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Some Of My First Finds In Northern Canada.

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Nice finds. I love the old Canadian 5 cents. Great condition coins. I also had a Coinmaster V and loved it. Hated the weight and batteries, but loved the machine. A lot different from the weight of today's machines ? Nice chauffeur badge as well.

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I like the 600. It does everything quite well. Now that I've learned it's "voice", I can often exactly tell what I'm detecting. It works well for coins-on-edge (it hit a dime on-edge at 6 inches deep).

Yes, imagine if I had this machine back in the 80's! How many coins did I miss?!

The settings that seem to work best up here are Park1. Accepting 20-40, 12, -8 (The 12 is for gold and the -8 is for Canadian 5 cent pieces on-edge). 5 Tones, Sensitivity 25, 15 kHz, Recovery 2. 

I found an old Garrett for 20 bucks at a garage sale a month ago. It's pleasantly nostalgic, but quite the "beast".




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4 minutes ago, fogrider said:

I love the 600. It does everything so well. Now that I've learned it's "voice", I can tell exactly what I'm detecting. It works so well for coins-on-edge, and it hit a dime on edge at 6 inches deep.

Yes, imagine if I had this machine back in the 80"s! How many coins did I miss?!

The settings that seem to work best up here are Park1, 22-40 Accept, 5 tones, Sensitivity 25, 15 kHz, Recovery 1.

I found an old Garrett for 20 bucks at a garage sale a month ago. It's pleasantly nostalgic, but quite the "beast".




Is that a Master Hunter? I had one of those for a couple of days. Never clicked with it, so it went back to Kellyco.  The Equinox is a good machine. It has a lot of pluses but some minuses as well. But it does work well.

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Welcome to the forum! I have a 600 as well, you might consider the Coiltek 10x5 as an alternative to the 11" for tight spaces and farm hunting with stalks.

Beautiful coins, either they come up like that or you are a cleaning master ?

Great stuff, looking forward to future finds!

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Some great finds. You got the right detector for the job. I like the Canadian coins. I find quite a few in northern Michigan. I found a few Canadian Large Cents and some Fish Scales, thin silver nickels.

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Very nice condition finds, including the Garrett!

Welcome from East Texas.

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8 hours ago, fogrider said:

I love the 600. It does everything so well. Now that I've learned it's "voice", I can tell exactly what I'm detecting. It works so well for coins-on-edge, and it hit a dime on edge at 6 inches deep.

Yes, imagine if I had this machine back in the 80"s! How many coins did I miss?!

The settings that seem to work best up here are Park1, 22-40 Accept, 5 tones, Sensitivity 25, 15 kHz, Recovery 1.

I found an old Garrett for 20 bucks at a garage sale a month ago. It's pleasantly nostalgic, but quite the "beast".




I had to buy one of the first Garrett ADS for the wife when they were released at a cost of 4 ounces of gold but it paid for it self many times over. At $20 I might be able to pay for it with finds even today as that is less than a ¼gram now. ?

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