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The Legend Foil Issue Update!

Bill (S. CA)

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For those of you who have been following the issue on YouTube about The Legend and it's supposed problem with foil trash, I wanted to share with you that I think I have discovered who TN Sharpshooter is.  Listen to the voice and tell me if I'm wrong.

Here is TN Sharpshooter: 

And here he is "unmasked" (that's a detecting pun):

Just having a little fun to lighten the mood.  Remember, this is a hobby, right? 


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I have been right in the middle of this foil issue since I have a Legend and have made some great finds with it even in extremely aluminum trashed parks.

I am not going to go into the details here. All I will say is that if Nokta is able to improve target separation of co-located non-ferrous targets in its M1 and M2 land based modes without throwing the whole detector out of whack......great.

If they can't, as far as I am concerned, the Legend is an outstanding detector as it stands right now and is well worth its price tag, no matter what these "hell bent on picking the Legend completely apart by any means possible" people have to say.


Thanks for the good natured humor Bill.......I needed it.

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That's pretty good for a machine that doesn't work ?. Nice seeing you are bonding with the Legend!

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That's a special edition Legend in the photo. It has painted buttons. That must be why it works better than a plain ole Legend.?

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Yep, I finally got around to painting the buttons and now Nokta is releasing that nice cover just in time for northern hemisphere cooler/wetter weather. 

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1 hour ago, Jeff McClendon said:

For you Legend owners that are kicking and screaming and crying over in the corner because you got snookered into buying a piece of junk like the Legend which won't find anything because it can't unmask anything in modern aluminum and steel trash, maybe this photo will make you feel a little better. This is not bragging or anything like it. I am just a guy that loves to metal detect, I happen to live in a very big urban area with lots of targets and I have the time a desire to go hunt. 

There are no pennies in that pile of US modern clad, and that is about half of the coffee can which is the second coffee can that I have filled with US modern clad using the Legend. The zinc and copper pennies are in other cans. I keep the finds from different detectors separate including jewelry. That is all gold and silver jewelry, a few choice coins (for my area anyway) and a couple of relics. 

Absolutely all of these things which the Legend can't unmask were found using Park M1 (stinks according to some testers) in modern trashed parks and open areas in the last four months.

Believe it or not. I don't care. I will just cash them in and be happy.



Very well put, Jeff.  Are you making most of your finds with the stock coil or small coil? 

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I just use the 11" coil for coin and jewelry hunting so, even worse masking according to the "experts".

Related to that, any experienced turf clad hunter will quickly see the discoloration of those coins. Those are not surface or near surface finds. Most are from the 4" to 8" range in high iron mineralization with layers of aluminum trash above them......... the easy, clean, fresh drops are already in the bank.

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