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okara gold

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Everything posted by okara gold

  1. Any ideas as to how the extra battery can be safely carried so as not to corrupt any of its components while hunting in total submersion in salt water?
  2. Glad to hear you've got one Steve and ready to go! So far... all reports... Sound Good !
  3. I sure understand the "Washing Machine" workout. Does anyone have moments of a sensation like you're still moving a little several hours later while standing on firm ground?
  4. If I were the finder I'd be taking a big step backwards and thinking about what to do with my new found wealth and unique, valuable treasure. With a big lottery winning you have to pay taxes. With this treasure...I don't know. I understand there are about 250+ gold coins, many nuggets and other treasures. I suppose you could sell something as needed, a coin or nugget and possibly stay under the radar; or come forward, write a book, be on TV and be famous for awhile and also face the droves of people who now want a share of your wealth? Decisions...decisions...
  5. Very encouraging to see another official announcement from Fisher, now including the Impulse Gold. Apparently all systems are still "GO" for launch!
  6. I dredged for gold once in the NYS Adirondacks. Found 4 fly specks in about a one hour time period. We put the 4 inch dredge in an easily accessible, super sandy spot on the river but not a good gold catching area. Sucked about 20 feet straight down hoping to hit bedrock but ran out of hose. It was meant to be a quick sampling with brand new carpet so no contamination from other sources. And we did find gold. Good luck!
  7. Nice rings Joe. My crystal ball sees many more rings in your future!
  8. I am still hoping for a chance to buy and evaluate the new machine. I accept Fishers terms!
  9. Steve... Your thoughts are mine exactly. My PI experience started years ago hunting the black sand swimming areas in the Adirondack Mountains. I was using a very popular submersible VLF and going nowhere with depth. I even sent it back to the manufacturer thinking something was wrong. No problems with it except thick Black Sand especially near the shore! Bring on the Infinium and multiple gold rings emerged from my hunted out areas. After that enlightenment I never used a VLF again. Next came the ATX and you have heard my story with that. I too would be happy with a machine equal to its performance. A little better waterproofing with the AQ wouldn't hurt, but I'll take my chances. I was going to get the TDIBH but have been waiting patiently for the AQ. I've hunted with different VLf's and PI's for over 30 years in the gold fields of Arizona and Nevada. At least now if I trip and fall down it's in the wet sand and I'm not pulling cactus spines out a month later. ?
  10. I will be an early adopter. I too have followed the news on this machine since I first heard of it being developed. I am impressed enough to take a chance that it will perform "close to" what I have seen and or heard. My last PI was the ATX and although I had multiple problems with coil cable issues (all under warranty) thankfully, it did me well. As far as being only good to 1 meter...so be it. I only hunt to chin deep so I should be within its limitations. I haven't heard if it will be semi buoyant or will sink like a rock. And when it is too rough to get in the water, and that happens a lot, then wet sand hunting will be no problem especially with its light weight. A 4 hour battery is not good for me, as a 4 hour hunt is on the low side of the time I spend and extended driving to some locations requires me to do extra long hunts. So another battery or a larger one will be in order.
  11. I found it humorous that you say always carry dog spray... I hunted a "dog beach" once. You know.... where owners can let their pooches off leash and run and chase on the beach. I saw lots of owners throwing balls and sticks into the water as I checked out the beach so I figured maybe a ring or two had been tossed into the water while doing this. So early one morning I'm in my wetsuit chest deep with headphones on and every now and then a dog would take notice of and bark at me. All fine and dandy until a big brute of a dog crashes into the water barking and snarling and was coming my way. The owner is standing on the beach just watching his dog get closer and closer. I yelled at the owner to call his dog and only after I lifted my scoop to smack the dog if I had to... the owner called him back. Rude and inconsiderate people out there. Should have carried dog spray. ?
  12. I'm still running the 1.7.5. I am most interested in overall depth in wet salt and saltwater and don't mind digging bottle caps. Is there any depth benefit in the 2.0 update? I was led to believe there isn't. Thanks!
  13. Hello Joe. If I were you I wouldn’t want to see anyone in my honey holes with any kind of machine. ? Many of us know about your great success in finding the old and forgotten swimming areas. I’m sure there’s a lot of people who would just love to find out where you hunt. You sure encourage a lot of us and if the AQ lives up to its name I’ll bet you’ll dig up some great finds in your hunted out areas.
  14. If the machine works as well as proclaimed, I would rather be one of the few on the beaches that I frequent to have one. Not walk onto the beach at 6AM and see 5 other people swinging the same detector as we are seeing in many places. Now FT on the other hand might think differently about that! LOL
  15. Hopefully with a product such as the AQ... Quality Control will be on the top of their list, especially if coil windings are done by hand.
  16. Nice cross and chain. I have hound a few small gold crosses with my Nox. Nothing too deep, only a few inches. I'm in Florida too!
  17. Perhaps they have said all they can and now it is totally in the hands of First Texas. But... LE Jag did mention another video forthcoming ...
  18. My hopes were Santa was going to show up with one. Then I thought for sure by the end of January and now I feel as if it was all a dream.
  19. Hey steveg… I appreciate your earlier information on a new cuff but as you can see I tried a do-it-yourself fix. Thanks for the great CF shaft. Also... The P.O. is still looking for the missing counter weight. I guess when "it" freezes over the weight might be found. LOL Thanks Bob K
  20. Broke my Nox arm cuff the other day. I got ahold of a new one and modified it so it is now stronger than ever. I took a piece of 4 inch PVC pipe, ( just the right width! ), cut it to the width of the cuff and just below where the strap openings are. Did a little sanding to "round" off the edges and attached it with industrial 3M two face tape to the cuff. Then put the black cushion rubber on top. I have used it about 6 hours now of constant swinging and it is rock solid. $1.98 for the PVC and a little modification. We'll see how it holds up.
  21. I guess that for anyone wanting this new machine... there's nothing we can do but wait. What helps me is knowing that every day that goes by, does get me 1 day closer to an announcement from Fisher... Hopefully
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