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Old Lock And Buckle

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Howdy All!

A week or so back I was hitting a backyard of a small preschool over the weekend when nobody was around. I got permission from the school after researching that the old house was the original farm house there from the late 1800's. Using my Nox 800, I found the usual sea of trash, lots of toys, a ton of modern clad and a few cool relics. The old Yale lock pictures below is pretty neat and the arm still functions (won't lock though, too much wear and tear) The buckle is something that I am trying to figure out.. I'm not sure if it's old or pretty modern. Any help would be appreciated! 

Thanks in advance !





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Thanks, Kac! That lock appears to be early 1900's, easily - https://us.yalehome.com/en/about-yale/our-brands/

I'm starting to think that buckle is some old horse tack after some research.

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Good find and good research on the lock.

You could be correct on the buckle also, that would have been my first guess on it.

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I like that lock.  It appears that the loop attached to the lock shank is for attaching a chain (or chord) so that when the lock is temporarily free from its intended position it just hangs awaiting re-securing.

Also, the fact that it isn't frozen up probably means it's made some kind of low chemiclly reactive alloy.  Most if not all the locks I've found detecting are so badly seized as to be unusable.  Did you find the matching key?

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  • 6 months later...

I have a friend who has been working as a locksmith for a very long time. He knows a lot about locks. By the way, I love his stories about various ancient finds and it seems to me mysterious and magical. It reminded me of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. In general, I thought about becoming a locksmith a few years ago, but then this idea was just destroyed by my parents with their instructions that I need a better future. I didn't know then that a locksmith got so much money. In the past, I decided to listen to my parents, but it turned out to be a mistake. After that, I realized that I can't do what I don't like, and I want to do what I like. I started to learn more about locksmiths and came across this site howtobecomealocksmith and when I saw the salaries, I was just shocked. I really liked the training program and wanted to understand it better.



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