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Sourdough Scott

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Everything posted by Sourdough Scott

  1. Been pretty slow around here lately. Thought this was sort of interesting . http://ultimatemetaldetectors.com/what-are-your-pet-peeves-in-metal-detecting/
  2. A cool video that was never picked up for a TV show . Shot near Alleghany . Ruby mine vs Rogue miners . https://vimeo.com/116324689?ref=em-share
  3. All I know , is I have to quit eating Snickers with my left arm. My nugget total was down from the prior season . But was able to find my biggest pieces, and my smallest flakes . I gained so much experience and knowledge . Now just have to get out more.
  4. My friends at the Reno Prospecting & Detecting Club donated their time to help the local fire departments find the fire hydrants under the enormous amount of snow we had. Well done ! If you ever get a chance to meet Ules, he is a true gentleman and a heck of a detectorist. http://www.kolotv.com/content/news/Metal-detecting-club-helps-find-buried-fire-hydrants-411817755.html
  5. This is so effed up. Sorry my friends. I see a Craigslist sting operation in the near future .
  6. Nenad had a new Gpz coil cover. Just saw it online. http://phasetechnical.com.au/product/gpz-7000-z19-solid-skidplate/
  7. I too, love the poems of Robert W. Service . The summer nights, at my grandfather's claim on West Nelson creek. He would recite the poems from memory by the glowing warmth of the campfire . The flickering fire, the creek flowing, were the only other sounds to be heard, as he spoke. Those were some wonderful memories that I hold dear.
  8. Satellite images of January 2014 and 2017 . Quite a difference in the snowpacks. I'm going to spend my day widening my driveway for the next round of storms arriving Wednesday .
  9. That Klunker has the magic touch . He offered me the use of a generator , since we were out of power for a day. I went down and picked it up from him. Came home, voila! Power was back on.
  10. Power has been out since last night. Including cell service . Will be back later........
  11. Fred, the trestle is still there. This is just west of it about 1/2 mile . There is also some old diggins right there. But I could never find any information on them . Some hydrothermal looking stuff.
  12. Fred, it is. We got 14" of snow overnight. Going to check the river here in a bit.
  13. Within a foot of the Veterans Memorial Hall . I was able to walk to the trees in the forefront this morning . It has risen approximately 3 feet since this morning . My house is at the same level as the hall, but I have hwy 70 to buffer me slightly. Although, the flooding is working it's way up the drainage ditch towards my house. Safe for now. Will update in the morning .
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