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Nel Superfly On The Kruzer


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Usually. I haven't been a big fan of after-market coils because most f the hunting I've done the past 37 years ash been very ferrous-contaminated sites a good 85% of the time.  For that, the better coils have been smaller-than-stock and I've noted that generally a detector maker also provides a decent-performing smaller-size coil.    The big trend for a lot of after-marker coil makers was to offer larger-size coils, and they just didn't fit  my needs.  There was a period, however, when I was using some FBS models and evaluated a lot of the after-market coils from 4½X7 on up to 12" and larger, and for big urban city parks they worked OK, but they were usually heavier than the standard coils.

i mainly tried aftermarket coils on Minelab, White's and then some on Nokta or Makro products, and of them all I was most pleased by the Sharpshooter, Snake and Sharp coils from NEL .... but while I liked their build quality and performance, I already had good-working coils from the detector maker in the smaller to mid-size coil categories.  However, some manufacturers do not offer  smaller-size coil for some of their models, such as Nokta / Makro for their Simplex + r Garrett for their Apex, so I am eager to get a NEL Sharp 5" DD for both of those models and give them a serious workout in an assortment of locations, and I would guess I will enjoy some improved performance and handing in the trashier environments.

But I have been transitioning back into more urban Coin & Jewelry Hunting and considered working a good aftermarket coil in the wide-open places, but with my mobility limitations I definitely didn't want to go to a heavier search coil.  I enjoy the round 11" on the Simplex ... but I never liked the looks or, or the feel, or the rod-mount point, or the performance of the 11" BiAxial coils on a FTP device.

I do like the T2 series so I bought a new T2+ as well as the NEL Super Fly to give it a try in plowed fields and open grassy parks.  Impressive!  Rod-mount is centered, weight is remarkably light and comfortable, and so far in my evaluating I have found it to work well, with VDI read-outs that have been tighter and better than with the 11" BiAxial coil.  If we don't get snow this evening, and there's a possibility, the ground will be good and we might hit 45° on Tuesday and I plan to give it another work-out.  Might just keep a Super Fly and 5" DD combination with a T2+ around.  

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Sweet, I'm in need smaller coil. I suspect the 11x7" has better ergonomics than stock 11" also? My lower back isn't what it used to be. It might be a mind thing or, the two bulges that show on MRI but, me & large round coils don't seem to get along much anymore. 

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38 minutes ago, The Georgiadigger said:

Sweet, I'm in need smaller coil. I suspect the 11x7" has better ergonomics than stock 11" also? My lower back isn't what it used to be. It might be a mind thing or, the two bulges that show on MRI but, me & large round coils don't seem to get along much anymore. 

Weight wise the SF and stock 7x11 are nearly identical so if you need that extra bit of depth the SF is worth the investment. Been using it at the beach and only complaint I have so far is I sometimes get the salt water between the coil and cover causing it to slightly false, nothing a tilt and shake doesn't fix.

I think the SF is better around EMI than the smaller coil, separation is similar between them.

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Where can I find 7x11" Nel Super Fly? I've been looking everywhere! Even Nel website, doesn't show them. 

Help a brother out? ?

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Georgia, there is no 7x11 super fly, Only a 11x12 It weigh's 6 grams lighter than the NM 9'' concentric coil and about the same as the NM 7x11. This nel coil is super deep and has great separation. I only have been running this for a couple of weeks and have become very impressed.

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