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  1. Minelab has released what has been dubbed the "lifestyle video" which leans more to being a short travel guide about Placer County than about the PRO-GOLD Panning kit specifically. I am sure a lot of people here will recognize many of the locations. It is actually quite a bit of work doing a video like this but we had fun also so I am fortunate to have taken part. Thanks Minelab! The video also has an accompanying blog post by Chris Ralph at Minelab Treasure Talk.
  2. Brandon, lost his case here in California. To me this is terrible. I guess this will go to the federal level now. http://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/documents/S222620.PDF
  3. Came across this article. Keep a watchful eye out and keep yourself safe my prospecting and detecting friends. http://www.abc10.com/mb/news/local/california/drug-cartels-take-to-the-hills/295393899
  4. https://www.facebook.com/groups/270817552932590/ Ok, I'm going to try something here. I'm not sure it will transfer over to the forum or not. This is a VERY cool movie that was shot sometime in the early 1930's. It shows the road from Yreka (essentially) to Happy Camp, Calif. Note the narrow, one lane, rock slides, old cars and buildings, and especially, about half way through, a bucket dredge working the Klamath River. Note also the multiple tailing piles all along the river. There is no sound so don't try that. This was posted on a Yreka facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/Yreka.News/videos?ref=page_internal I've no idea how someone found it but it shows how much has changed, and yet how little. Digger Bob
  5. A current and very well explained view of the current situation regarding suction dredging in California. http://www.goldprospectors.org/News/News-Details/ArtMID/3269/ArticleID/162/Dredgers-defend-mining-rights-in-California-Supreme-Court-
  6. Just another thing to watch for in the sticks. http://www.rgj.com/story/life/outdoors/recreation/2016/06/07/plague-detected-lake-tahoe-area-campground/85580544/
  7. Hey can anyone out there give me any info about the Hoopa Rez area--- the Trinity River goes right thru it is all I know. I have been offered a job there so I am checking out the possibility of gold on the rez---- there is a copper mine i think.. I will have to get permission from the tribe to detect or pan/sluice i imagine--- but since they need a nurse I may be able to bargain with them...
  8. OK, I need some help and advise...Im thinking about buying some land in the southern mother load and am looking for around 50 to a couple of hundred acres depending on the land possibly in Calaveras or Amador County and a friend of mine is also looking for land to invest in. I'd like to get something with water access, river front or lake front, near old workings, multiple building sites, detectable gold and I'm sure there are many other things to consider. anyone here had a large parcel of undeveloped property and what were the pitfalls, would you do it again????
  9. I finally got retired this past Friday evening. Today is my first day of retirement of what would normally be a work day. It feels really good too! I have been planning for a while to go out west to do some semi serious prospecting. I'm pretty well set on equipment (metal detectors) now but trying to narrow down where I will actually go. I am set up to go to Oregon in the Sumpter area July 8-10th and to the GPAA veterens outing on the 23-24th of July in Fernly Nv (near Reno). Right now that's the only definite things I have planned other than going to the crater of diamonds mine but will work that in when convenient. I plan to take as long as a month or so for my trip. I am thinking to stay in the NW area to prospect (Oregon, Nv, Washington State, maybe Northern California etc. But am open to any areas between NC and the NW as well. I have recently re-joined the GPAA. I would appreciate any suggestions of places I could check out to Nugget Shoot or maybe any clubs in the NW I might join to have access to some potential nugget producing areas. I hope to hit a few Gem mines as well on my trip. Terry
  10. I have a few friends who've never been panning/detecting before ... a couple of whom have never even been camping ... even car-camping! So now that I'm done with SAR and have some availability, I'm going to go show them a good time. =) I was looking at Auburn SRA's Mineral Bar, but it does not look like they take reservations there and we're coming from the Bay Area (about 4 hours out.) Any suggestions on a good backup spot? Any good access points to NF land we could camp on and then drive in? Thanks in advance! -Mike
  11. Went to the gold show in Placerville and have to say, if you have not had the chance to attend one of these you must place this on your bucket list... Really informative, as expected Chris's and Steve programs were fantastic and well worth the investment in just their presentations alone and all the other programs were excellent as well. One word of caution, the vendors can't be trusted... When I first went into the show my bank account was in good order, after only two short days my wallet was several thousand dollars lighter, I did at least manage to procure a new Deus in the struggle and later on Pat Keene gave me a hand dragging the remainder of my booty to the car. thats the other great thing, lots and lots of cool stuff... And all the vendors are actually great, they took all my money and I thanked them very much as the deals at the show were good and everyone was very helpful. for those who like to hunt in the high Sierra, I took a chance and drove up into the high country to see how the snow was melting, I know it was a long shot this year but I had other places to check out so I took the drive anyway. Just past the sardine lake turnoff the highway was covered in snow drifts, after just making it through the second drift and seeing much more ahead l gave up and turned around for other country.
