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New Members Post Rock Questions, Never Reply To Answers

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I admit I am getting tired of the folks that join, post a bunch of "what is this" photos, and then never respond when people take the time to answer. No thank you, nothing. I've wondered if it is some sort of scam, but I follow up and watch, and most seem to be hit and run members - one post, gone forever. And a few sleeper spammers. Maybe people posting photos here to use elsewhere, as it always seems to be a bunch of photos at once.

So I'll ask the longtime members - what do you think of this forum? Is it worth having? People ok with it in general? I'm only asking because these one time posters of whatever they found in the driveway are kind of putting me off answering here. But as long as you all are happy I'm happy, so just checking in.

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You will probably never solve the "hit and run" posters problem.  I just like seeing the answers to the questions myself, when a knowledgeable person answers it correctly.  Ya, a Thank You would be nice.  GaryC/Oregon Coast

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8 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

So I'll ask the longtime members - what do you think of this forum? Is it worth having? People ok with it in general? I'm only asking because these one time posters of whatever they found in the driveway are kind of putting me off answering here. But as long as you all are happy I'm happy, so just checking in.

If you look up "ID for rocks and minerals" this site is one of the first that comes up. ? Not surprised that they do it, and sometimes the answers from the more 'geologically experienced" are incredible. I always read them.

I've had a bit of fun a couple of times myself knowing a person won't come back,? but I have helped some with a genuine interest. They always come back. I come across very few rocks where I live now but as a kid I had an interest in them. ?I think it's pretty cool and a lot better than the spam ?

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As one of the "older members",  I can honestly say I could care less about such antics.  I mean, this particular forum kinda opens up the door to non prospectors hoping they stumbled upon some unique find leading to a pay day.

Now if perhaps I was owner/moderator of this web site I could understand being a little taken back by "interlopers" mooching expertise then outta here without so much as a thanks.

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I find the forum a wealth of knowledge from a guy in Missouri that's lucky to get to Az on vacation once a year. I don't post often because well frankly most of you have forgot more about this hobby than I will ever know lol. I do enjoy reading those who do though, I learn a GREAT deal, so thanks to all of you.

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They do the same thing on my motorcycle forum all the time. A new member asks a question: How do I fix this or that… Our veteran members reply with very well though out answers, then we never hear from the OP again. Been that way as far back as I can remember. It doesn’t really bother me much anymore, since we usually get at least two or three new members who stick around and contribute for every “hit n run” poster.

As for this forum, I like it a lot. Really enjoy the technical oriented atmosphere here. This one, and FMDF are the only two I participate on nowadays.

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I wouldn't sweat it, Steve. The answers do help others besides the OP's. As we go through life, we're bound to run into the occasional butthead. Irritates me, but nothing we can do about it.


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