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Everything posted by Tiftaaft

  1. Skate, I commend your dedication to digging the "gold" tones. 67 pop tops is very telling. Here's hoping some gold will reward your efforts! Tim.
  2. There is really nothing I can add of value to this thread that hasn't already been said, and even more true... nothing that could be added past Steve's opening post. He said it all with resonance to us all. Having said that... I will add a few of my own comments because this is a forum afterall and usually even things not needing to be said... are said anyway ;) This forum is called the Minelab Equinox Fan Club. And Mr. Herschbach opened this forum early on by self proclaiming himself an Equinox Fan Boy.. even before he made it official that he was a part of the design and testing team with an Equinox in hand. I have followed Steve's posts on many other forums in the past and it wasn't long before I knew that when I saw that icon of Steve hunting against a blue sky... I was getting an honest and experienced opinion on whichever topic he was posting about. I am confident if I posted a question on Detector Prospector about a Radio Shack detector from the mid 70's, I would get a comment from Steve on how he would approach setting up... and even more importantly (and why I trust his comments so much)... not how I should set it up... but how he would approach it, and what he looks for in the machines response, and what that might tell him.... and then tell me to go out and dig targets to learn what the machine is telling me. (That has actually happened a few different times.. ;)). When Steve says the Equinox is the best all-around detector he has ever used, I trust that comment. So, I am coming out and officially declaring myself a Steve Herschbach Fan Boy. This is an Equinox forum, so I will say that I can't wait to have the E800 in my hands and understand why Steve calls it the best all around detector he has ever used... and hope to make the same claim very soon. Thank you Steve, for all you do for detecting and your loyal followers. Tim.
  3. I am adding the Equinox to be my all in one detector for turf, water, woods and prospecting. Fast, Lightweight, Waterproof, Tech advanced, price point... superior performance (expected but TBD). Tim.
  4. Sounds like my two vices as well Terry... at least according to my wife. My guitars and my detectors are labors of love to me :)
  5. Having taken a run at this school over the past few months with my various machines... to no avail... I am hoping the Equinox will allow me to meet my goal of finding a silver coin at this location... This will be one of the first spots I hit when my Equinox arrives... more to follow :) Tim.
  6. I consider Steve's posts throughout this forum the equivalent of an Andy book. Honestly, I have never felt more prepared in learning and preparing for a new machine... and have owned the Explorer, Etrac and CTX with Andy books for each. The wealth of information shared in this forum is staggering. It's an online boot camp.
  7. It feels "real" now that I can flip through the pages of the manual. :)
  8. Welcome Rick, I agree, this is the best forum on the web. Just finished my first of many passes through the Equinox Instruction Manual... Hats Off Minelab! I am also happy that the Equinox has seemed to put an end to the age old argument of Auto vs. Manual Sensitivity ;). Anxiously awaiting the next communication from my dealer, telling me when my E800 will ship. Tim.
  9. Great points as always Steve. As I have said before... the best I can hope for is a machine that I connect with and speaks to me, while giving me confidence when hunting. From everything I have read (both on and in-between the lines) the Equinox may be that detector. Until I get some hours on it, I won't know for sure. But regardless, I am confident Minelab and the consultants (present company included) have designed a quality cutting edge detector, and honestly, its only limitation will be its operator. Happy Equinox Hunting everyone. Tim
  10. This is fascinating stuff. Interestingly enough, I dug 6 gold rings last year. A solitaire, 3 bands, and 2 child's rings. The solitaire fell in the nickel range, the 3 bands were all in the zinc penny range, and the two child's rings were down in foil range (both tot lot finds). Based on the percentages above...aside from the "dig it all" tot lot finds.... I walked over 25 gold rings. And I believe those statistics. It is a lot of work to commit to the mid tones... but it is obvious that is where the yellow is. Tim.
  11. Thanks Mike... I will definitely be back out there, and maybe a bit of gold will pop up :)
  12. Thanks J. :) I haven't tried the Tejon. Maybe Steve or someone else can weigh in on that. I have wondered how the Tejon and/or Mojave compare to the Vaquero as well.
  13. I agree Steve! Like many others have said... I will always have a Tesoro in my arsenal... and right now, that is the Vaquero!
  14. Thanks GB, hopefully your ground thaws soon! The quarter was about 5" down. The ring was 3 or 4". I had the Vaquero set with a thresh at about 1:00, sens at about 10, ground balance a bit negative, and the disc at 3:00.... targeting coins since I had already been across the area with the Explorer. Both were SOLID hits. :)
  15. At least on this day. While I anxiously await the release of the Equinox and probably even more painfully, my position on the pre-order list... I am continuing to enjoy my Vaq Black. I, and a hunting partner, decided to cover a sports field next to an early 40's elementary school a week ago. I armed myself with my SE Pro, and he with his Deus... and we overlapped each others paths more than one time in the grass outfield of an old ballfield. After a couple hours of hunting, a handful of clad and one wheat in my pocket, I made my way back to the car, and grabbed the Vaquero. I am certain I covered the same ground we had both walked over in the hours before, but I was getting solid hits in the coin area and pocketing some more clad, including 2 pocket spills that included a quarter and a nickel among the coins.... which is interesting in itself (I believe the combination of low and high conductors changed the id, and one or both of us passed on the targets...). I then came across a solid tone, and uncovered some beautiful silver. :) I know that one silver quarter is slim pickin's compared to some of the other finds posted across the forums... but for me.. it was a pretty amazing find. Within 10 minutes, I snagged the silver ring as well. A good day for the Vaq Black :)
  16. Wait... are you saying that the magician didn't actually saw the lady in half? ;)
  17. Steve, you can probably disregard the pm I just sent now that I read this thread..lol. great info!! Thank you.
  18. All my comments are well deserved. And the above quote begs the question/suggestion.... "Steve Herschbach Detecting Bootcamp". Just putting it out there. and sign me up for every session. Tim.
  19. Involved or not involved... I, for one, will never accuse you of being biased. You have addressed all the questions I have had on various makes and models of machines with honesty, tact and professionalism. You may point out the limitations of a machine in your experiences, but you also point out the advantages. I appreciate that, I know others do as well. I also know that successful detecting is your priority, no matter what machine gives you that edge, and you wouldn't be selling your other machines if you thought there was slightest advantage to you while hunting by keeping them. I am sure you weren't looking for accolades, or an amateur detector such as myself to step up and defend your honor... but here I am anyway. Your insights on the forum and detailed responses to even my most inane questions make my detecting experience better... everyday. so thanks Steve. Tim.
  20. Welcome JCM, This is a great place for information and discussion, best detecting forum on the web in my opinion. Glad you can join us. Tim.
  21. E800 out of the gate for me. No question. And then maybe a future E600 as my backup machine. It is like 2 for 1 when considering the previous Minelab price points (Etrac/CTX). Tim
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