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Problems With Garrett Apex

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The Apex does seem a bit pricey, here it's about the same price as an Equinox 600 which is why I haven't purchased one, I'm a massive fan of my Ace 300i, I really enjoy using it and it's a deep machine, if only it had different audio than the doorbell tones.  In saying that it's better than the duck being murdered sounds of the Simplex ?

I often wonder how the Apex would go in my soils, judging by my Ace 300 or 250 I'd say probably quite well.

I would say I'm a happy Ace user and feel confident with my hunting locations for coins in mild relatively iron jink free soils with the majority of junk being pull tabs I would not be left dramatically behind by any detector I've used. 



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12 hours ago, DIG5050 said:

I use both the Apex and the Deus 2 presently.  I've been using an Apex since late 2020.  The first one (early in production) had issues right out of the box, but Garrett sent an entirely new one and a return label for the first unit. The replacement unit developed a coil issue after a short time, and again, Garrett sent a new, replacement coil. That's top notch Garrett service. 


You are lucky , I did receive a new coil from the Garrett European after service but they never replaced the CB which I believe was faulty too .

Eventually as I was very disappointed by the detector I sold what I could . I sold the coil as it was brand new and seemed to be ok and the Z lynk wireless headphones  (which are excellent ) . 

And the CB went to the recycling bin , as I didnt want to sell a probable faulty component to an other user ... 

End of the story ..

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My "newb again" two zincolns of opinion.

 phrunt mentions this from time to time after showing some find ...."My 300 would have found this too" !

The old and or cheaper detectors all still go beep when over metal and yes , even gold too. Maybe not quite as deep but a beep is a beep (unless it's boop).  Discrimination and the other bells and whistles on the top end detectors is impressive but here I am (along with many others) digging it all to not miss any of the more elusive goodies  ! I'm not down playing the benefit of a fine tuned  ground balance  but even without it a detector still finds a lot of targets .  

My best friend uses a Garrett 300 and he bests me on occasion. His coil passed over that item and mine didn't.

How many of us have picked up an extra detector for backup or when you talk a non addict or the grand kids into joining you on a hunt ?   A friend on my forums wanted to try the hobby and I steered her to a Vanquish 440 ! She's "diggin'" it !  It's nuts to spend the big buck$ if you're not sure you will use something enough to make it worth the extra cash spent.







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20 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

If you are not running what people deem to be the best (what THEY use) then you are a second class citizen. Threads like this always end up making it clear at some point.



  I'm very happy to hear you, and others, reiterate that sentiment! When you're a new member here, it can be intimidating to post anything, when using what "some" may consider an "inferior or subpar" detector! Frankly, to me, there is no such thing, as they will all find stuff! And it is definitely the user and their mastery of that detector, being the primary factor in their success!

   I know several people that can detect circles around some others, using an "old", or "cheap" detector, simply by knowing all the subtle nuances that these "inferior" machines tell them!  Digital, and most definitely, analog machines still have a firm place in my arsenal, as they still preform! 

    At some point, like many here, when I'm ready to whittle down my machines to a handful, I will still have at least one "old inferior" machine to pull out the stuff that gets passed over by the "latest and greatest" out there!???

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It would be nice to have a Garrett Forum for Garrett users. It’s not the place for comparing brands. We have a forum for that specifically, and so what started as a thread for Garrett people on the Garrett Forum has been split and moved to the Comparisons Forum. The original thread can still be found here.

Most people just buy what they want since these are trivial purchases for many people. Relative value is in the eye of the beholder. Garrett has a huge fan base, and I’d ask that people that prefer other brands, for whatever reason, avoid the Garrett Forum. Let the people that own  the brand have a place to share information and stories. Thanks.

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Anyone that wants to start detecting should buy a detector that they can afford with room leftover for a decent pinpointer/digging tools depending on what environment they are searching and which targets they are hoping to find. Luckily, there are a ton of great options today, whether that detector is an older model or a new one.

Some very basic detectors work really well and are priced really well too. Some others aren't priced as well for what they can do and the Apex to me is one of those. It's priced on the upper borderline between beginner and advanced detectors. Which is it???? 

Current Garrett 24K owner and Garrett Carrot owner and previous Apex owner (2 of them)


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9 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

It would be nice to have a Garrett Forum for Garrett users. It’s not the place for comparing brands. We have a forum for that specifically, and so what started as a thread for Garrett people on the Garrett Forum has been moved to the Comparisons Forum.

   Why does detecting forum management have to be so difficult!!?? Your a good sport Steve, and a patient soul! (Mostly)!???

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6 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Some very basic detectors work really well and are priced really well too. Some others aren't priced as well for what they can do and the Apex to me is one of those. It's priced on the upper borderline between beginner and advanced detectors. Which is it???? 

I don’t disagree with your evaluation Jeff. I disagree that the Garrett Forum is the place for it. There are people who actually own the Apex and like it, and don’t care about other detectors or what they cost. Can’t they have a place to discuss their detectors without being told they could have owned this or that instead for whatever the reason may be?

Value is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe a person just wants to buy a detector made in the U.S. and is willing to spend more money to do it. Maybe they just like the design. Maybe they just like yellow. :smile: Point is what you value is not what everyone values.

Garrett is a very popular brand in the country, and the absence of activity on the Garrett Forum has gone on long enough. Despite some people having issues or not liking the price, there are also lots of very happy owners. I'd like them to feel welcome here, not drive them away. If people don’t like or appreciate the brand or the models, feel free to voice it here on the Comparisons Forum. But avoid the Garrett Forum. Seems like a simple ask. Thanks.

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On 4/10/2023 at 7:19 AM, Jeff McClendon said:

Some very basic detectors work really well and are priced really well too. Some others aren't priced as well for what they can do and the Apex to me is one of those. It's priced on the upper borderline between beginner and advanced detectors. Which is it???? 

If you compare all detectors on the market it is like comparing all cars on the market. It can get confusing comparing Chevy to Subaru to Hyundai to Honda to Ford. The Apex is priced relative to other Garrett models and for where it fits in their lineup, and if you want to know what the deal is, you look at their lineup and prices. Same as you would do with the other companies. It's Garrett's opinion that the Apex fits in just above the Ace 400 but below the AT Gold in their product line.

As a long time retailer I will say this. People in general go low end (the budget buyer) or high end (money does not matter). The area in the middle was never what sold for me. Too expensive for the budget person, not featured enough for the power user. The Apex sits squarely in that middle of the road zone and pleases neither group. I think however that it all basically misses the point and misunderstands what is really going on, which is that Apex is just a toe in the water for things to come.


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