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Everything posted by phrunt

  1. You've proven how nice and honorable of a guy you are Condor, it's a shame the "seller" of said claims is unlikely to do the same. The claims of an ounce a day or even an ounce a week should have been the giveaway, who would sell a claim like that for 12k? Poor guys seem like they were taken for a ride.
  2. This thread on another forum maybe of interest to you. It seems people were modding the detector by running higher than 6v batteries on it to get the best out of it and smooth out the threshold. They also all seemed to prefer DD's on it as mono's were too noisy. 8v seems pretty high to be running the batteries at, 7.3 volt seemed to be the preferred aftermarket mod. Going too high can stress the electronics and cause premature failure although batteries of that age I doubt will be 8v now, as soon as there is load on them the voltage will likely drop significantly. https://golddetecting.forumotion.net/t1160-best-allround-coil-for-sd2200v2
  3. Not sure how far off they are. The trademark was only just filed for the name.
  4. Yes, older versions of Windows didn't natively support opening Zip files or you may have no association assigned to the zip extension for explorer to open it from some program messing up your associations at some point. You may need to install decompression software like Winrar to allow you to extract the zip file. Download and install this https://www.rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x32-611.exe Once installed you'll be able to right click on the Zip file and extract here or extract to folder to unzip it, then you'll be able to click on the .exe file to start the process. Either that or you can just double click on the .zip file and winrar will open it then you'll be able to run the installer's .exe file.
  5. It doesn't apply to Australian military, even though Minelab are an Australian company... odd. Is it the dealer taking the hit when a military person purchases or does Minelab in the US give that dealer a cheaper cost price to replace Military sold detectors? How does it work? Is it a Minelab promotion or a dealer promotion? Sounds more like a dealer promotion?
  6. These are closer to the sort of "tests" I prefer, I'm tired of a new detector coming out and the internet being flooded with videos of it running over someones self buried coin collection in their backyard, or waving is over a specifically laid out pattern of nails with a coin to show how great it responds in that test, that's only meaningful to them not to me. Where are the finds? Surely if a detector is so good at finding a coin in a specifically laid out selection of nails it'd be finding all these great finds that are buried in a specifically laid out formation of nails out there, in the wild which people with lessor detectors missed. Some of these eager testers seem to not find much stuff, a little more time detecting and a little less time testing would probably be beneficial. This post demonstrates that in a way that the Deus 2 is outperforming his other older detectors, surely others are finding the same results too, especially if they use the detector for detecting, and not just playing around in their backyard. I've never bothered setting up a nail collection to test my detectors, when I get a new one I take it out and find stuff, if it finds an abnormal amount of stuff in places I've been I start to take notice. It's all about the finds for me, I'm not overly bothered with someone else's backyard test results. I'm eagerly waiting around for the posts with all these great finds that people missed with their other detectors that they're now finding. So thanks burlguy for posting about using a detector for detecting and how it went by comparison to your other detectors, that to me is meaningful.
  7. I'm using my super powers of resistance to not buy a Legend or Deus 2, and so far so good. At this stage the Deus 2 sounds the more appealing of the two though except its lackluster nugget hunting performance which is primarily why I'm not overly interested in one. In saying that I like everyone around me buying them to test them out on my behalf, it's appreciated ? Once the dust settles and the excitement of new detectors goes away then I'd be able to make a more informed decision.
  8. yup, typo with a combination of a brain fart ? All Jeff's had a chance to do so far is this, "The Legend in GoldField has easily hit .05 gram gold nugget test targets also with the 11" coil. " I'd be extremely disappointed if it's 11" coil didn't hit a 0.05 gram of a nugget but at least its a positive start.
  9. Well the Legend Pro Pack has now landed in NZ and in stock, it's very tempting, very hard to resist.... can I resist? I don't know. https://www.dredgenz.co.nz/product/the-legend-pro-pack/ I assume seeing it's now in NZ it won't be long until other dealers around the world have it in stock too. The 6" coil is the one I'd be interested in with the Legend, until aftermarket coils come out for it to give me something like the Detech Ultimate 13" and the Nel Snake if Nel survive the war in Ukraine ?
  10. A lot of the time scammers use "premium" phone numbers, some just ring you and make your phone ring a few times then hang up hoping you'll call them back, then try keep you on the phone as long as they can as you're paying to be on the call to them. This explains premium phone numbers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premium-rate_telephone_number These scammers selling the abnormally cheap metal detectors could be doing the same, wanting you to call their number and they'll put you on hold waiting to talk to them to get your cheap detector.
