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107 Nuggets In One Day!


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Nice story klunk. Most people never realize how much lead is out there. Ive been to places too where I really thought that no humans have hardly ever set foot. But their bullets sure landed there. Atleast on occasion I find a high dollar lead nugget like a 1800's blackpowder ball, cap and ball bullet or a musketball. Im glad all that gold didnt get in your way. Hope all your lead is yellow next time.

Good luck

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It's interesting how that dang lead takes the headlines and makes a nuisance of itself when all a nugget shooter wants to do it not detect the lead, but I'm glad you got some gold regardless. More than a few times after I've dug a pocket-full of lead, for whatever reason, I'll dig a nugget or two. Weird coincidence? Or is it just that when I'm working bedrock or the bottom of gulches I'm working where heavies have been concentrated, and that's the only common factor, heavies hanging out with heavies?


Enjoyed reading your entry, so thanks, and all the best,



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Klunker, now you have let the cat out of the bag. Once people de-code your message to reveal the coords of the patch the place will look like it has been trampled by a buffalo herd! If you had worked harder at it and not napped most of the afternoon away you may have at least covered your fuel costs. LOL

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  It's funny how, as we get older, our memories of recent events gets clouded. As I recall, it was the mountain climber who napped all afternoon.

Further more my old Dodge diesel only burned 2.2 gallons (if my math is correct) and I intend to negotiate the sale of the lead to C. Ralph (for additional profit) so that he can mold it into more bullets and I can detect them again and sell them back to him. Recycling at its' finest!

 And, by the way, the next time you leave your lunch unattended please leave the cork screw with it.

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20 mm nuggets, that's a new one, but with all of the military bases and testing areas spread around Nevada, it's not surprising. I imagine that piece got your detector's attention in a hurry! And I thought the 50 cal. projectiles I have were big, not so compared to yours.


All the best,



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