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Whites MX Sport Waterproof Metal Detector

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Hey John.

No, MXT is 4.3 lbs with batteries, and they have been quoting 4 lbs on MXS - the assumption was with batteries, and so in theory 0.3 lb lighter. If White's changed the rules and that is weight without batteries, as does appear to be the case, then one slight (0.3 lb) advantage on the MXS just went up in smoke and in fact it sounds like MXS may be slightly heavier than the MXT.

The Minelab E-TRAC/CTX coils prove that just because a coil can be submerged and not float is not reason for it to weigh a lot. There is this idea they either have to float like a cork or be heavy and that is a false choice.

I still maintain anyone wants a dry land machine should just get an MXT so I don't much care about that part. White's is not competing with White's despite rumors to the contrary. What matters more is AT Pro/AT Gold at 3 lbs and MXS at 4.4 lbs.

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All detector weights on my website are usually with batteries as I rarely use detectors without batteries in them.

So, here we go, waterproof headphones for MX Sport, List $149.95 internet pricing $139.95

Looks a lot like my DetectorPro waterproof phones for my ATX and CTX. There is a volume control - nice touch.

If they are branded phones from DetectorPro hopefully they sorted out the problem with volume being too low.


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Yes I see what you mean, I guess they used that solid core coil so it would not keep floating when people are using it under water, I think the Sovereign and the Etrac coils were made the same way,

That's a pity that the MX-S weighs a similar weight to the MXT because there were a lot of people wanting this machine because of it's lightness but it appears that is not the case, It sounds like the AT is safe after all.

One thing that is very nice about the MX-S is that nice big clean screen, It has a higher resolution than what I am use to looking at.

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18 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:


Steve that is a picture of their Prostar Headphones with "Sport" stenciled on them. I just bought a set.



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3 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

New for 2016! Waterproof Headphones with Hybrid design blending ProStar housing and Piezo Waterproof speakers. Fits MX Sport Connector.

Posted while I was typing.  That explains it. 

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I have a pair of the ProStars, they are like the grey ghosts but without the plug in lead,

There are 3 things I like about the MX-S 1) it's waterproof, 2) the Screen, and 3) that coil seems to work well,

I wonder if the sensitivity is as good as my D2 coil because it will see bits on the surface just under 0.03 to 0,02 grams which is not bad for a coin shooter.

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Well  It's good that the headphones have been found. But I need the 6 x 10 DD coil before I send my money for the detector. I have more need for the smaller coil but I'm not saying the other is going in the trash. So if anyone knows anything say it here.


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