  11. I'm waiting on that too, particularly how small of a nugget the 6' coil will respond on, Ive detected 0.0011 of a gram with the Nox and 6" coil, I'd like to hear how the Legend goes on tiny gold.
  12. Coiltek has gone nuts discontinuing many of their coils, they don't carry many at all now. It's a shame as they cancelled the 10x5" Joey Mono which was one of the best small waterproof coils. They also cancelled the 11' Anti Interference coil which is an awesome coil for the GPX in high EMI areas that remains quite sensitive to small targets. This is their current chart of coils. They've culled so many coils off. Here's an older chart showing a lot of the Gold coils that no longer exist. They've taken a similar approach to Nugget Finder I guess, if its a gold coil and it's not spiral its discontinued, they only kept the little Sadie and all other bundle wound coils were discontinued. I guess it shows which coil type was selling.
  13. Even the T2 Classic has secretly jumped up from $499 USD to $599 USD. https://www.tekneticsdirect.com/products/detectors/teknetics-t2-classic#hikashop_show_tabular_description The Simplex is the same detector with more features for only about $250 USD, including waterproofing. Hard to justify such a price increase on the T2. It becomes even more unrealistic they are charging $899 USD for the T2 with Boost and Cache mode, the same detector as the $499 T2 Classic with different firmware installed on it, incredible. https://www.tekneticsdirect.com/products/detectors/t2-ltd If it wasn't for the complete lies in the marketing they'd probably sell absolutely none of them. The T2Ltd is unmatched by any other detector in its price range for gold prospecting, coin shooting and relic hunting. Its legendary performance is renowned worldwide. It has been a dominant player in the gold fields and has won prestigious relic hunting awards for a number of years. Find out for yourself why the best relic and gold hunters in the world use the T2Ltd. Put yourself in the elite class and move up to the T2Ltd!
  14. I've decided I'm always going to marinate on new detectors from now on, I find doing that gives me an opportunity to change my mind about buying them in the first place, it's saved me quite a lot of money. The old me would have a Deus 2 and a Legend hanging up in my detector cupboard right now, and would I be using them? I don't know, probably not as much as the old me would have thought. By viewing plenty of videos and seeing a few reviews pop up I've decided I don't really need either at this stage. You have a reason for wanting a Deus 2, with the lighter weight, only you can decide if that's worth buying one now or later, I'd be surprised if they don't fix the shaft problem, the software problems don't really matter, everyone gets them fixed. Physical problems are the ones that those that hold out tend to get fixed like the shaft.
  15. I think a bulk of the Equinox sales have already taken place. Most who wanted one already have one. Sure there are always new to detecting people that may buy one, realistically sales of the Nox must have slowed significantly the past year or two after the initial flurry, it's over 4 years old now, current sales would be nothing like they were a few years ago. A price increase isn't likely to change their sales much I would guess. If someone buys one now it's more than likely because they want one, not because it's the current flavour of the month and they're being influenced by trending Youtube videos and reviews from the influencers that are generally always on the newer detectors to market. The Equinox 800 price rises you're seeing are almost certainly due to shipping costs, it's $1099 in Australia in Australian dollars so that makes it about $825 USD for the Nox 800 in Australia. The Legend is $949 AUD for the standard model in Australia, not all that much different to the Nox where as the XP Deus 2 is $2499 AUD in Australia, a big jump in price and not really even close to being in the same ball park although the CTX is still $2695 AUD so more in line with the Deus 2.
  16. that's so weird so many coins like that, you'd think it'd have to be done on purpose. Great find none the less.
  17. This video is a prime example of why I don't watch videos much anymore, and why something a person in a video is saying about a detector can be completely wrong for me in my conditions for the purposes I use detectors. My opinion couldn't be more opposite to this guy, so much so this video was painful to watch, especially the last opinion part of it. He had 1000 hours on it and never found a silver coin with it.... must be the machines fault right? This is an old photo with not even 1/2 of the silvers I've found with mine. I find it more than capable of finding silvers in my area. As I said before, reviews are only good if you're in the same area as the person, he may well be right its no good in his area, he claims EMI makes it out of control, so perhaps that's part of the problem so he'd have to use single frequency, I'm not troubled at all by EMI with it in my area.
