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GPZ Low-high Signals And High Yield Vs General


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Just a observation that perhaps is relevant, from the 2100 days ie two knob manual GB. By altering either ground balance knob (channel) you could reverse the low/ high to high/low in some cases (from rusty memory), thus I suspect the reverse signal we get is simply a change in GB in one particular (channel)  direction. Some nuggets do it some don`t, why???? But I suspect it is in one particular channel direction. Maybe this could be duplicated with the Z by having the GB in auto, then once a signal is found switch to manual and alter one way or the other and test, maybe also that is why the discrim features of later PIs only operated on DD coils. I never used such discrim thus no idea if accurate or related to high/low signals.

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Thanks Norvic, didn't know that about the 2100, I didn't start detecting for gold (seriously) until the 4500 came out. Serial number 00000007, how's that for a lucky machine?  :D


My view is that everything is causal (not to be confused with casual, as in Kenny G and blue jeans) in this universe including the products we produce, so I try to pay attention to any little patterns or oddities and figure out why they do what they do, occasionally certain behaviours may potentially reveal something interesting or useful, who knows...

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Yeah, just food for thought. Currently sanding and varnishing some furniture, thus anything I can keep the wee mind occupied is great stuff. I think you may have something here, although I suspect ML would have acted on it if it could lead to reliable discrim into their gold machines.


Ah Ha!! Licensed to kill :rolleyes: be a bloody slow death, irradiated by a 4500. Crikey could be a health hazard detecting........Ah go back to your sander vic.

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Oh yeah, I'm sure ML is 10 steps ahead of anything I could ever guess at. It's just I can't resist poking a black box with a stick and seeing what happens. In the name of science (and finding more gold)!


I just have a feeling there is some discrim capabilities we'll see sometime in the future with ZVT tech. There are some spots here in the US that could really benefit from it.


Good luck with the varnish. Freakin bubbles drive me crazy. Saw a video on using a blowtorch on epoxy or cast resin to get rid of them, wonder if it'd work on varnish, or if I'd just torch my house down.

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Since the GPZ is basically a VLF, I don't see why it wouldn't be capable of full target conductivity identification just like other modern VLF machines, unless the coil configuration or the polarity switching of its EM field makes it impossible.

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Just before Christmas 2 nuggets about 6 foot apart one was 6 grams Low/high then the 14 grams was high/low and seriously thought it was alot bigger from the first sweep as both were at a depth of 18 ish inches +.  Both solid chuncky pieces and with the 5000 and 11 elite mono always dig the warbles.

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That's interesting I might have to revisit a few areas using General. I've never used that timing at all, just High Yield/Difficult since the update. Should try General/Normal some time.

Second that warbly sound. It's my favorite noise on the GPZ. I've dug some seriously deep targets after getting that tone. Sometimes trash, sometimes gold. It can be so subtle that it's really easy to miss it in all the ground noise.


General is NOT a timing its a lower frequency, it behaves more like the different frequency's on a VLF.

And the Ground modes affect how the detector's tracking works, Difficult basically holds more ground info for longer whereas Normal updates and erases certain info quicker.

READ THE MANUAL then read it again.


The timings on the GPX detectors change the RX waiting/receiving times, an entirely different process, this cuts out a lot more info.  


Its not my intent to be patronizing with the read the manual comment.

I seriously think everyone should read the manual more.

I must have read mine more than 200 times now, there is a wealth of information in there ;)

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Hi Jasong

Our native gold generally runs quite pure, the last lot I sold scanned 98.76%Au 1.3%Ag with minor copper, antimony and arsenic on the XRF scanner.

Generally our alluvial gold is over 96%Au.

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Some of the gold I was finding in NNV was running down into the 70%'s, AZ gold is 85%-92% generally (though some locations higher).


Lower purity gold has a higher percentage of higher conductivity metals like silver and copper. I wonder if its possible that the purity of the nugget itself can determine if a nugget goes low-high or high-low, all other things (geometry, weight, etc) being equal? Again it makes me wonder about potential discrim capabilities in the future.


It's just strange to read that you guys in Australia are getting basically every target over 1/4oz going low-high when I still haven't found one. There is some reason there...



General is NOT a timing its a lower frequency, it behaves more like the different frequency's on a VLF.

And the Ground modes affect how the detector's tracking works, Difficult basically holds more ground info for longer whereas Normal updates and erases certain info quicker.

READ THE MANUAL then read it again.


Well lets be fair here, these things, if true, are not in the manual.


I'm going to put the GPZ on the o-scope when I get out of the field later on (unless someone buys it from me - potential buyers please check the classifieds) and see exactly whats going through the coil. The patent uses "timings" and even shows an example timing in a chart, and ZVT operates in the time domain so that means we are listening for a "pulse echo" as with a PI and not looking at how a frequency shifts or otherwise alters as with a VLF. So I have to buck the trend here, even though all the pros say its more VLF like, I feel its more PI like personally, both in the field and in theory on paper.


Definitely has some characteristics of both either way.

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Nah, not a purity thing, my country gold is from 78% (rest mainly AG) to 92%, as I get closer to Gold Hound country the purity goes up. Still larger stuff is mainly high/low although I think to save confusion perhaps we should call it reverse or high/low/high, we call it reverse downunder (I think) but whatever just feel it is a very important tip to operators who consider such a signal is mainly ferrous.

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