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Ridge Runner

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Everything posted by Ridge Runner

  1. This story is about a guy I call a friend. He had his car stolen with his detector in it . About the same our paths crossed. Being he wanted another detector I told him what Minelab would have to offer soon . I said I’m sure if he can wait it would be worth it . A dealer friend after finding out what happen to his other detector he gave 10 percent off his Nox 800. Oh yes he has a name and that is Tony. I think Nox Nut fits him better. My trouble is he calls me Pop being I got some years on him . One picture you see his Nox in the water. At that time he had the stock coil on and he’s got foam around it to keep it afloat. The coins you see was found with both coil . He hasn’t had the 6” coil long but he really loves it. Chuck
  2. I myself didn’t buy but just one detector and that was a Equinox 800 . I found it to be a great detector for coin hunting and that’s the reason I bought it . The first thing I done was print the owners manual full size for easy reading. I never found the Nox a problem to run . If you had the instruction manual and you could read plus understand you were good to go . The only trouble I did have was with the on and off switch. I’d had it having to wait on the 6” coil so I sold it . I told the guy about the switch when I sold it . He used it for a while but called Minelab and they fixed it . I guess it was in trouble from day one . Right now I’m just going to sit back and see what 2019 has to offer. Chuck PS Everyone who post here puts their name in for a hard cover book on Rocks and Minerals. I will ship free to anyone on this earth. You can post as much as you want but your name only goes in one time for the drawing This will end on November 16 at 6 PM CST
  3. Hey You Texan You may not know it but at 78 you still got baby fat . Well at 77 that’s what I’ve been calling it . You say you’re in South Texas . I don’t know how south you are but you can find me in San Antonio. Feel free if you wish to contact me by PM by clicking on my name . The Best ! Chuck
  4. El Nin077 I’m with you if they can pressure treat it with helium. I’d look funny swinging a detector with helium balloons tied to it . It’s another detector company in another land will set the world on fire come 2019 . Another has done that in 2018 and I don’t think they will be willing to step aside to let another pass. I’m not saying that it hadn’t been a great years for White’s and I want it even better for them in 2019. Chuck
  5. I don’t know why but everything I tell about is years ago. A dealer friend when ask by a customer how well made is a White’s detector. This nut would throw his detector across the yard. His yard was grass and he’d pick it up and turn it back on . He said one day that may backfire on him . We all know that White’s detectors did come in a metal box but we also know you can’t keep doing that if you want the weight down . I have people ask how much did that detector cost and they like to have dirty their pants when I tell them. I ask you just how much are you willing to pay to get what you want in a detector? I know all of us old farts want less weight but at the same time White’s may be asking if they can reach a balance point. The balance point is less weight technology cost and how much the cost for all of this. The major thing is the customer going to pay it. White’s I can only speak for myself and I’m willing to put my money down for it. I’ve paid over three thousand more than one time for a gold detector so yes I’m willing. I’ve joke before I wanted a detector I could read the date before I dug it . I withdraw that wish but please give me everything that came out in 2018 and more if possible. Chuck
  6. If we all look back over the last year so many great things have come out of detector companies. Oh yes some more than others but we have some sleepers that will raise their heads in 2019 . i think when some of the sleepers do come alive in 2019 what’s hot now will become what we call everyday. This is like you’re first car phone in it hurt your back to lift it but now you can hold it in one hand . Who knows maybe the detector companies need to get in contact with Apple being they have done a great job on the iPhone . My thinking for 2019 will be a wild ride but one we’ll enjoy. Chuck
  7. The V3i is a great detector but if you could compress it like cell phones have over time would bring it up where it should be now. The technology is out there but a company has to have a electronics engineer that can bring it to life . I may be asking too much of a company that are doing the best they can with what they got. Chuck
  8. Hey Andy I haven’t forgot about you . I’m back and I had to come back early because my wife’s appendix burst and she was in surgery while I was driving home . That girl will do anything to get me home. After the storm is over and all is well here in Texas I’ll get with you. Why don’t you go ahead and P M your address to me. Chuck
  9. Well I’ve got some old rag mags of Treasure Hunting waiting on some one. The trouble here is who knows if anyone gets it right. Chuck
  10. Norm Not only you’re train your ears but also training what keeps them from falling in on them self. He has learn a lots about his Nox and doing great at detecting. He has the 800 and I’m the one that told him about it before it came out . He is truly a Nox Nut . Chuck
  11. White’s this year is coming to a end sooner than soon! I seen your early bundles you have for people on are before Christmas. They all some great deals that covers the total spectrum of detecting but I for one want more. What I’m wanting you don’t have yet . I wanting what others have now in a multi frequency and yet pick a single one if I do desire. I been with White’s over 50 years and at 77 I know I don’t have another 50 . I don’t want somebody blowing smoke up my south end . I do have some years before I kick the can and I want to take it with me . I’ve ask my wife to put it in the coffin with me . One just don’t know where he’ll be when he gets to the other side . So much for the bull ! Tom Boykin just tell it like it is and if it’s not too be just say so. Chuck
  12. Gambler I live in Texas but a friend had me to come and hunt with him in northeast Oklahoma. Because of high trash here and there I used the Sixshooter coil all the time. I say don’t leave home without it . It’s just one hot little coil and I last longer swinging it . It’s got good to great depth in just about any soil . If you don’t have it the only question I have for you is why not ? Chuck
  13. Phrunt Right now I’m open to any suggestions! What I’m thinking of doing is put the batteries inside tubing. I may mount everything on another handle. I know AA’s will work but I’ve got figure just how I want to do it. I may use my Eagle 2 to do what I want. This week I haven’t had any time to work on it. I was in Oklahoma coin hunting and this past Monday my Wife’s appendix burst and had to rush home and she had surgery the same day. Just maybe she may get out of the hospital tomorrow. The Dr said much longer she wouldn’t have been here. Chuck
  14. Steve Thanks for your reply. If looking to cut some fat off the Sport and I may go to a different power source other than AA’s . I’d plan to keep it at the same voltage but like before I don’t want it to go up in smoke. Chuck
  15. White’s has 12 early I guess you could say Christmas Packages of different detectors Just some more great deals coming from White’s for Christmas are just because you want it . I’ve never been the one to have a special reason to buy a detector other than I want it . Let me correct the word want it’s more in the way I need it and my life is dependent on me getting it Tom if you’re the lucky one to pull my name out of the hat for Christmas I need the 24 K bad! Chuck PS Guys remember it don’t cost anymore to wish big.
