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Deus 2, Nokta Multi, Equinox 1000, All In 2022!

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Maybe my waiting will pay off after all.

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I guess the problem there is catering to people like me who hunt by ear. I appreciate a great display, but end of day, it sounds good, I dig it. As a prospector, most of my detecting hours are with machines that have no target information on screen. Water hunters also lean more on audio that screens for obvious reasons. There just does not seem to be much demand driving that part of the design equation, so Rutus Atrex may be your best hope, although if I am reading right, it is selectable frequency, not SMF.

ATREX is the first multi SMF detector / in Water mode / in which the user can continuously change the multifrequency ... the lower frequency changes in the range of 4.4 khz to 6.8 khz ... the upper frequency at the multifrequency also shifts automatically ...

Another first .... at ATREX.. is updating the software using a mobile phone ... so it's no problem to change the software directly in field detection ....

 ....are you going to search for meteorites? .. so you can download special software for meteorites in the field..... to search for meteorites ...it's a question of 2 minutes max

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9 hours ago, ☠ Cipher said:

On one hand you’re saying that it’s too early to speculate about any potential update wars between machines on the verge of release because it’s too early to know what they are bringing to the table, but on the other hand you want me to speculate even further to include a hypothetical Garrett machine that has not been announced but may or may not come out in the next year or so.

Honestly though, I think if I’m leaving anyone out or overlooking a sleeper it might be Rutus. I’m not impressed with the aesthetics or ergonomics of the Altex but it may end up being a performer, and they have the color screen that really takes multi to another level. 


Permission granted. Consider it a continuing and wide ranging permission, kind of like a 24/7 Detectival (see what I did there)

Yes, I’m pickin’ a bit. You dish it out plenty, often over any undotted i or uncrossed t (that’s why your name is “chase”) so I figured you’re due for a little. Now that I’ve gotten it out of my system…

Out of all the companies mentioned, I’d love to see Garrett come in for the upset. Few people would want to see an American company back on top than me. Personally, I’d love it to be Fisher, but I see no signs of life over there. One guy capable of such an upset is very sick, and the other is on other projects. So Garrett is who I have to pin my hopes on at this point. But I also have to be honest, and it’s just a gut feeling I hope I’m wrong on, but out of the 4 we are discussing I have the most hope, but the least faith that Garrett will come out on top of it in terms of sheer performance. I have no doubt they could sell and market whatever they make, but sheer performance. One thing I hope I’m dead wrong on. 

You might have the drop on Minelab though. If the others come out with truly competitive products, updates may not cut the mustard. Equinox is a bad aesthetic and ergonomic design prone to flooding and breaking. It is not worthy of the technology it holds…not even a little bit. If I were them, no matter where they are on a CTX level variant, I’d immediately revise the equinox into a 1000 version, placing Multi-IQ in a worthy housing. Short of this, their thunder might just get stolen. 

I appreciate how difficult multifrequency is. It’s not lost on me that there’s not one single DIY circuit in the wild. But I’m not convinced that a 1st design by another company not named Minelab couldn’t equal or best them. All these companies now have the benefit of Minelab’s prior work, not just Minelab. They know what they are up against and hopefully enough about how it works that they could make improvements or innovations of their own. Of all companies I’m seriously doubting that XP would release anything they aren’t sure measures up. I have less faith in Nokta but I also know how hungry and driven they are. I don’t think they are going to embarrass themselves with an inferior product either. I think they’d sooner take on a lawsuit lol. 

In the end, whatever the players are, once the root performance is ironed out, they’ll have to win us over in features. I look forward to their custody battle for us.

Regarding to Atrex. I own now one. After first tests I can say it is a  very effective machine. And  the best thing is that Rutus still improving  software  and working on new functions that will further improve this machine. So new machines  from other manufactures will have to bring a lot more... what is good for us ;). 

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There are things to be desired from the Equinox. Hopefully the Equinox 1000 will address a few of those things. Of all the manufactures, I think XP has the best chance of meeting or exceeding the performance of the Equinox.

I for one will be getting the Deus 2 as soon as one is available. I don't necessary care about waterproof, although it would be nice. If the Deus 2 is lighter, quicker and does as good of job with target ID as the Equinox. Then IMO we have a serious competitor. 

The next serious competition I feel will come from Nokta Makro. I've owned and still own one of their machines. My problem is that I've never been able to bond with them. Although I think they are great and I've found some good stuff with the ones I have owned, they just simply are not my first choice when I get to a site. I would love to try the the new SMF when it comes out. But I'll probably wait for others to report on it before I make a purchase decision.

