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Characteristic Of Your Metal Detector

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A detector should have individual character and a distinguishing trait or quality. Isn't this why we buy that detector ?

When you have a detector company that makes their product under one name you find what I said more true. Then other companies may have one name but they sell their products under different brand names of times past.

I'm not saying it is not a good product they have. The trouble that comes into play is when they have the same father they start to look alike.Just by association and being conceive by the same person they all are going to be effected. If you go look at detectors that  come out under different names but made by the same company you will see what I'm taking about. Oh it don't jump out and bite you but makes you think your seeing double. I don't care if it's the inner working are the skin on the outside it drift from one to the other.

Okay I open this can of worms and now I'd like to hear from you on the above  subject.


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I guess it all depends how you look at it. I think more choices are better. First Texas owns Bounty Hunter, Fisher, and Teknetics. They often market the same detector under two or more of the brands. So you get the Fisher Gold Bug DP and Teknetics G2. Same detector but different rod assembly and colors.

Some people like the Fisher S rod, others like the Teknetics pistol grip. Fisher is black and gold, G2 is gray. Bottom line is maybe I just think the Teknetics model looks cooler. Who knows, but the fact you can get basically the same detector in two different packages is not a bad thing to my way of thinking.

If you like inbreeding then you can have examples like the original White's MXT in semi gloss black and 950 (9.5") concentric coil, or you could get the MXT 300 in flat black with 300mm (12") concentric. Same exact detector dressed up two different ways.

If we ever see a detector company go factory direct we could just place an order for machines the way we want them. The coil we want, and maybe extra charges for custom paint jobs or decals. 

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 I've seen it would have been great to order my detector just the way I wanted. On color is not so important to me but most of the time I'd say black. I don't think I would do pink even if some guys look good in a pink shirt.


To answer your question. I PM Steve and he worked his magic. Like when you and I at Rich Hill . I put on a sad face and got the extra water off you.haha

What I've paid for some detectors now I was buying  a new car way back when. I could order it with air, heater and radio plus any color I wanted. The more I think about it Steve we should be doing it the way we wanted now.



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There is one characteristic that seems the same on the last 7-8 vlfs that ive owned and seems strange. most have the same basics puting them together. coil attached to lower pole, then lower pole attached to upper pole or middle pole etc all the way back to the arm cuff. Well every one of mine after constructing them together has the coil leaning to the right. I swing detectors left handed most of the time so the coil leans right towards my left foot. I thought it was me tilting the detector a long time ago, but if you set them flat and level on the ground and look straight down the detector from the arm cuff, you would see that the coils lean to the right a few degrees. my partner has had many of the same detectors as I have had and hers are perfectly straight if you look down them. it seems the issue is the adjustment holes of the poles must have been drilled slightly off to the side of center. it is not a big issue for me, just gives my detector character. I think the same guy that built my detectors has worked for several companys. so if your listening,  please drill the holes straight next time. I would like atleast one straight detector, besides my minelabs which are straight.  Other then that chuck my detectors other characteristics are they really like gold.

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