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Colonial Jug And Bottles Kinda Day..

Guest calabash digger

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That first bottle is that a Bitters bottle? That’s what they called your medicine bottles.

 Some bottles can be worth their weight in gold. It all about knowing what you got more so than the other guy.

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Bottles have a history of their own. Now days we put labels on everything telling us what’s inside. But way back when it said all you wanted to know in the glass itself.

 How all those bottles were cap was as interesting as the bottle itself. One such cap was a cork with a wire attached to it . To open the bottle you pushed down on the wire that in turn pushed down on the cork opening the bottle. If you didn’t want more of what was in it you just pulled the wire back up and the cork would do it’s job sealing it.

 I guess you could say that we have come a long ways from the time bottles was first made but we lost some of the beauty of it on the way.


 I know everyone has seen the short coke bottle that’s been around for years but did you know that the middle of that bottle was square at one time?

 Way back when every pig trail crossing had their own coke bottling company. In the middle of that square you would have coke name but you also had the name of the town it was bottle in.

 Here’s another for your info about coke. When coke first came out a banker in a town that I don’t remember where it was would loan money to people if they would invest it in coke. Some years back it said this town had more millionaires per capital than any other town because of coke  

 When coke first came out like it’s name it had coke in it.

 Not everybody is perfect ?  


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The base on that jug looks like it would lead to it being tipped over easily.  That makes me wonder if it's rare.

Great finds all the way around!


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