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Looking For Property In Gold Country

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OK, I need some help and advise...Im thinking about buying some land in the southern mother load and am looking for around 50 to a couple of hundred acres depending on the land possibly in Calaveras or Amador County and a friend of mine is also looking for land to invest in. I'd like to get something with water access, river front or lake front, near old workings, multiple building sites, detectable gold and I'm sure there are many other things to consider.

anyone here had a large parcel of undeveloped property and what were the pitfalls, would you do it again????



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That is a nice place, this is going to be tough...i really like the downieville area, but was thinking about a slightly lower elevation and no or little snow. 

Also better access to a bigger town, more like Sonora or Jackson even Placerville/Auburn would be OK, but that is a nice parcel, might have to take a look.

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You should have good luck in El Dorado County (Placerville, Diamond Springs, etc.).  The County is so resistant to development, land should be given away.  You can't subdivide economically, and if you want to build, you are into the property $100k before you turn a shovel for the foundation, in addition to the cost of the land.

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3 hours ago, deathray said:

Im in Calaveras. Problem is, theres a green rush going on here...land, especially the burn area, is being bought up to grow dope.

Hi Ray,

so whats the deal with Calaveras county and the green rush?? I heard on the news that property was heating up in anticipation of legalization after the november elections, is the political environment more favorable there? didn't hear the same thing for Amador and El Dorado Counties.

3 hours ago, Jim Taylor said:

You should have good luck in El Dorado County (Placerville, Diamond Springs, etc.).  The County is so resistant to development, land should be given away.  You can't subdivide economically, and if you want to build, you are into the property $100k before you turn a shovel for the foundation, in addition to the cost of the land.

hey Jim,

My friend and potential partner on this deal is going to want to do some development on the property, if I do this with him ill be a junior partner for sure as he will have the bulk of the money to invest. 


We have been talking about building some kind of retirement community where all of our friends can move to as we get older, my friend owns a village in China, it's full of artists and musicians and he wants to do something similar here with art studios, community areas and small residences through the property...I could see something that would have private areas and art galleries and perhaps tea house and music open to the surrounding community, all very conceptual for now, but he is very interested.

I'm going to contact some realtors next week and perhaps the week following we will take a drive and look at some land, see whats really out there and then well see, very good to know about the building issues in El Dorado County as hopefully knowing those pitfalls will let me ask the right questions first...

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If you get turned onto something here, I've got a good family friend who does surveying (and used to do sub-divisions and development here when you could do that) who can advise.  I would definitely get his opinion before leaping. 

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2 hours ago, LipCa said:

Sounds like a "Planned Development"...  Better have deep pockets... like  several million...

my friends have done nothing but work their whole lives and now they want to have a little fun, i'm kind of a bad influence what with fishing (ADD), metal detecting/prospecting (ADD), Ceramics (ADD), I'm a complete do it yourself and on and on (ADD)... they keep hearing about all my adventures in gold country and are wanting in on some of the fun along with a great place to live. One of the guys is my fishing buddy and he wants to buy a new boat and have me take care of it for him, but I don't want to have him buy a giant maintenance fee for a boat and all the other headache for me, he'd hardly use it and actually my little boat is a better fishing platform for me anyway. Prospecting is another story... that's an investment in land that I can recommend to my friends and still feel good about myself and sleep peacefully at night. Money I don't think will be the issue as finding the right property will be the challenge. 

This is a youtube video of his property in Hangchou, the video is only so so and shows only a little of the land... the staff pulls a pretty big fish out of the lake for lunch, thats kind of cool; 

and this is the artists community they have in a different location in zhejiang, China; http://travel.sohu.com/20160123/n435607720.shtml


If I could find them a piece of property like roaring camp I don't think it would be out of the question, I don't think roaring camp would be willing to sell.

My friends are really nice group of people, they do a ton of charity work and support the arts and a lot of other people... they like a beautiful place to live, they want to find gold for the experience, finding it for money is not important at all to them they would just like to find a little trophy and have some fun. being together with their friends and sharing experiences is also most important, they won't care about keeping every nugget for themselves. i can see many group hunts and gatherings as they enjoy the friends experience very much and are very willing to share. 

2 hours ago, Jim Taylor said:

If you get turned onto something here, I've got a good family friend who does surveying (and used to do sub-divisions and development here when you could do that) who can advise.  I would definitely get his opinion before leaping. 

I will keep the offer in mind thank you, I'm going to talk to a realtor tomorrow and we'll see if something appropriate turns up.

One more thing, i will get them involved in AMRA, some deep pocket friends helping other minors in the battle to keep land access open wouldn't be a bad thing either, although China helping in the fight for freedom and rights here in the US might seem a little awkward.

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Do talk to a surveyor/engineer and the county planning department.

Many things can come up with what you are talking about........ archaeological study, cultural study, EIR, traffic studies, wells, septic/sewer systems, road construction(even improving existing roads), school taxes. Many public meetings. Lots of fees.

I was a licensed surveyor for 35 years and worked with a civil engineer for 15 years prior to getting my license so I speak from experience.

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