Hopefully Garrett can pull a rabbit out of their hat with their next attempt at SMF. It would be nice to see an American company stay in the rankings and offer some serious competition. They've got the ergonomics down. Now let's see some performance for us serious detectorist.

I worry about Fisher....... with what's been said on the Fisher forum I have some doubts that they will be offering anything substantial anytime soon.

2022 is goung to be an exciting year. I look forward to reading everyone's reviews of the new products that are coming soon. 

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The fact Garrett released the Apex as an entry level Ace range detector says they knew it's SMF wasn't up to scratch yet for a high end machine, that's a big positive.  They know what they need to do and I'm sure they're working on doing it.

Nokta have said their detector is going to be better in virtually every way than the current market leading multi frequency VLF, we all know what detector they're talking about.   They've either made a massive PR mistake by saying that, or it actually is better, if it is then we are in for good times as if they were able to crack multi frequency on their first attempt it's a good sign Garrett will nail it soon too, and XP probably have done a good job on it too.  I don't know why I just think the XP version will be better than the Nokta version.... I guess we'll all find out soon.

If the Nokta is competitive in performance to the Equinox I'll get one just for the better build quality and the extra little features they throw into their detectors.  I hope they've focused a lot on the Gold mode with it, they've made some pretty good gold detectors so they have something to work from.  I really like having Multi-IQ on the gold mode on the Nox, it does seem to be a bit better than just running on 40kHz for me, but it's good to have 40 and 20kHz to drop back to if EMI with multi is an issue so I hope they also have multi and single frequencies on their gold mode.  If Nokta allow Nel to make coils for it I'll be more than happy, if they prevent that I'll be extremely disappointed.

Fisher does seem a write off but I'm starting to gain interest in these European machines like the Atrex, it really sounds like good things are going on in that part of the world and a lot of us are missing out as they don't have worldwide dealers yet, hopefully they follow XP's lead and start international distribution, we even have an XP dealer in NZ.

It seemed to me like 2021 was a year I'd rather forget but with the GPX 6000, the Concentric X-coils for the GPZ, the Apex, Nokta's SMF and now XP's Deus 2 coming out, it's been a stellar year for detecting products bringing a bit of life back into a year I'd otherwise forget.

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6 minutes ago, phrunt said:

I don't know why I just think the XP version will be better than the Nokta version.... I guess we'll all find out soon.

Perhaps it's because the Deus, despite it's age, is still considered a high-end machine.

When N/M is mentioned on message boards, it's likely most often with respect to the Simplex. The Simplex's greatest strength isn't its technology, but the value of what you get for each unit of currency you spend.

So no, you're not the only one who assumes the Deus II will outperform the N/M SMF offering.

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1 hour ago, mh9162013 said:

When N/M is mentioned on message boards, it's likely most often with respect to the Simplex. The Simplex's greatest strength isn't its technology, but the value of what you get for each unit of currency you spend.

Yea I think NM made a big mistake offering the Simplex with all its features at such a low price. I've seen it cannibalize its upper end models since it's release. Having owned both Racer models, the Inpact and the Multi Kruzer. After getting a Simplex I personally see no reason the buy their upper end machines. The Simplex offers everything I'm interested in as far as the current single frequency NM models go. The SMF may change that.

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4 hours ago, pinpointa said:

Well i will be looking very hard at Nokta smf  compared to my Whites v3i using correlate for jewellery. With 5 different programs its unbeatable tuned correctly. It beats digging heeps of plugs and the time factor just gets you results of the goodies.

V3i remains one of, if not the best, cherry pickers ever made. For me there are always places or conditions that limit the amount of plugs I should dig at each go, places or days where my time is limited, or where I want to be sure I get to the best stuff before someone else does. I also get pretty damn good depth here fortunately. Not the best, like Dankowski or Calabash soil, but certainly not the worst either. Discrimination is a craft, and one that is fun practice and to perfect insofar as such a thing can be. With time and dedication it does work. When I come back to a site I’ve cherry picked I find exactly what I’d expect if it’s working. The best stuff has already been skimmed and what remains confirms that the V3i is doing its job. There are very seldom surprises, but you’ll find them, of course, especially if the site is terribly commingled. I know the level of cherry picking I can do with the V would not be possible on a single frequency machine, or even other multifrequency machines that don’t have its tools. They seem to see the potential of these tools in Eastern Europe, but I’m not sure they are on the radar elsewhere. We will see shortly. As of now, there’s still no machine quite like the V3i or VX3. I’m happy for this to be the case in some ways. 

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