  12. I know, I know...we need the rain here in CA. But why does it have to move in at the most inopportune times? I had planned my first detecting trip of the year, Friday through Sunday, and now it's supposed to rain all three days with high Temps of about 50 degrees. Terrains too rough to work in wet weather so the trips off.
  13. Hello all, I got out the other day with some friends. Here are some pictures, thanks. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS
  14. Hello beings the weather has stopped alot of us from futher detecting, I thought i would share some mining articles from our historical miners that set forth the expansion to the west and helped found our passion to hunt for gold. these articles are from jan. 10-17 from 1800's. if no one objects i can share some every week. till the dam weather breaks. what can i say i'm bored.
  15. info and some event dates from our friends at Roaring Camp...
  16. This is a really great article from about three years ago profiling various people involved in gold prospecting. "An irresistible force is once again beckoning from deep below the Sierra Nevada foothills, as California prepares for its second gold rush. At the vanguard: A new breed of prospectors who are forsaking cushy desk jobs to go in search of untold wealth." http://www.details.com/story/california-gold-rush-wealth
  17. this web cam link is a handy view on the weather conditions up in Sierra City, I always give it a quick check when I'm getting ready to go on up to the high sierra along with the other reports on conditions. http://www.sierracountrystore.com/the-sierra-city-webcam#today
  18. After having spent a lot of time with ZED and finding nuggets behind myself from my GPX 4000, I know ZED is a much better detector. I have found several nuggets that made me question my ability as a detectorist, how did I miss that? I will admit that a large portion of my finds have been at no great depth. Now that brings up the thought that inspired me to write this post. Detecting in the Sierra is much different than the deserts of Arizona or Nevada. Most places are covered with many inches of organic material. After a boot scrape, a weak signal that is shallow becomes a booming signal. Does that layer act like a good insulator? Would it be better to detect when it's wet or dry? Any thoughts out there? Norm McQ
  19. Went detecting with a friend over the weekend. To one of his patches. Well let's just say. I got my ass handed to me. We were running same detectors, similar settings, same area. The difference is,he was pulling out numerous lil gold nuggets out. I wasn't! The faint signals he was hearing, I was writing off as ground noise. I thought I was on the road to being a fairly proficient detectorist. Truth is, I have so much more to grow. One thing is. I'm going to learn from this. This experience is making me more determined to really listen to what the gpz7000 is telling me. I've been stewing on this for 2 days now. I can't wait to get out again and learn more from him. Luther teaching my puppy Rooster how to be a great detecting partner.
  20. Finally got an invitation to prospect on some private property in gold country, i have been waiting for this opportunity since before the GPZ came, it's been a carrot dangling off in the distance in front of me and a source of inspiration. My nose is buried in Chris' s book and a dozen others getting ready and although my skull is thick and the pathways narrow little pieces of the puzzle are coming together. History of the place as I'm told is that it has been a privately owned winery since the early 1950's and off limits to any mining activity and therefore never been electronically prospected. there was mining activity in earlier days and in one old building on the property, in the basement it shows writing on the walls left over by Chinese miners and there are some old mining tools left behind in the basement as well. My friends also tell me the care taker on the property says gold can be easily found in the river on the adjoining private property. the property is a mountain top and gentile hill sides, the area is peppered with quartz outcrops and iron stained gossans and according to the records a history of very coarse gold. I have a couple days to bungle around the property and it's going to be a little personally embarrassing if i don't come up with something good here. But it's a big piece of property and my skills are still new. it will be another fantastic learning experience no matter what i find and another adventure to add to the books. Ill take a few pictures and keep ya posted.
