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Manticore Vs 800-first Few Beach Hunts


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Thanks for the report. I do the same as you: "I just do my usual "rotate 90 degrees and if I get a clean signal both ways dig it". 

After 4 years on a Nox, I'll believe your verdict as the truth. ?

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"It seems to be constructed for male/long-armed people, which I am not. When I have the arm cuff all the way down to make it comfortable to swing the top of the shaft kinda bumps my elbow. My buddies say it's because I swing like a girl. Whatever. ?  The screws holding the pod on there aren't regular screws-they look like they need one of those tiny little allen wrench things you get for assembling boxed furniture. I think when I find one that will work and move the pod up on the shaft a couple inches, then adjust the lower cam-locks accordingly it will "fit" me better. 1st photo.  If anybody has a clue what I need for this please let me know."

Thank you for the review.

In regards to adjusting the control pod, it can't be moved easily. The bottom part of the pod is attached to the shaft, I would assume, epoxy. I suppose you could try to soften the glue with a hair drier and reposition it. If you don't re-glue it, it may not stay in place. The Nox's had a pin in the pod that went into a hole in the shaft to stabilize it. It may be worth the trouble to make it more comfortable for you to swing.  I measured the allen wrench I used to dismantle the pod, it's 3mm.




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One minus for carbon fiber is that it's not easy to work with.  Simple things like drilling holes, not so difficult working with metal, is a tricky thing.  Maybe our resident shaft guru @steveg can chime in with suggestions.

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I'm really liking mine for beach work and yes it is deeper than the Equinox at my beach by a good 2 inches or more. I have not dug much iron with it at the beach. Took it to a nail infested site yesterday and didn't notice it falsing any worse than the 800 would have. Pulled a silver Roosevelt dime than gave a perfect trace and ID at about 4 inches. When I went back over the hole there was iron in it. Deep iron at parks is what worries me, as I have dug a few deep nails I thought were coins. Need more time at a park before I pass judgment though.

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14 minutes ago, abenson said:

 Deep iron at parks is what worries me, as I have dug a few deep nails I thought were coins. Need more time at a park before I pass judgment though.

It loves roofing nails and short thick rusty bolts with  big head. They will read right on the centerline sometimes. 


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Good first up report . Definitely noticing greater depth here on my heavily hunted beaches compared to the Nox .

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6 hours ago, Dan(NM) said:


In regards to adjusting the control pod, it can't be moved easily. The bottom part of the pod is attached to the shaft, I would assume, epoxy. I suppose you could try to soften the glue with a hair drier and reposition it. If you don't re-glue it, it may not stay in place. The Nox's had a pin in the pod that went into a hole in the shaft to stabilize it. It may be worth the trouble to make it more comfortable for you to swing.  I measured the allen wrench I used to dismantle the pod, it's 3mm.




Thank you!  I didn't think it would be any more difficult to take off/reposition than my Nox was.  I know I did it because MineLab had to replace my pod for me and all they sent was the pod in a box.  I don't remember much about it but I'm sure I got the old one off somehow.  Does anybody know if it will void my warranty if I try it on my MC?


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5 hours ago, strick said:

It loves roofing nails and short thick rusty bolts with  big head. They will read right on the centerline sometimes. 


And those tiny little copper? nails.  Of which my beach has a bazillion.  And I've personally dug about half of those in the past 4 years. ?

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