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Sage Grouse Proposed Mineral Withdrawal

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The Sage Grouse Proposed Mineral Withdrawal by the BLM would close nearly 10 million acres of land to mineral entry. This affects claims in 5 western states.

Friday the 15th of January (this Friday!) is the deadline for comments on the proposal. Generally comments and opinions don't apply to the Secretary's decision but with the time near and facts on hand a little attention by more than a few voters and representatives might just convince the Secretary to think twice.

If the withdrawal goes ahead no new claims can be made in the withdrawn area. In addition the existing claims are likely to come under greater scrutiny and challenges to their validity. That puts nearly 7,000 mining claims in the sights of the BLM land managers.

Now is the most effective time to share your opinions and present facts to influence the outcome. With little time left the Secretary will have less chance to bring influence or political pressure to bear on members of Congress should they object.

Land Matters has been working hard to figure out how many and which claims will be at stake should the withdrawal be approved. We've produced a comprehensive report on all the claims affected in this proposal and made an interactive map with just the claims within the proposed withdrawal area.

The BLM did not assist in the preparation of this report. We spent considerable time and effort in hand mapping the location of these claims in relation to the proposed withdrawal. I could find no evidence the Secretary even knows how many or what claims would be affected. I'm sure she and your representatives would appreciate being informed of this information to help their decisions to be made on all the facts available.

This is a factual report that you can not only view online but there is a zipped download available directly from the reports front page. At a mere 159Kb in size this report can be shared by email quite easily.

Why not look over the whole situation and check in with your representatives to make sure they know the facts about the potential effects of this withdrawal should it be approved.

The new custom interactive Sage Grouse Proposed Withdrawal Map shows just the claims affected with all the claim information normally found only on the Land Matters Mining Claims Maps.

Be sure to read and download the interactive Sage Grouse Proposed Withdrawal Report too.

To give you an idea of whats at stake with this withdrawal look over this summary chart from the report.


Screen shot 2016-01-13 at 4.05.19 PM.png




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What the heck is a Sage Grouse?

About $1.95 a pound. A little more than chicken although the price is coming down since they are breeding faster than they can be dressed and packaged at the market.




Pretty aren't they?


And why 10 million acres withdrawn for it?

Because after the largest longest and most expensive endangered species study in history it was determined they were not only NOT endangered or even moderately threatened they nearly doubled their natural population during the study.


Too many Sage Grouse and too many politicians = mining bad.


That's modern math.



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I grew up shooting those things - pretty sure they don't need to be protected. There is thousands of these things on my parents land back in Wyoming. I can't begin to understand this - I guess these people have nothing better to do and want to feel like they are doing something significant? 


Looks like Nevada really gets the stick on this one. 

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As a federal claim owner that has been under "withdrawn" status since PLO 5250 in the 70's.

Be very weary of our beloved Federal government and it's managing agencies during public meetings

when they tell you "oh, don't worry. You have valid prior existing rights".


 Boys, let me tell you every single day of your life after the passage of any action putting you under "withdrawn" status

will be spent fighting tooth and nail for those " valid existing rights" !!

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