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Things I Don't Like About The Garrett Axiom

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25 minutes ago, Knomad said:

I have heard nothing about LL Bluetooth being abandoned, I do know regular Bluetooth is getting faster, but not as fast as I think it needs to be. it would not make sense to abandon LL when Bluetooth is also used for sound with video.

Everyone has their own preferences, but when designing for The Masses, it is always best to appeal to the masses, as well as minimize potential warranty claims, especially for something vulnerable like a port that will be used nearly every outing.

BTW , The Brand Ring, Now has a Bluetooth headset that is not bone conducting nor over the ears, it actually has mini speakers that shoot sound back towards your ears, Good Sound, Very Comfortable and secure, and nothing in your ears, and is fast enough, Excellent for hot weather and snake country.  The only downside is for some reason it will pair with portable transmitters, but not to the Equinox 800 Bluetooth, maybe because it is Bluetooth 5.0 and Nox I think is 4.1.  The Ring model I believe is Mu6,  Sure beats a loud speaker attracting people.

Real world and factory reliability ratings are rarely the same, USB ports are the most or second most common failing parts of cell phones, including USB - C.

Well, I'd just not get an Axiom then if I were you. But yes, Qualcomm has retired aptX LL. Even then, I do agree with you that including some kind of Bluetooth option would certainly have been a plus for many people, especially if they could have sourced some of the last remaining aptX LL chips.

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Very good article reading what everyone has had to say about the Axiom.

Gerry as for the coil hitting the ground try using the cloth tape they use for chairs as it will stop a lot of sound when you hit the ground and rocks.

You can also pick you own colors.

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Micro USB is the one that failed a lot and gave USB a bad durability rap. USB C is pretty dependable. I have USB outlets in my truck, ATV, SxS, laptop, battery booster, and you can also get a cable at just about any gas station these days too. Not to mention most generators and inverters have USB ports built in now too. Good addition IMO.

Coin detectors used around town are one thing, field detectors used in the boonies should be robust enough to take charge from whatever is available, and the most universal port in the world is USB C right now. I'll go 5-6 days at a time where that's the only power I have.

Similarly, headphones might be more necessary for coin and jewelry detectors where you want to be quiet in parks, or cover up the sound of the surf. But every prospecting detector should have a speaker IMO. People spent so long with the SD's, GP's, and GPX's being more or less forced to use headphones that I feel many just assume it's a necessity for accurate detecting - it isn't, as long as the wind isn't ripping.  

The Axiom IMO is incorporating design elements necessary for a real field machine intended for prospecting in the boonies, as it should be. Having not used it yet, the only thing I can see that I dislike so far is what seems to be a premature announcement of the machine itself. Excitement wanes after a few weeks, and while it's nice to read field reports from testers, at some point its just like...ok, but when do we get a turn?

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24 minutes ago, Knomad said:

I never said it was a Deal Breaker for Me.

The truth is that Nothing would ever improve, if things were never critiqued.!

My apologies. Your critiques are very welcome. I just don't think I'm required to withhold my responses either. :smile:

I would like to have seen some version of Bluetooth included, so we agree there. We will simply have to agree to disagree about the durability of USB-C, at least for people like me.


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aptX LL was discontinued some years ago now, have you not noticed its rarely in any new products, it was replaced with aptX adaptive.   The products like the GPX 6000 using it would have had supply contacts so they're all good to source chips but new products coming to market would have to get aptX adaptive.  The reason aptX LL was replaced is its unstable, drops audio too often and this was resolved with adaptive as it adjusts the bit rate up and down (latency speed) to ensure stability.  It's not quite as fast as LL though so people using detectors might complain with the delay.  These 2.4GHz wireless systems are really the only current things available that go fast enough for very low latency.  It will get harder and harder to buy aptX LL headphones with it being discontinued, it's hard enough already with most new ones being aptX adaptive/HD.

I think if Garrett wanted to put atpX LL on the Axiom they wouldn't have been able to do so with chip supply and seeing they have their own wireless product that is superior anyway it made sense to use it.    The receiver is a good solution, then you can use whatever you want on it and have a more stable wireless connection with a lower latency than atpX LL.

If you check the enabled products on the Qualcomm website for LL they have 83 products, adaptive although newer has 213 products and the other new alternative HD has 307 products.



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13 minutes ago, phrunt said:

aptX LL was discontinued some years ago now, have you not noticed its rarely in any new products, it was replaced with aptX adaptive.   The products like the GPX 6000 using it would have had supply contacts so they're all good to source chips but new products coming to market would have to get aptX adaptive.  The reason aptX LL was replaced is its unstable, drops audio too often and this was resolved with adaptive as it adjusts the bit rate up and down (latency speed) to ensure stability.  It's not quite as fast as LL though so people using detectors might complain with the delay.  These 2.4GHz wireless systems are really the only current things available that go fast enough for very low latency.  It will get harder and harder to buy aptX LL headphones with it being discontinued, it's hard enough already with most new ones being aptX adaptive/HD.

I think if Garrett wanted to put atpX LL on the Axiom they wouldn't have been able to do so with chip supply and seeing they have their own wireless product that is superior anyway it made sense to use it.    The receiver is a good solution, then you can use whatever you want on it and have a more stable wireless connection with a lower latency than atpX LL.

Chances are I'll be using the external speaker 90% of the time, and plug my headphones in the other 10%, if that. I don't run the external volume at even 50%, more like 25%, and it simply blares at full volume. Both threshold and volume run from 1 - 25. In quiet settings, I have been running threshold 6, and volume 4 most of the time, up to 6 if there is some normal wind noise.

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That's what I like to hear! Speaker all the way.

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Steve, I think Phrunt is right about Aptx, and some others are pretty fast as well, above 150ms I notice it.

  if you can get your hands on a pair of those Ring Mu6 headsets and get them to pair with a transmitter I think you can have the best of both worlds, nothing in or over your ears (bad for all ears), they don't fall off, super light and comfortable, they set in front of your ears and don't stick out.  Other than compatibility with some systems they are hard for even me As a Born Critic to criticize.

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