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Signal Moved As I Dug Deeper

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Hi fellow dirt diggers

I have been digging gold over here in OZ with a GPZ 7000 & 14 inch standard coil in creeks and have had a couple of signals from targets move from where i first started hearing at the surface

Here is how it happened-

I found a weak signal in the middle of some creek wash and started digging. i dug straight down approximately 100mm and checked the hole with detector, The noise was notably louder & I was on target with the signal in the middle of the hole.

I dug another 100mm down, re checked the hole with the detector and noticed the signal had moved from the center of the hole by approximately 100mm, so i dug down another 100mm towards the signal and checked with the detector. the signal was heaps louder and i was defiantly getting closer. The signal had moved another 100mm approximately further from the initial hole starting point. I finished up digging to the clay layer down 550-600mm down and about 350mm off center from the initial signal to uncover a 3 ounce specie. 

I wasn't going to worry about posting the weird dig and thought it was just me not centralizing the target initially until it happened again in another creek about 1 km away. This wasn't so bad it had only moved about 100mm off center and 400mm down to uncover a 10 grammer.

The ground was pretty much just creek wash and then the layer of clay on the bottom.

Was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience or is it just me ?

Cheers Ozgold

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 Mr. OzGold;

 I have found the 7000 to be unequivalebly  the most horriblest, obnoxioustest detector I have ever used for pin pointing. Add to that the fact that it can act goofy around clay and you are working under water where it is probably difficult to see what you are doing I believe the best solution to your problem is to accept your fate and continue forth with good humor.

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I once dug a hole in a desert area with a 7000.  I was using an X-coil 15x10 when I was new to the coil.  There is a thread about the dig.

The hole got deeper and deeper.  I couldn't hear it in the sides, but I could still hear it.  I had to make the hole larger to get the coil in it.  My pick is attached to a handle like a broom stick so I could keep after the signal without getting on my knees.

At about the 24" area I finally got the target.  It was a 22 shell!

I surmise that it had slid down a lizard/snake hole and kept getting deeper as I dug.

This also happened to me one other time with my 5000 now that I think about this 'story.'


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  • The title was changed to Signal Moved As I Dug Deeper

As a rule nuggets tend to stay centered. Nails and other elongated ferrous targets will often move, since in reality they are like two targets, like a bar magnet, with a signal off each end. Long story short I rarely see a nugget do that, but a weird nugget type or ground/hot rocks could certainly do it.

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I like the idea Phrunt has of using a gold monster with the little 5” coil and a very short rod as a mini pin pointer, or try using a Garrett carrot or other good pinpointer, it may help.

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The creek I was in was dry all the way to the clay layer and even that was hard and dry. The main thing I remembered from these digs from others was standing back from the the deep elongated oval shape hole and remembering where i started the dig and that the target signal came to the surface on an angle and not straight up. I've dug sum good nuggets up in my time but these two were weird and wanted to share

Cheers Ozgold

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