  21. The rest of my story was delayed as DeathRay can truly appreciate because I spent 2 days hiking my gear out of the river at Green Valley. The Green Valley trail is a nasty piece of work and each time I've hiked it over the years I swear I'll never do it again. This time I mean it. Yesterday I hiked out with a little over 70lbs of gear, I thought I was going to die. I had to keep reminding myself how good the cold beer in my truck was going to taste at the end of this ordeal. Back to the story. Day 3: I stayed in the steep canyon between Euchre Bar and Green Valley. I found another nice gravel beach with decent shade and a quiet pool. I found a fair amount of flood gold high up the bank. I took one of the small Angus Mackirk drop riffle sluices and rigged it with a 1750 GPH bilge pump and 12 volt L Ion battery. I glued in V mat in the front part of the sluice and that area caught most of the flood gold. The drop riffle sluices need a lot of water to run correctly and just not compatible with this super fine flood gold I was finding. I wish I could have run that material through the Gold Cube sluice. But, that would mean another 30 lbs of gear. Day 4: I pushed on through the steep narrow canyon and reached the upper end of Green Valley. The going got a lot harder because of the shallow water. I spent most of the day roping the kayak down through the rocky shallows. As I pointed out earlier, roping the kayak down was not that strenuous, it's following the kayak on foot through the shallows that's a killer. The river was too shallow to float/swim, and too deep to boulder hop. Those river rocks especially the serpentine were slicker than elf snot. I tumbled too many times to count but managed to stay relatively injury free. At the upper end of Green Valley I found someone's camp though he must have been out for supplies. He had an impressive 4 ft hole going on the front edge of a boulder bar. He was obviously way more dedicated to his prospecting that I was. He was moving 100 + lb boulders with a digging bar and full size shovel. All I had was my trusty short handled spade and my detecting pick. Day 5: I continued through Green Valley and the going got steadily worse. Daytime temps were kicking up and shaded landings were scarce. I reached hard decision time. There are no trails out of the river until Pickering Bar/Touro Mine area below Iowa Hill. I knew from past experience that I was looking at 2 or 3 days of tough slogging in this shallow water to reach Pickering Bar. At higher water a good kayaker can make it all the way to Mineral Bar campground in one day, but this low water makes progress slow and painful. I was a half mile past Green Valley and opted for the known quantity of getting out at Green Valley. I started warping that kayak back upstream. At midday I found a small shady spot and pulled out to rest. As I explored around I found a section of bedrock serpentine and poked around in some depressions. Each pan had 30 to 40 colors of superfine flood gold. I'll post a picture of the results of a half bucket of 1/2 inch screened material. I had no whisk broom to really clean out the bedrock so I probably left behind more gold than I recovered. A gold vac and the Gold Cube would have made some impressive recoveries in that area. I gave the area a good go and found nothing remotely resembling a picker, just tiny flood gold. I still had a ways to go upstream and pushed on when the sun was a little more forgivable. I reached the last downstream trail access at Green Valley just before dark. More later...
  22. Gold moves around and re-deposits during times of flooding, but the Sierra Nevada has not seen any serious flooding since New Years of 1997. Flooding can cause the renewal and re-formation of paystreaks and re-fill crevices with gold. I remember in the couple years after the 1997 flood, prospectors did very well, taking ounces of gold from places that had been badly pounded for years before that. So it was with great interest today, that I read the following: Every Long-Range Computer Model Forecast Predicting Strong, Or Very Strong El Nino This Winter SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — Every single long-range computer forecast model used by meteorologists predicts a strong, or very strong El Nino for the entire globe this coming winter, the first time that’s happened since 1997. “I think this is the most promising sign of a wet winter in California in nearly 20 years,” said KPIX 5 Meteorologist Paul Deanno. While no one can ever perfectly predict climate, if a very strong El Nino sets up, California’s history shows in these years, we are in for not only a wet winter, but a devastating one with potentially billions of dollars of damage in flooding, breaches of levees, wind damage, and deaths. I have the following comments: 1) I certainly don't wish for property damage, injury, death and other suffering, but California and Nevada could certainly use a very rainy year. The drought is causing its own form of suffering among the residents, and it would be nice if this was all or mostly compensated for by a very wet winter. We were having a serious drought in the mid-1900s, and the 1997 flood filled up every reservoir. 2) Far be it from me to believe the weatherman's claims - its the only job where you can be wrong all of the time and still not get fired. The statement in the above article - "While no one can ever perfectly predict climate" should probably read - "While weather predictors are almost never right," 3) Only time well tell if we get a flood during the winter of 2015 - 2016. We are certainly due as the Sierra gets a serious flood about every 10 to 15 years on average, and its been 18 years since the flood of 1997. The attached picture shows the New Years Day Flood, 1997, at a spot on the NF Yuba where you can normally cross without getting your knees wet in the summer time. The river looks completely different at flood stage when the gold is being moved around along with the boulders.
  23. Howdy folks, Just wanted to share the view from my house this morning, should have looked like this back in October but here it is in April. As Sourdoughscott has said in the past - i live in one of the most beautiful areas around. i'm truly blessed - Enjoy The gold from yesterday came from the other-side of the mountain shrouded in clouds, but i mine in all the mountains. AjR And yes those are massive yuba dredge tailings in the Scott River below the house.
  24. A friend of mine has some property. Dug lots of nails, bird shot and a few other goodies for three bits. Anyone know what type of gun the trigger came from? The relics were all found with the ctx. Gold with the sdc. I'm getting in shape because I'll be digging deeper holes soon. See ya at the gold show in Stockton. strick
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