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Video from the youtuber are cool once the items aren't planted.......................




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I am seriously thinking about giving river hunting a shot. Fresh water beaches as well. Trying to decide on a scoop. Unlike most salt beaches, rivers have rocks that may call for a sturdier build and different shape to work in and around rocks. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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After my first river hunt in my area I'm probably going to go with a full sized trenching shovel and a floating sifter. The river bed is a layer fist to head sized rock with the gravel underneath. Most of the gravel is too big to get through the holes in the scoop so it should be easier to just use a shovel I can pry rocks with then just dump the shovel full in the sifter. I'll save my scoop for sand.

That's what I'm going to try this weekend anyway.

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Lacky,  I hope you post a report of your river hunt. It will be interesting to learn how you do with shovel and floating sifter. Even the slow water sections near me have enough flow to make a floating sifter ackward unless the shape was more or less triangular - like a ship's bow? Even then, I cannot picture such a device being practical in size sufficient to accept a shovel without constant current pulling at the tether or anchor point in my local waters. I can only surmise that the river you are planning to hunt has a very very very low current speed in shallow depth if you are planning to use a shovel and sifter. In any event, I wish you a successful hunt. I am going to hold off for a short while until I get some additional info. HH

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Nope, pretty strong current now, will be less in the fall/winter. But that means I'm only knee deep or less by necessity.  The floating sifter might be unworkable,  but I'm going to try, because I already know the sand scoop is. I assume if I just turn with my back to the current the sifter should float in the perfect position to dump into.


That's the sifter I'm planning on making. I'm having a hard time finding the netting and might have to order off amazon


So might not happen till next weekend (my "weekend" is Thursday to Saturday) 

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I might also just drill some small holes in a sheet of plastic and use that. I'm less interested in it sifting than just having a surface above water I can dump on and find the target easier.

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On 7/1/2019 at 8:02 PM, Gerry in Idaho said:

You know there has been many gold rings tossed into the Truckee and I imagine 100X silver coins as well.

 Couples would go to Vegas to get married then Reno to get divorced.  There was a certain bridge where the ladies would toss their rings into the river. 


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