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GPX Coil Opinion Request

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Dean, Fred Chris and Mitchel, appreciate the input.

 I have a couple things going for me that will help me catch back up a bit to where I left off 10 years ago when I went prospecting.  One of the things I have going for me is that though it's been a while I do have some experience using a detector with finding gold.  Not a lot bit some.  The other thing I got going for me is that I will be going to Gerry Mcmullen's training in Oregon in July.  We will also meet up in North Carolina at the Beach in June for training on the 3030.  But in July in Oregon it will be training on the 5000.  Gerry knows his s$!$ when it comes to detectors. He trained me on the GP 3500 back in 05 at Rye Patch and the day after I completed the training I found 6 nuggets at rye patch on my own, the largest being a one ouncer.  I think a lot of it was luck at being in the right place at the right time with the right tool and the right training and the right coil.  The part of finding the nuggets that I don't call luck was using Gerry's training to the fullest, being wise enough to move my detecting a couple hundred yards from the one little area everybody seemed to be beating to death with detectors and once finding a nugget crossing and crisscrossing that 100X100 yrd area that I found that first nugget in.  The attached pics are of mostly the nuggets I found that one day at Rye patch in 05.  I really want to get my coil over some targets again and see some glistening gold!    


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You already  have the right coils for ninety percent of the ground you may encounter but if I was you I would add one of the new technology coils  13x17 evo or coiltek 18 elite just because it gives you a slight advantage technologically  especialy on flogged ground.  for that deep nugget . plus it will keep the coil makers in cash to come up with new coils for us to buy!

 good luck ,Greg


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I have a bit of money right now but when I retire I just have that once a month paycheck so I figure I best get what I can now.  

26 minutes ago, AuWanderer said:

get a new technology coil.


I think you are right.  I believe these new technology coils are the way to go. One common thread about them seems to be better sensitivity to small gold even on the larger coils.  In the case of large mono coils I'm not sure the depth would change much but would be nice to be able to pick up even the little stuff with a large coil.  Pinpointing could be a problem with the round ones but putting gold under the coil is the first order of business.   One problem is I don't have months to test coils in gold bearing areas.  I will go west for a month and come back.  Maybe get out there again in the winter to someplace like Az.  

I think having a better detector and better coil and good training can equal success.  


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13 minutes ago, cabelafella said:

if I was you I would add one of the new technology coils  13x17 evo or coiltek 18 elite just because it gives you a slight advantage technologically  especialy on flogged ground.  for that deep nugget . plus it will keep the coil makers in cash to come up with new coils for us to buy!

I hear ya, or maybe you hear me.  Someone even suggested a Detech coil and they do seem to have some that sound interesting as well.  It would be so easy to go on a coil buying binge right now, just not easy to pay it back.  

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One should not browse Ebay!  I just found a 25" used nugget finder mono advantage coil for 250 so had to buy it. They are 600 new.  

Maybe still some money left for a new Tech coil! :biggrin:

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I use to have a good assortment of coils, but they all went bad....the only one I have at the moment is the Detech 15x9 DD elliptical. Just bought it and found many nuggets with it all ready....paid for itself. Its not new tech, but works just fine. I did buy a 20 inch NF round mono a few years ago, but I don't use it much as its way to big for the grounds I hunt. I did find a few nuggets with it and it has paid for its self, so its not a total lose. I do know that my next coil will be new tech. If anyone is interested in the 20" Mono NF...pm me....I would use the funds to get a more useful coil to use in my area....The Commander coils are very good....11" DD scored me ounces of gold !! IMHO, you have the coils, all you need to do is get a nugget under one of the ones you have. 

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With the plans you have stated now you will have a great summer with or without finding a lot of gold.

I wish I would have been in Rye Patch in 2005.  I got some lessons there last summer with Lunk and they were very helpful.  It was also helpful to have someone point at a ridge and tell you how many ounces of gold they had found on it years ago.

The pounding continues so go get your share of what is left.


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