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3 Louts And A Lady

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I went detecting with a couple of louts and a lady last weekend with the intention of showing off my innate an finely honed detecting skills. The other two louts hand exactly the same plan. But- I had a secret weapon. My Gold Sniffing Dog! However the other two louts had exactly the same thing except THEY BOTH CHEATED! One lout brought two Gold Sniffing Dogs but the other lout really broke the rules an brought a highly modified Gold Sniffing Dog. It was built with it's nose operating at no more than 1" above the ground at all times (the entire dog was no taller than 6" above the ground).

Well at the end of the day none of us three louts had anything at all to boast about, laying the blame on the danged dogs.

Oh! I almost forgot the lady. She found 3 very pretty little nuggets with her 2300 and without a Gold Sniffing Dog.

My forgiving nature will not allow my to mention any names.

P.S. A picture of a Gold Sniffing Dog can be seen accompanying posts by Strick.

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 Maybe.  If your referring to my sharing my lunch with my dog, he's about 12 (got him second hand from the pound) and he can still whip your dog and chase a cat afterward. Though he's never been in a fight and likes cats.

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Blimey, another lout that gives their dog diabetes.


You can only spoil them once. I for one should know better but still do. :)


Kenny was right it was a long ride home. Three decent ones for the lady and one dink the size of a match head for me. Thanks for being a great guide Klunker!  Here's one of the gold (note the one that resembles a dog)  And a couple of the gold sniffing dog doing what he does best  along with one of mama and her boy.







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Klunker, the cat`d give my nervous Kelpie a hiding, that`s if it could catch her. Goes faster than a greyhound. Yeah Strick, know what you mean, we spoil ours rotten. Tis a dogs life.

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Actually, "Woof" is one of the "handles" under which Dave Johnson (Chief Designer) at Fisher, etc.) posts on a MD forum. Given the number of gold detectors Dave has designed, I guess he is sort of the champion gold detecting "Woofer"!

I have met him however, and he's not nearly as cute as the little rat in the picture!

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