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Winter Prospecting This Year, Reasonable Choices?


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Its called "rucky chucky?" really steep sharp right turn at the top my suv slid sideways across the road as i made the turn, at the bottom is some old mining machinery and a beautiful area to park and camp right next to the river, the river kind of wraps the claim? I hiked it before driving the road, took almost 3 hrs to to drag my out of shape a** from the river up to the top of the hill with all my gear and a couple days of limping around before I recovered all the way. 


next time I make that trip will be on a quad, next year perhaps it's time to get a good used truck and a nice lightly used quad... that or add a few welds to the current iron sled. oh yea, the damn sun roof is broken too and most of the plastic on the inside, but still runs good and is klunkier approved I'm sure.

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 If it gets you there and most of the way back It's approved. VA Paul made me think about being a bit more responsible and prepared- so I put a spare tire in my Jeep. As always, one thing leads to another. Now I need to come up with a jack and a lug wrench. This being prepared stuff sure  takes a lot of thought and effort.

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That reminds me of a story when I came down from AK for the first of my outings with WSPA.--- In 2012 i think...anyway---


Border Boy came up to meet me and we took off to NorCal to places left un-named---- in a Suburban i bought thru the internet and had never seen until the guy picked me up at the airport (turned out to be a great buy) --but i digress...


We got to a little hydro pit he knew about via a 'pointy finger' he got from 'someone'--left un-named'-- LOL----


i was so excited to be there i jumped out with my Gold Bug and began thrashing the manzanita right behind the Burb--- within two minutes i had a hit and Justin heard it--he tore thru the manzy like a deer and was there helping me by digging it up---


it was a true GB crumb, but it was gold.. so we were in high spirits (without imbibing i might add) -----we kept this up until the fun of finding crumbs was less than the adrenaline we had both used up...so we quit---

Oh yeah, this was happening at 11:30 pm with headlights!!!!! :rolleyes:


We slept in the Burb that night and when we got up Justin noticed an odd angle we had been sleeping at all night----uh-oh..... here it comes---low, .....very low tire!!!!---


Not to worry, i had seen the spare in the back with me that had brand new tread on it....


so we get it out and slap it on and are all ready to wear out the gold, when suddenly we realized the spare only had about a pound more air in it than the flat one....grrrrrrr... :angry:


OK now we are in trouble because guess who didnt have their normal tool kit and air compressor with them....Moi....


So we pile everything into the truck and head toward the local neighborhood town/MJ emporium....to get help---(for the tire) 


It is only about 15 or 20 miles away, but i am having to drive a blistering 5 mph so the tire doesn't give on us..... I tried to explain to Justin that i think if we got up to 60mph the tire would get hot and the air would expand,,,,,but he didn't go for it...so we creeped along a 5......( I am almost positive he was talking to himself on this part of the trip---something about --idiot ???--

i dont know, but i did hear him mumbling something like that)


We stopped every 3 miles or so to see if we were on the rim yet and it appeared that we were not, except for some occasional dips in the road it seemed like that one pound of air was going to make it as long as we stopped and gave it a rest every so often....


BTW, this was on a Sunday and everything would be closed in the town-(except for the local emporium/ naturopathic pain relief clinic)------ as were were closing in on town Justin spotted a painter's van parked next to an un-named commercial building---so we wheeled in and jumped out to ask if they would let us use their air compressor --- after they came back from behind their truck (they seemed a little paranoid when they first saw us for some reason) :unsure:????


Anyway ,we fiddled around and talked about gold hunting and they became so interested i took them out in the grass lot there and showed them the GB at work---i had a little test nugget and showed the GBll hitting on it---they all loved that ---- ooos and ahhhs and "we could use that sniping"....yes.....


So when we had the tires aired up and it was time to go and I said, "Hey, You can have this nugget...so when you get your detector you will have a nugget to test it with before you buy it."


We pulled out with gravels flying, and big smiles all around ,,......except for the two guys who were rolling around in the grass fighting over the nugget we had left them...


HAhahahaha,,,,Merry Christmas everyone....and don't  forget to put air in your spare Klunker!!!------ or do forget.... and live out a new story of how you overcame the odds!




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Paul, read the reviews. $150 per yr subscription on auto renew that is almost impossible to cancel.

Looks like they have great marketing, so-so performance, and horrible customer service.

I am keeping my 406 EPIRB. No monthly subscription and better performance.

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