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Spring Tide Finds - Including A Big Bullet..

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Another fine hunt and a great save on the ring.

Stay safe out there and good luck on your next hunt.

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These are this morning's finds from hunting the lowest of low tides.. From tomorrow I'll also hit less popular bays whilst the tides are still low.. At least I'll be able to hunt again when I normally wake up at 4:00 am.. The low lows also mean high highs, and during the next couple of days I'll also have a looksee at places where foreshores and beaches have washed away.. Especially those spots where I find old silver coins, they're always good after big tides and storms.. 

This morning I stuck to an stretch way beyond the shark nets where I normally can't get to without dive gear.. This bay slopes a bit steeper than last night's so the incoming tide wasn't chasing me so hard.. I was a bit disappointed as I had my hopes set far too high.. I've always wanted to have a leisurely hunt in this spot without scuba detectors and I've long dreamt about all the jewellery that's made its way down there over the years..

But I keep forgetting about the bloody council with their beach rejuvenation program.. This involves huge dredges and dump trucks a couple of weeks a year to keep the beach in front of the pub from disappearing.. This part of the bay is a lucrative tourist trap and the council will do anything to keep it going.. Including dumping tonnes of sand over potentially rich hunting grounds.. I hardly had any signals and good targets were all shallow and fairly newish (except for the square nail), not like the gold ring from another bay which looks like it had settled deep in its spot years ago..   

Anyway, here's todays finds.. All junk.. Except maybe for the tungsten carbine ring.. I've got three boxes for all my rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces etc., One for gold, one for silver and one for junk, and I can never decide if tungsten rings are junk or not.. I'm not going to keep a separate box for them (although they pop up quite a lot), but I know some people will pay big bucks for them.. I've recovered one which was a dude's wedding ring.. I'm pretty sure that's what the others were as well.. I'm not saying I love them (but they do feel so smooth and heavy), I'm just having a hard time deciding if tungsten rings are worth flogging off to jewellery dealers? So far I've been giving them away to anyone who likes them.. 


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Erik great job!  Gold hooray!  Nice job on all the finds.  I have the same problem with the tungsten.  Funny thing is I see them online for several hundred but when I talked to jeweler he said about 20 bucks lol.  People need to wear more gold to lose for all of us to find!  ? 

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I regard tungsten carbide rings to be the payoff for fuel and parking if I don't find anything better ? and do the same thing, give them away. About the most expensive one I've found was about $250.

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Hey Erik, nice finds, 1.30 am that's dedication, looks to be worth it though. Blank shell is interesting, I have found .303 shells and one blank but not that size. As you say the gold ring looks to of been in the water a while. Big tides up your way ! 

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The first bay is the most popular of the three, it has huge granite boulders surrounding it from which people jump at high tide.. The boulders also provide shade so people wallow amongst them during the heat of the day.. I reckon this is why there's always more jewellery at these spots compared to what gets dropped along the beach.. The lower coin tally could be explained by me hunting the beach and foreshore of this bay at least twice a week, maybe the coins don't get a chance to make their way further into the bay.. 

At the other two bays I normally hunt inside the shark nets but without dive gear I can only get halfway into them.. Because of primeval fears most people stay inside the nets, this makes them and the beach in front the best places to hunt..  But over the last few nights I've been hunting way beyond them.. I found more coins there but fewer rings, although one of them was gold.. I think more coins could be explained by them being dropped by braver swimmers outside the nets.. Maybe there's not many rings left inside the nets because I hoover most of them up from the beach before the sea gets a hold of them or the council dumps more sand on them.. But obviously I missed those..   

I realise it's not just about where people swim - currents, tides, storms or structures like seawalls also influence where their jewellery ends up.. But one of the joys of people watching is that you can picture them dropping stuff and then coming back to see if you were right.. Mostly not, but who knows? For me, it's all part of reading the land before I venture forth..  

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Nice finds again, Erik! I wouldn't think the jeweler would be interested in the carbide ring, but hey a ring is a ring and still fun to find.  It might be worth getting the stones checked on that silver looking ring, I could be wrong but it doesn't look like a junker to me.

BTW, you'd never catch me beyond the shark nets, that's a big nope! ?


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