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F350 --

THANKS for the very kind words, and for the great picture.  I think it looks great (but, I'm probably biased, LOL)!  THANKS for your business, and for being "the first one!"

Thank you!


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7 hours ago, steveg said:

F350 --

THANKS for the very kind words, and for the great picture.  I think it looks great (but, I'm probably biased, LOL)!  THANKS for your business, and for being "the first one!"

Thank you!


I've never been one to steer my life by what others think of me.  ? I'm pretty sure this will be a standout if anyone can see it. You really have a great business, and it's been a pleasure. 

Soooo, y'all can send me your GPX 6000's and I'll trick them out.  Might even send a few back. ?

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I like the camo !

Inverse reason of some already posted.......

(I had to wear black for 30+ years to do shows and be "invisible" on dark stages. So when I retired I was looking for a change !!  Just my luck hunting season was just winding up and ALL the camo was on clearance !!!!!!! LOL   Pricing about 85% off...?)    I filled the cart.    

You know what they say 

Every Girl's Crazy 'Bout a Well Camo'ed Man !

skuh kuh kuh kuh , and thx to ZZTop for the line..



None of them are as comfy as the old pair of combat fatigues I won't throw away....and the tie down ankles are the best in TICKLAND !





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F350 -- thank you!  The pleasure has been mine!  ?


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2 hours ago, CalReg said:

Nice! Those carbon fiber shafts sure do make a difference!

Honestly, I weighed the detector after putting everything on. 2.99 pounds. ? No weight saving over original configuration.

Doesn't bother me a bit.

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But it looks Maaavvvelous!??

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