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Malaysian Gold

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Hi Woody

  It looks good but if you can't get out alive it don't look as good anymore. When you step across that line from the USA into another country you lose control. One may be to have a gun to protect yourself. Another is you work finding the gold with others watching and waiting to take it away from you. You could wake up dead.You really don't wake up.

  I've looked at other gold  and I think about it but I just like me too much. What won't kill will eat you are both.Ha

  You go ahead and go Woody but post here when can.

    Chicken Little no Chicken a Lot


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Hi Woody

  It looks good but if you can't get out alive it don't look as good anymore. When you step across that line from the USA into another country you lose control. One may be to have a gun to protect yourself. Another is you work finding the gold with others watching and waiting to take it away from you. You could wake up dead.You really don't wake up.

  I've looked at other gold  and I think about it but I just like me too much. What won't kill will eat you are both.Ha

  You go ahead and go Woody but post here when can.

    Chicken Little no Chicken a Lot



I imagine the dangers would be significant and never said I planned on going - even getting into an area and finding gold in unfamiliar geography/geology would be challenging enough but then I imagine getting out of the country would probably be next to impossible, or, at the very least too arduous of a process to even consider.


I just think its amazing to see someone pulling nuggets out of the ground in such significant quantities, that hasn't happened here since the 1850's.

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I love to dream and I've done a lot finding gold in another country but that's as far as it got.

 Here is my view.

 Say I go to Alaska and a American Bear eats me. Now I pass through it's system. Got that ?

The thing is I'll still be in the Good Old USA..


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  Some time back I drove 18 hundred miles to meet with Digger Bob to nugget hunt in Nevada. The second day there I was told a bad storm was on the way and we needed to get out. So I drove back home to Texas. Maybe if gold wasn't the color it is just maybe we wouldn't go mad hunting for it.

  The Best on your next trip.


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The biggest concern I would have is actually getting the gold out of the country. All it takes is someone in the airport to confiscate it and all your hard work is gone. You could fedex it out perhaps, but I'm not sure what the regulations are.

Mayalysia is a beautiful place, but corruption runs deep. Only recently the Prime Minister was cleared of receiving a $681m "gift" from Saudi Arabia.

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Countries have laws. Good countries enforce them equally and fairly.

I have no idea what the laws in Malaysia are, but very few countries have as favorable laws as the US when it comes to discovering and extracting mineral resources.

If you want to search for gold in foreign parts (or even trinkets) best do your homework prior to departure!

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I had a friend his name was Tony, who went on an adventure gold hunting someplace in south america, he was a diamond dealer and an adventure buff of sorts for an older guy and his son was really into gold prospecting at the time and had a couple of poor paying claims in the southern California mother load. Anyway they headed off on foot into the jungle for a couple of weeks and although they had no problem on this trip with any of the people, the jungle and bugs made the trip really unpleasant for them. they only found a little gold (probably why they were not messed with), in the order of a few grams at best and after getting back Tony almost died after coming down with some strange parasitic infection from the time in the jungle and spent about 6 months under some pretty serious care. He said he'd never do it again, but when he said it there was this strange glint in his eye kind of like he was trying to fool himself... the power of gold.

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