  18. I was extremely lucky to have KiwiJW show me the ropes, took me right to the gold and showed me how to find it, you can't ask for more than that, he gave me a shortcut to success without a doubt, a very generous act. He told me which coils to buy for my GPX to get the best results in our area etc etc, so I had it easy compared to someone learning alone. I was doing pretty poorly until he came along so I was very lucky. In saying that every single coil I get, or every detector I test the bejesus out of it, I want to know it'll do what I want it to do, I want to work out which is best for which environment so I know what to use on the day. This could be done by just using it at spots and seeing if I get results, but I can shortcut that by just testing it myself before going to the gold areas or coin spots and save time. The testing also gives me a lot of confidence in my gear. The problem I see with tests that are publicly put on Youtube or somewhere is those results are suitable for that person in their soil, and results can and do vary a lot in different environments. That's partly why I liked the shotgun pellet test Geotech told me about where you have various size lead shotgun pellets on ice cream sticks as its universal, you're using the exact same pellets every time so you can get a baseline to work out just how sensitive a coil is, and if a detector won't find the pellet in the air is sure as hell won't find it in the ground. That's been a very useful test for me as someone that looks for very small gold and has proven to me which coils are more sensitive than others and there were some surprise results with detectors and coils. It's paid off too as now I know which coils to use in the field for the task at hand. I had a guy telling me one coil he had was so much more sensitive than his standard coil and will find much smaller gold, so I asked him to stick a #6 lead pellet on a stick and waive it over both coils and then tell me which you think is more sensitive, often their opinion is a placebo. The guy was shocked with the results and also disappointed, I won't mention which coils I'm referring to, easy for people to test their own. For coins I had to self teach as I didn't have a friend to help with that one however I found coins much easier than gold and having a forum like this one with plenty of helpful people to give advice I ended up doing quite well on coins. I did plenty of buried target testing with coins just to confirm behaviours and work out which detectors would even be deep enough to find the coins I'm chasing, if I just listened to reviews online I'd be steered in the wrong direction many times as to which detectors are best for me on coins. The amount of times people kept saying the Simplex is a deep machine for coins and the endless good reviews on it made me give in and buy one, well.... it's not, not for me at least, it's good if you want to dig every target that claims to be deep iron, then you may find some decent silvers in my soil. I'm not really interested in watching test videos anymore, I just skip through some if its on a detector I'm interested in, but if the person making the video is saying this detector is the best detector for whatever reason I know to take that with skepticism as it maybe the best for their conditions but will it be for mine?
  19. A small manipulation of the test targets, swing speed or any number of things can dramatically change the results, these tests are only as honest as the person doing them.
  20. It likely spent the past month or more on a ship to get to USA.
  21. I stumbled across this old post, I wasn't around when this was posted, but it's a very good post, and just as relevant today with whatever the new flavour of the month is. I certainly understand the excitement of new detectors and I'm often one of the little puppy dogs jumping up and down with excitement too, but this initial post brings it all back to reality.
  22. Well my XP MI-4 never turned up so I gave in and bought another one, it arrived today so I took it for a test drive to ensure it works well, it does. While not as sensitive as my TRX I prefer it, the TRX is super sensitive if run in highest sensitivity but realistically I can't run it in the highest sensitivity as it's too unstable, this means the XP ends up more sensitive than the TRX. The TRX will pick up a #9 lead pellet, the XP will pickup a #6 lead pellet but not the #9. Oh well, maybe one day a company will make a new sensitive pinpointer, until then my favourites are my Garrett AT and the MI-4 with the F-pulse being my beach pinpointer, I haven't really found a use for the Minelab Pro-Find 35 but at least I've tried one to know I don't like it. My little holder is now full again, I have another TRX but its faulty so it doesn't get to rest in the company of the other pin pointers, I'm not even sure where it is. So in my holder is two Garrett AT's, a black Garrett Pro Pointer (useless compared to the AT), Whites TRX, XP Mi-4, Minelab Pro-Find 35, and the F-Pulse. I settled on the MI-4 and not the MI-6 as my replacement as I now have no intentions of getting a Deus 2. If a new pinpointer comes out that I ever want I'll kick the worst ones off the stand first, and the first to go will be the black Garrett Pro Pointer, I'll probably never use it again already then after that it's the Pro-Find 35 or TRX that will get the boot to a box of crap in the garage.
  23. The Chinese appear to make a XP Deus mount clone, I don't know if this would help anyone with their projects?
  24. Lunk for sure. I'm puzzled why I didn't think of him in the first place.
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