach detecting - jeez it was nice compared to goldfields ground ? Would be just about perfect for deep coins you would think. Will a GPX run in iron reject with a mono or only a DD?
  4. But how will you not end up digging the entire field up? DD with Iron Reject? ( I apologise if that is not the correct terms for a GPX - never had one). Also, will a DD and Iron Reject just bring you back to the abilities of the Equinox? I have no idea, just putting it out there. But also getting off topic ??
  5. Thanks Norm. For those that may link in, is Los Angeles Pacific Standard time? Or what would be a city that is in that time zone? If LA is right then for those in Oz it looks to be at 8 a.m. AEST on Sunday May 24. NZ would be 10 am.
  6. How the hell does does 400 lbs of bacon keep for 6 months?? ? And how do they fit all of that in 1 wagon? Quite the preparation.
  7. Very sensible words Reg. Might save many people a big headache and lots of time and money ?
  8. Late gold. It is akin to fishing. If you get a fish first cast more often than not you might as well go home straight away - there won't be another bite for the whole day. But if you work hard all day and finally get things right and get a fish you feel rewarded for your effort and perseverance. If you get gold in the first 5 minutes and then nothing for the next 10 hours - think of all the other things you could have been doing. For example, you could have gone fishing ?
  9. Cool, thanks. 20,000 acres is a reasonable size bit of land but then I suppose it sees a decent number of people and has done for a long period of time. Probably OK to keep a couple of people busy for a few weekends a year. I would guess most are there to enjoy a hobby rather than seriously 'mine' their bit of gold basin dirt considering there are mostly only crumbs left behind? Club claims certainly give you guys somewhere to go which is nice. We are very lucky in Victoria, Australia that there is quite a bit of public lands (currently) available to prospect on. Private land is sometimes hard to get access (depends how you approach the owner or who has done the wrong thing in the past) and there are quite a few Heritage areas, reserves and National/State Parks that are off limits. I assume that will increase in the future.
  10. Any idea what the original weighed? Might not be too long before we have a special trans Tasman travel deal going. Oz needs to get a bit more under control first. Flights might be cheap too. You and JW might be here for the spring with your Zeds!!
  11. When you gents talk about gold basin I wonder how big it is...and therefore I suppose how thrashed it is. 10,000 acres? 150,000 acres? All claimed? Some public? Some private freehold? A lot of these club claims - what is an average size? NE
  12. Not quite the "Minelab Show" that I was expecting. It was a fella from Miners Den here in Australia. Had a bit of a chat about the current restrictions, Miners Den opening hours, a Top Tip on pinpointing (Nox and Pro-Find). It was not quite the polished Minelab production that I was expecting but not bad for a first try ? On again in 2 weeks time.
  13. Just got an email about this. https://www.minersden.com.au/theminelabshow Facebook on Thursday night Oz time. Might be an interesting watch. Hopefully they stick a copy of it on YouTube for those that don’t do Facy. Anyone know who might be making an appearance? JP? That Brandon fella? I would expect you to be on there Steve H but you keep pi$$ing off the marketing dept ?
  14. Quite the transformation. Well done. Finished total weight or a SG weight?
  15. Ah yes, I remember you showing that a little wile ago. Stuck it on wheels - nice! Hope it works well for you ?
  16. The wheel kit? I’m sorry but, what the hell is it? ?‍♂️
  17. As others said, small amount of electrical tape and it should be sorted.
  18. Very sad news. As everyone has said, I too enjoyed Fred's posts. I particularly enjoyed Fred's commentary and advice to Mitchel during Mitchel's trip to Australia last year. GB Amateur had a nice way of putting it ? I cannot recall ever having a Tequila, but I did tonight. RIP Fred ?
  19. Sorry Pimento but mine is the same as it has always been. Maybe shut down your browser and open it up again. Might have inadvertently pressed a re-sizing option?
  20. Stewed plums need a bit of sugar. Apples were always sweet enough by themselves. Stewed apricots were also very, very nice. Apricot pie ? We recently bought some plum cordial off some people we know up at Stanley (near Beechworth) very nice too. Orchard Thieves cider is the current poison (I think maybe from NZ?) It used to be Strongbow. 3 of them and she is firing and they are only about 4.5%.
  21. Good old 'Straya ?? Sounds like an easy process for the cider. I don't mind it and the wife loves it. Not sure I am that keen to get a whole crapload of it for her - especially at 10% ? Stewed apples would have to be one of my favourite things. Sounds like you have a years supply there of that. And stewed plums - yummo!
  22. I'm a registered owner too - no emails. Might be the Find of the Month thing - I've never got involved in that. The only emails I get are Miners Den emails. A Minelab dealer here in Oz. Not sure if you went to the Bendigo store Mitchel?
  23. Happy to receive a commission for my refining ideas ?
  24. Well 4 of the 5 are certainties. An upgraded, Multi IQ incorporated, slightly less weighty, improved target separation, easier to decipher display - CTX 4040. The CTX 3030 will be put to bed. A non water proof SDC guts in a Monster/Equinox shell that will come standard with a centre attachment, modified version of the original coil but also allow the use of the already marketed Coiltek SDC options. New version marginally cheaper than the old due to standard configuration of the head, rod, battery compartment, etc and be called the SDC 2.0. The original SDC 2300 will remain in the line up. A slightly lighter, more ground modes, more gold modes, more raw power, better EMI suppression, larger Sensitivity pot GPZ 8000. AU $1000 dearer than the old version currently and will plug and play to NF's new coils. The GPZ 7000 will still be available but drop to AU $8,500. The larger Sensitivity pot is mostly because Phrunt and JW can run at 20 so they figure they may as well push it out to 30 and see what happens ? Lastly, the good old GPX 5000 will simply see a long overdue makeover. No new tech but smaller box, lighter weight, incorporated batteries, addition of wireless options similar to the Equinox where proprietary or open market audio can be used. Finally, a factory standard completely wireless GPX! My neighbour's friend's cousin's auntie's dog's groomer didn't know what the 5th new detector was but Phrunt is probably right - it is probably just a Vanguish that comes in black, Camo, torquise or bright orange for the guys that sit them down to take a leak and then can't find them again! There's a few conspiracy theories going around the world at the moment, thought I might as well have a stab a few myself. I'd also be genuinely interested to hear who wouldn't buy the 'new' models outlined above or who would buy them. I recognise they are 4 higher end models and not at the entry level but I personally see all of those machines as very purchasable. Minelab, you watching? And yes, of course I am available for testing ??? All good fun, N.E.
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