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Cabin Fever

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. Figured it out! Had my Tone Break so low at -9 that it basically eliminated the region to adjustment. Brought it up to O and now I’m good! Bryan
  2. Ya I maxed my gap and thought that might be the reason why I was having trouble.. I brought it back down and still did not fix my problem. I’m going to try again here shortly to see what I can do. I’m probably missing something right in front of me.
  3. I’m fiddling with my new Equinox and can’t seem to be able to adjust the region 1 iron zone volume while in 50 Tones. Works great on 5 Tone. I feel like I’m missing something here but can’t seem to figure it out. I also can’t adjust the pitch for that region.. Iron is a little higher pitch then I like while in 50 Tone. Again when in 5 tone everything is great. Shout out to the build quality and design of the Equinox while I’m here. Better then I anticipated.. Really a nice detector! Too bad it showed up with a fresh 6” of snow!!! Bryan
  4. I tried several small coils on my E-Trac and they all performed very well except the Coiltek 10x5.. It had poor depth compared to other small coils and just had a sluggish feel to me. I had the same experience with the one made for the CTX. Not sure how small you want to go. The Detech 4.5x7 Excelerator and SEF 8x6 Butterfly are both great little coils. The SunRay 8” is deep for its size if you want something a little bigger. I wanted something with a little better coverage in moderate trash conditions and found I really like the NEL Hunter. I sold all my other smaller coils and haven’t missed them yet. If I ever wanted to buy another real small coil for high trash conditions, I would probably get the SEF 8x6 again. After all this rambling I guess I’m trying to say they all have performed good for me except the smaller Coilteks. Bryan
  5. Awesome! Love that recovery speed adjustment..
  6. My has shipped with a Wednesday the 14th expected delivery..
  7. I hate to add to this thread gone bad but I have seen outright wrong information being stated above.. You can add this to mix but these two things I know to be TRUE. Fact- I did NOT have to prepay for my Equinox and it is on its way. I have a tracking number and date. 2-14 Fact- My dealer ordered LESS then 20 and received 3.. 2 800s and one 600..
  8. I have no idea how this order stuff works but I will say that I did not have to prepay or put down a deposit... I just paid today after receiving my tracking number.. It probably helps that I have a good relationship with my dealer and have purchased several detectors from him. I’m just saying I don’t think a prepayment was required to get in on the first run. I just think you had to order very early and the dealer also had to put an order in quickly too. I ordered my Equinox very early morning of the day of the announcement.. like 3:40 AM! Ya, I was excited! Bryan
  9. I received notice that my Equinox is on the move too! Our drop ship plan didn’t work out so It might take a few days longer then anticipated.. It’s getting sent to his place and then on to me. I’m just happy to know it exists and is actually moving. Update: Turns out my Equinox actually DID get drop shipped!! Just got my Tracking # Bryan
  10. I won’t be able to control myself.. I’ll probably be out in my test garden within the first ten minutes... Bryan
  11. Thanks for all your efforts both on this forum and your work in helping bring the Equinox to market.. I sensed that very first early morning as I watched the drop at Detectival that the Equinox was going to be special.. I texted my dealer right then and ordered one. I started selling off all my detectors immediately knowing the used market would soon get flooded when everyone figured it all out. Thanks for running the best detector forum out there! Bryan
  12. The Big CTX Coil gave me no more then an inch of extra depth over the stock in my ground. The 17” did seem to score more on edge coins.. I actually see better depth with a NEL Tornado on my E-Trac then I did the big 17” CTX Coil.. From what I understand the width of the coil has more to do with depth then the length, and that has proved to be true in my testing so far. I’m really hoping for a smaller elliptical and a wider coil for extra depth on the Equinox.. I’m not confident the bigger coil they have on the way will do anything other then add coverage.. This is a new breed of Detector though, so the old rules might not apply.. I will be happy just to get the Equinox with the 11” stock Coil at this point The Stock coils are really hard to beat... Bryan
  13. That’s even better! Now you HAVE to buy a toy. You have to be familiar with what your selling and have stock.
  14. Great advice. I do kind of the same thing... I flip things within my hobbies and keep those funds completely separate from the family budget... If I want a new toy, it comes out of my hobby funds and doesn’t affect the family budget.. That way you don’t get an upset spouse... Makes it less stressful for myself too.. I don’t feel guilty buying new toys. Bryan
  15. I remember filling up my CTX with programs and finally realizing I only used 2 of the 10.. With the adjustable tones on the Equinox I will be probably running it wide open with some volume adjustments in the areas I’m not that interested in. I like to hear everything in the ground to kind of paint a picture for me... I feel blind with discrimination applied.. I will just use the different modes to adapt to conditions or targets I’m looking for. Bryan
  16. Charger Gate! The lack of supplied charger has for some reason became a big deal on other forums. I thought everyone had a pile of these things lying around.. I didn’t think anything of it and am surprised at the discontent..
  17. Yes! Just got a text from from my dealer saying the same thing... can’t wait!
  18. I apologize for my part in this. Good information is now lost do to my post.. Time for me to reevaluate the way I respond to forum posts for this is starting to become a pattern for me... Again, I’m sorry.. Bryan
  19. I know what your saying Chase but I’m not a ring hunter. My primary focus is old coins. I do dig all non ferrous signals 6” or deeper in my area though. ID gets tricky at depth and most targets at that depth are old and a lot of times worth the dig.. Bryan
  20. Interesting how the Equinox retained 13 for a nickel which is the same conductive number on the CTX and E-Trac, but the copper and silver numbers are quite a bit lower. Makes me wonder if there will be enough separation from the tab range. Bryan
  21. I agree Cal Cobra. You just articulated it better then me.
  22. MichiganRelicHunter posted a link to this test video on Tom’s site yesterday.. Definitely an eye opener that shows how the nail board test is of limited value for evaluating a detector. Real world detecting is much more complex with different soil conditions and as this video shows how targets at different depths changes everything... I will be adding this test to my coin garden and nail board testing.
  23. Even though I offered, my dealer won’t except money before the Detector ships either.. Bryan
  24. I feel like I’m seeing the leaked iPhone parts before release. Gotta love the internet. Looks like some complexity going on under the hood! Minelab is the Apple of metal detectors.. Bryan
  25. That’s impressive to me, especially considering the large coil your using. Thanks for posting the photos.. Bryan
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