  16. My friend has yet to have trouble with his but thank you White’s for being there when in need. In my opinion we have three major detector companies that are there when any of us are in need of some form of help . Chuck
  17. I need to know the type and size of the screws in the Sport ? Do you know if it can take a higher voltage without smoking it ? If anyone else knows the answer please do reply. When I get finish with my Sport we both may not know it. Chuck
  18. I know you can’t cut pounds off a detector and still have what we want. I’m talking about a ounce here and there and even get down to grams . Jeff was talking about the Treasure Pro that he liked but didn’t have the punch power as the Sport. On the outside they both look the same but I haven’t looked to see what powers the Treasure Pro . I guess it comes down to voltage. If that’s the case maybe it could use another battery source. I was into electronics for 35 years but now more into brain surgery. Buy one get one free. Chuck
  19. Like I said on another post I’m up here in Oklahoma coin hunting with a friend. We have been hunting camp grounds and finding lots of coins . Yesterday I hit a spot no bigger than a foot are a little more across. The Sport said I got a penny but as I moved the coil around I could see it had to be more than one . I located one and picked it up then ran coil over that spot. Oh yes it was another penny but the same thing went on and on with only pennies coming out of that very small spot . Now you may not believe this but I ask my friend to come over and finish cleaning up the pennies . I had found about 15 before he came over and he found the same . That little spot had only pennies in it . I’d hit something like it in another park the day before and it too had only pennies but not as many as the other . We have been finding some silver with a wheat now and then but not enough to write home about . Chuck PS If you’re wondering what kind of a detector my friend is swinging well the poor guy has a Nox 800.
  20. Jeff I thank you for your post. I thank the ones who agreed with me but what I need is for all to express their opinion here. We can be heard in numbers but one light don’t shine too bright. By us standing together we put out a blinding light that White’s will take notice too . Jeff I’m like you in I don’t want something less than the Sport are MX 7 but just cut the fat off . Here is some ways I think it can be done. Rich said carbon fiber and that’s just one . Another is my Sport sits on metal tubing and the battery box sticks out on the sides like the spare tire I carry . White’s the detector I talking about is not for the young and strong but for the older ones with a gentle touch. If you can put the power of the Sport in a lighter weight frame I’d thank you from the bottom of my heart and so many others out there would thank you too . Lovely people just don’t agree with me but post here so we can be heard loud and clear of what we want . Chuck
  21. White’s this is no joke I drove 600 miles to Oklahoma to hunt with a friend coin hunting. I’ve been swinging my Sport and been doing great. I couldn’t ask for a better detector but at 77 with both over weight my hunt time is getting shorter. I’m going to work at it getting the weight off of me but I too need your help getting the weight off the detector I swing. I know the Sport is waterproof but I think it’s best if I get wet just in the shower from now own. Well that’s not true when I beach hunt . I would say White’s needs to make a detector for old farts like me but the words Senior Citizen sounds better . I’d like it equal if not better than my Sport but just trim down the fat off of it . I know the MX 7 has less weight but not near enough of what I’m talking about. Please don’t cut down on the screen size because that’s one thing is old guys like . I’m going to let you think about what I said and I if you you can do get back with me . I’ve already got a name for it and that is S C 2.5 ( Senior Citizen 2.5 lbs. ) haha Chuck
  22. Amergin You can’t go wrong if you listen to what Tom from White’s has to say. This young man knows what he’s talking about and we are so lucky to have him here . Chuck
  23. Amergin To say what coil is better than the other I don’t think you can. I’m here in Oklahoma hunting coins with a friend and all the time I’ve been swinging the 6” concentric coil. Before White’s came out with that coil I had bought the 7” Detech DD and I hunted with it until the other came . Do I think it’s a great coil and I would have to say yes . I think it would serve you better if it’s like say a iron jungle. The trouble with my opinion is you’re not going to know what works best until you try it . I’d say is buy the cheaper of the two and try it . If you can live with what you got then let it be. I wish I could are had the answer but that’s not the case . I do wish you the best in your quest. Chuck
  24. Amergin I myself manual ground balance and then I lock it. I could leave it in tracking but it’s a old habit I do when nugget hunting.. Chuck
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