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Steve's Nugget Detector Guide Update Sept 2019

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5 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

The Equinox 800 is in the report / list and has been since the Equinox came out so I have no idea what you all are taking about. I guess I am mainly curious about how you are missing it? As far as liking the Equinox... you are late to that party Gerry! :laugh: Don’t forget I am Fan Club Member #1!

Are you just reading my update synopsis notes above and not the full report?

Steve's Guide to Gold Nugget Detectors

I guess in all the excitement of the 2019 Update, I did not actually click on the link but only read and viewed the detectors in front of my eyes.  And for a while there...I thought I was the only one at the Equinox is a Gold Detector Party.  Heck, I was kicking butt and taking names with it too.  Glad to see my mistake was nothing to do with your info..

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I’m not sure who found the first gold nugget with an Equinox but it may have been Jonathan Porter first in Australia and me second in North America. JP barely edged me out but I am blaming it on the weather :smile:. I did actually end up selling my Gold Monster as the Equinox suits me fine as a nugget machine. Due to its non-standard operating characteristics I have always refrained from “hyping” it as a nugget machine, but I believe Multi-IQ is the future of VLF nugget hunting. I have lobbied for an elliptical coil from day one but am convinced now that Minelab hates me and refuses to make any coil I lobby for, as happened when I lobbied for a small coil for the GPZ! :laugh:

My Tips On Nugget Detecting With The Minelab Equinox

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8 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I’m not sure who found the first gold nugget with an Equinox but it may have been Jonathan Porter first in Australia and me second in North America. JP barely edged me out but I am blaming it on the weather :smile:. I did actually end up selling my Gold Monster as the Equinox suits me fine as a nugget machine. Due to its non-standard operating characteristics I have always refrained from “hyping” it as a nugget machine, but I believe Multi-IQ is the future of VLF nugget hunting. I have lobbied for an elliptical coil from day one but am convinced now that Minelab hates me and refuses to make any coil I lobby for, as happened when I lobbied for a small coil for the GPZ! :laugh:

My Tips On Nugget Detecting With The Minelab Equinox

Yes sorry to have stolen your thunder Steve old chap! (not ? ? ? ) I too am a NOX fan for gold hunting but like Steve hate the open webbed coils for prospecting. I suppose some resitance might be had because Minelab already have the Gold Monster fitting that category or it could be someone evil at Minelab HQ is determined to drive Steve mad!!?  I would love to see a Monster mode included in a future update for the NOX, the silent throshold makes the Monster great to use in ground a High Freq VLF has no business operating in.


BTW Steve the weather was pushing Mid 40s Deg C when I was helping develop the Prospect mode, weather is no excuse!! LOL The mercury in the gold pan was nice and runny when I was testing, how bout you? ? ??



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It was mid-winter here, ground frozen and dodging snowstorms! You beat me to the punch fair and square though and no complaint about that JP. We were each first in our respective continents as is right and proper. Glad to see you post again... I though maybe you dug a hole you could not climb out of! :laugh:

If the 7" x 10" DD that is out for the Vanquish is not made for the Equinox then I will know for sure Minelab hates me. :sad: That and a solid skid plate would do the trick. But really all three Vanquish coils should be made Equinox compatible or something is very wrong indeed with the thinking in Mawson Lakes.


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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

It was mid-winter here, ground frozen and dodging snowstorms! You beat me to the punch fair and square though and no complaint about that JP. We were each first in our respective continents as is right and proper. Glad to see you post again... I though maybe you dug a hole you could not climb out of! :laugh:

If the 7" x 10" DD that is out for the Vanquish is not made for the Equinox then I will know for sure Minelab hates me. :sad:

Hi Steve, I've been away bush prospecting so have been out of the rat race for a while which was great, no hole is too deep when you have honesty, integrity and the truth on your side.?

With the NOX you and I must have been mirroring each other across the divide, I was fortunate though because I only had to fucus on gold nuggets and not any of the coin and relic stuff which was extremely time consuming for you I'm sure. The NOX is a brilliant little detector thanks to your extensive input.

Assuming I'm still welcome I'm back now and keen to start talking gold again.?



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3 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

I've been away bush prospecting


3 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

keen to start talking gold again

Good to see you back JP. 

Are you keen to relate some of your recent travels/finds?  In a different thread of course.   ?

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On 9/11/2019 at 1:47 PM, phrunt said:

Geez I'm doing well, I've got 2 out of 3 of the shortlist.  Almost 3 out of 3 as I've got the GPX 4500 instead of the 5000.  Now I've just got to get better at finding gold in the first place, I can't blame my tools :laugh:

Thanks for taking the time to do this list Steve and keep it up to date, I found it extremely valuable when first taking up the hobby and I'm sure many others do too.

I own 3 out of 5 the Gold Bug Pro, Gold Monster and the Makro Gold Kruzer.

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I found two nuggets with the Equinox as one of the first 'customers' to have one sent from Bill's first shipment.  This was right after they were first shipped to the United States.  Actually I lost the nuggets for a day and my friend Patrick found them for me and I posted the picture a couple of days later.  Phrunt said no picture ... no nugget!  haha

On another note, there is someone who found several little nuggets in Gold Basin this week with a 600.  They know about this forum so maybe they have posted them.  I saw the post on Bill's forum.


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