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White’s It’s Time To Pull The Rabbit Out Of The Hat

Ridge Runner

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White’s you have maybe a month to three months to come out with a new detector line , That’s if you want to keep up with the Jones better known as Minelab and Makro .

 Hope to see the lineup real soon. I know you don’t spend money on flashy videos and beautiful girls and that’s okay with me.

 What I want to see is American made on the housing somewhere and White’s number one detector company again.

 You make it I’ll buy it! ( I’ve been doing it since 1966 )

 Chuck Anders 

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It would be nice to see this happen.  I would be "concerned" if they don't catch the bus soon.

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We have some dealers that come on here .I know one is a great guy and have come in contact with him at treasure shows.

 The sad thing is when we loss Tom Boykin that was with White’s . He was our window to the world of White’s I guess you could say. 

I may be wrong but the only person from a detector company coming on the forum is Dilek from Makro.


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There are signs that Whites is in trouble. For one, they've pulled back support of forums and rallies. It has been said that it's been more beneficial to concentrate on free social media platforms, and you do see them interacting on their Facebook page. Still, pulling back from all forums is a mistake and is either a sign of financial trouble or poor judgment. For another, you only have to look at the last several releases to get the sense that the same stubborn attitude toward integrating technology into their machines persists to this day. The lack of wireless, lithium ion, at home updates just for starters.

The lack of any specificity of what they have in store for the near future has been disheartening. This is a mistake all US manufacturers seem to be making at the moment. When you're notably lagging behind competitors and have a loyal base of users waiting for you to make a showing, you owe it to them to keep them in some kind of a loop. The excuse that they don't want to give too much away to the competition is thin and wearing thinner when release after release the competition is outstripping them anyway. In this industry, with the limitations imposed by physics, when you're talking about companies like Whites, FTP, etc., you're not going to be entertaining anything the leading guys are not also entertaining. You're not going to be working on anything the leading guys are not also working on.

To the extent that a product launch is imminent, throwing the user base a bone or two can be helpful and encouraging. Any anti-espionage benefit to radio silence is outweighed by the demoralization of users who are watching thier beloved companies get spanked time and again despite this curious strategy. It would be different if everything were kept under wraps and then out of nowhere comes this kick ass top of the line new flagship. That's not happening though. Users are left sitting in the dark, trying to be loyal, and watching others run away with all the advances while not being given the time of day by the company they love. It doesn't take a relationship specialist to tell you where this is headed. Users are going to cheat. I still love my V3i, and using it to this day, but I'm also seeing the Equinox on the side. Won't be long and I'll also be looking at a Pulsedive. A Mini-Horde could be in the cards for my kid as it seems to address a lot of the problems I see with kids machines. Either too heavy or no arm support and can't get wet. 

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 I’ve got a saying I’ve used for years that may fit here .

 Here it is  Spit in one hand and wish in the other to see what one will get full the fastest.

 Wishful thinking!


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 I did but I don’t know if they got it . I didn’t get a response back as of yet . Anytime something I send does not make the trip I receive a notification it didn’t.

 White’s sales may be going great but on here I don’t see it.

 Like I said in the past when Tom left White’s we lost our window into what was going on with White’s.

 I’ve wondered if maybe someone from White’s drops in to see what’s said but never respond to anything.


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Was a loyal Whites guy for a long time and finally had it. Loved the TDI SL but they refused to make the factory modifications  to the unit that eventually I (with an electrician friend of mine) found a way to "scab in" myself. Talked with Tom about it for over a year and he said just be patient; "improvements to the SL are coming soon"...........nada.

Most every time I would call up there wanting to just talk,   I would get nothing but attitude. One particular lady in customer service was exceptionally aloof and abrasive . I'd had about enough of these people. Then earlier this year an event took place that made it easy for me to say good by to Sweet Home forever.  New coils came out for the Minlab SDC 2300, a unit I'd been wanting to buy for a long time but kept putting it off in my long patient wait for the  Whites "promised"  TDI upgrades. Thats it.......I'm out! 

Bought the SDC and loving it, spent the last 6 months selling off all my Whites detectors. Done all I could do to stay with this American detector company but eventually felt abandon by it,  suppose  I'm  a Minlab guy now.  Decided to keep my Sierra Gold Trac though in honor of Jimmy Sierra. He and I had many conversations.......great guy and another loss to this company. My hunch is Tom B  began to feel the ship he was sailing on is headed for the reef. Time to get the hell off  and move on.

Innovate or evaporate the old saying goes,  Tesoro may have some company soon. Hope I'm wrong but I think I hear the death rattle.



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