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Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Guest Paul (Ca)

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Guest Paul (Ca)

My MX Sport arrived last night with the upgrade, took her out for a quick hunt this morning at an old site laced with iron.

Was using Relic mode, and White's improved SAT even bumped it up to 8 instead of 6. It is faster, much quicker when pushing SAT speed. Great separation, was using 2-tone mode. 

What I noticed right away, it has better separation over the MXT,  even picks up finds the MXT would miss. Haven't compared with Deus or Racer, but from today's hunt the three are so close on Separation the MX Sport may even have an edge.

Plus, even with maximum SAT depth was remarkable. Looking forward to using for longer period especially up in gold country.

Haven't tried the other modes, just Relic and Prospecting mode.

Will share more later, 


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  • The title was changed to Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Great info.  Thanks.

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Guest Paul (Ca)

Thanks Steve and Rough,

Pushing SAT really sets the MX Sport on fire, the higher the shorter the tone very snappy yet depth loss is hardly noticeable.

Although I'm not into using tones, perfer 2-tone setup. Coin/jewerly mode really isn't my type of mode, even with the MXT didn't care for Coin/Jewelry mode always stuck with Relic or Prospecting modes... So I won't comment with coin/jewerly only that it does a good job on Separation but for those wanting a snapper tone quicker response use Relic mode bumping up SAT for extreamly trashy areas....That's the approach that works for me, others may not see a need for my type of settings and perfer the preset coin/jewelry mode.

Will share more later, hoping to use Prospecting mode on a mineralized dry river bed in a day or do, the increased SAT should enhance the prospecting mode. 

Thanks again,


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I got my unit back day before yesterday. I did some quick tests to confirm the tone smearing issue was fixed (it was) and put the unit up for sale last night. It sold today and is on the way to a new home.

So why did I do that? I think my expectations were extremely high, and my initial experience with the machine was not good. First impressions do mean a lot. All my posts about the MX Sport early on make clear I was hoping it might replace my DFX as the detector running my Bigfoot coil plus others I have. That appears to have been wishful thinking with White's officially declaring existing coils will not work properly with the MXS. People who have made adapters indicate there might still be some hope in that department, but over the last couple weeks I realized I was just trying too hard to make something work when the fact is I already have a detector that works perfectly on my Bigfoot - the DFX.

In all honesty there is one other thing. I think after my initial post about the tones issue that a lot of people have now put me in the position of being the guy that needs to officially declare the firmware update to be good and give the MX Sport a thumbs up or thumbs down. The problem there from my perspective is that if the firmware is suspect and if I am to give it a proper testing regimen, it would require a couple weeks of my time to do extensive field testing and cross checking on found targets under a wide range of conditions. Simply using the machine is not good enough as you don't know what you are missing if the machine can't find it. I like to put three different model machines head to head in rotation finding and cross checking found targets, to see if any machines are seeing targets the others miss. It also requires getting into as many varied circumstances as possible due to the software nature of modern detectors and the way the settings interact. For example, a bug may exist at only a certain range of ground balance settings, or only with a specific set of other settings options. In a way I was just lucky (unlucky?) to see the tones issue under my conditions, but it was in large part due to it already being noted by others and an open question that I looked for it specifically.

Anyway, full beta testing was not what I was signing up for when I got the MX Sport. While the MX Sport was away the last three weeks I moved on to and am having fun with other detectors, and the prospect of doing any of the above sounds like work to me. You can basically say I chickened out on the whole thing and dumped the MX Sport to just be done with it all. I may end up regretting that and maybe after the dust settles I will get another MX Sport some day. It would not be the first time I got a new machine, got rid of it, and got another later on. For now though I am just glad to be on the outside looking in and will be as interested as anyone to see how the MX Sport plays out for others. I don't regret any of it for a second however - I learned a lot and got my eyes opened up about a few things, that's for sure.

I will offer this though. I think White's has a good fresh water detecting design in the MX Sport. It is a solid and well conceived machine from a fresh water detecting perspective. However, for dry land use the decision to go with eight AA batteries and a coil designed more for water hunting than land hunting makes it heavier than need be. It is like a water machine that you can also use on land, as opposed to a land machine that you can also use in the water. And with that observation I will leave further developments to others.

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

Well Steve,

Good info.

When I picked up a MX Sport in detector shop and played with swinging a bit.

My opinion on the weight as far as dry land matches yours.

Will say,,detector was rock solid in the feel.  Mighty stiff feeling rod,,no quivering or flex really.

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Guest Paul (Ca)

Hello John,

I'm noticing the better separation from a pounded site laced with iron, the MX Sport was recovering the tiniest pieces between masking the MXT would never have seen. 

Auctally, the MX Sport is scaring me. It may be to sensitive which is what we're seeing with the Racer and Deus. This is good, peeking between iron were other machines fail, and sort of feels the kHz is higher even though it's not.

Take care,


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Guest Paul (Ca)

Hello gang, found something with the MX Sport this morning.

This is very important, all MX Sport users with the upgrade need to run audio modulation feature at 0, running at 1 slows down the recovery and creates some tone smearing. 

And of course those using Relic mode can increase SAT that will increase recovery as well especially in areas with mineralization or iron masking.



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Paul I am not sure why you had masking problems with the MXT because I have not suffered from that but I have also found a very useful thing that does away with anything remotely similar to such issues,

23 minutes ago, Paul (Ca) said:

This is very important, all MX Sport users with the upgrade need to run audio modulation feature at 0, running at 1 slows down the recovery and creates some tone smearing. 

Paul thanks for the update, This tone smearing is that where one signal bleeds in to another ?

I have found that using a fast SAT has hidden benefits, which I have not posted yet but you are spot with that, So well done for sticking at it, Thanks again Paul Great job.


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