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New Carbon Shaft From Steveg Arrived!


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I received my new Equinox shaft from SteveG and here's my impressions.

First, I must say Steve went above and beyond when it came to nailing down what I needed for a shaft. I emailed him about my ideas for a travel shaft and he emailed me back right away, and while on his vacation! My wife would shoot me if I did that. We emailed and chatted on the phone several times until he had all the info he needed to make recommendations. I'm a relative Nox noob, but he took the time to answer all of my questions and even offered very helpful advice about my swing, coils, shaft length, and comfort level, as well as shaft recommendations. His customer service is second to none.

 I received my 3 piece travel shaft with counter balance and took it for spin for a few hours yesterday. This thing is gorgeous! I used the 11 coil with no counter balance and it was noticeably easier to swing, but after an hour or so I started to notice the usual fatigue in my arm. It was not as bad as I got with the original ML shaft, but still there. So I decided to put on the counter balance and, like magic, the 11" coil felt like the 6" coil. Even though I added about 12 ounces to the weight, it felt light as a feather. I went on detecting for another couple of hours with no fatigue at all.  It's some kind of sciencey voodoo I tell ya!

So long story short, the counter balance system works well and Steve's craftsmanship is top notch. And after trying a few different shafts, I've found my forever shaft. Thank you for everything Steve!

* UPDATE 10/2/2020 *

I detected with the counter balance system & the 11" coil for a continuous 5 hours yesterday with no breaks to give the rig a full test and I experienced absolutely no arm fatigue at all and no soreness the next morning, well except for my aging knees ? Rock solid shaft and perfect balance!


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CPT_GhostLight --

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and the fantastic review!  I really appreciate the kind words!  What I am the MOST happy about, is the fact that when attaching the counterweight, the machine became "comfortable" for you again, and you were able to continue detecting for another few hours.  THAT is probably the most rewarding part of what I do (aside from meeting some really interesting fellow hobbyists!)



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I've got an Equinox 600 with one of Steve's gold carbon fiber rods set up with a fully loaded counterweight.

I only use the 11" coil and I'm 6'2" and it feels perfectly balanced to me and there is zero flex in the shaft when swinging.  

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Dave -- I really appreciate the comments, and I'm glad it feels "perfectly balanced!"  Balance, and zero flex, are two things I was hoping to accomplish with the design, for sure!


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