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Deus 2 Update V1.0 Released


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@Jeff McClendon , Have you had a chance to test it on any tiny nuggets? Any improvements?


I'll have to wait until later to update. I'm at work and only had my WS6 puck in my truck. Tried to update it but can't get it to power on for whatever reason. May just be a dead battery. I'll put it on charge tonight and see what happens. 

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6 minutes ago, Rattlehead said:

@Jeff McClendon , Have you had a chance to test it on any tiny nuggets? Any improvements?


I'll have to wait until later to update. I'm at work and only had my WS6 puck in my truck. Tried to update it but can't get it to power on for whatever reason. May just be a dead battery. I'll put it on charge tonight and see what happens. 

check page 3 of this topic.

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4 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

I was a tech director for a school system for 20 years, built networks all over the northeast, and worked in IT in general for over 40 years, starting with IBM system 360 mainframes in the 80s.

If I can get to a site it's up. I seriously doubt they missed the step of having enough server space after a year of development. Just so ya know 🙂 I was on it the whole time, and refreshed. 

I'm not here to measure dicks, but you should know that you're not the only one here who works in IT. There can be many reasons why a site is down for some users and not for others, but with a circumstance like this it's most likely because they didn't anticipate the number of simultaneous connections they'd have to handle. I assume they are on serverless infrastructure, since they were able to fix it so quickly. Nonetheless, it is an oversight on their part. 

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7 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Very disappointing.

I can confirm that version 1.0 Deus 2 FMF Goldfield is just as insensitive to smaller gold nuggets that weigh less than 0.5 grams as it was before the software update. Deus 2 program 7 Mono and Deus 2 program 14 Fast 40 (based on Deus 2 Mono) are both included in the update and out perform FMF Goldfield by up to 5 centimeters on small sub 0.5 gram nuggets........😪 

Those two programs do not have the moderate to high iron mineralized ground handling of XP's FMF tech however.

Yep disappointing as I was hoping for a "mono" gold field process program (similar to Deus 1) not just the mod that allows you to adjust the top end FMF frequency, but at least there is now adjustability there which an interesting addition. There are also now a number of other audio enhancements (e.g., new audio filter, enhanced square wave audio, threshold with pitch, and new enhancements to full tones setups) that supposedly improve detection of weak signals, so some additional testing is warranted.  But the head-to-head testing Jeff did with Mono vs. Gold Field, is telling us that there is probably still work to do.  

Jeff, note that on Gold Field (which is already at 40 khz max) and Relic (default 24 but now can be adjusted up to 40 khz or down to 14 khz) should be tested.  I note that in the program descriptions, Gold Field utilizes frequency addition while Relic utilizes conductive soil subtraction (though not sure if this is simply tied to the FMF MAX Frequency selection) so there may be a slight difference in the way Gold Field and Relic process targets even with the same Max FMF frequency.  Suggest giving Relic a go with 40 khz to see how it behaves.  With Relic you have hot ground handling similar to Gold Field.  Worth a shot.  Also suggest fiddling with the new audio options including the audio filter and enhanced Square.  Also going to try Sensitive Full Tones and Beach Sensitive with Pitch which are both set up for micro targets.  If Pitch is used, threshold can be utilized as well.

At the end of the day, we may need "mono" gold field, a maximum FMF frequency higher than 40 khz or a maximum mono frequency higher than 45 khz (60 or 80 khz preferrably) and that small elliptical coil we have been asking for.

6 hours ago, phrunt said:

Thanks for doing that Jeff, I didn't really need another detector anyway, I'm trying to kick the habit and there is no Detector buyers anonymous in my area.

Simon, just wanted to point out a nuanced point.  Specifically that Jeff is not saying that Deus 2 does not have sub gram gold detection capability.  Deus 2 in mono frequency,40 to 45 khz appears to be able to detect Jeff's test targets, it is just that Gold Field is lacking.  Jeff needs Gold Field because of its superior mineralized ground handling.  You have always stated that you have minimal mineralization issues even in your gold fields.  You might be able to rival your Deus 1 prospecting performance with the Deus 2 in mono.  I don't need sub gram gold capability so I don't have a feel for how Deus 2 Mono performs vs. Deus 1 Gold Field, in that capacity so maybe Jeff can provide that perspective (I'm sure he has addressed it in his past testing).  The thing is, I am not sure even Deus 1 can rival Equinox 800 on sub gram gold anyway, so it might be a moot point.  You had indicated interest in Deus 2 because of the reports of rock solid Target IDs at depth, you might still want to consider Deus 2 down the road.  They definitely did some things to improve target audio and non-ferrous target ID stability in the presence of ferrous and its not like it does NOT detect sub-gram gold.  Anyway, just wanted to point that out.

Chase Takes:  I'm updated but I have not had the chance to run Ver 1.0 through its paces or punch in my custom programs.  Love what they added but disappointed in what was not added, but hey, we're only at version 1.0 and they sure added a lot.

Would have liked to have seen:

Mono Frequency Gold Field Process and higher mono frequency selections above 45 khz to address the micro target/sub gram gold limitations that Jeff has identified. 

Also, I want to point out here that we are talking SUB GRAM gold (and Jeff has been careful to always characterize it that way).  No mistake about it, it may not be as sensitive as the Deus 1 and is definitely not as sensitive as the Equinox to sub gram gold but I will tell you, it definitely detects micro gold jewelry and micro mid-conductors.  Just wanted to put that out there FWIW.  Sometimes people get the mistaken impression it has trouble with gold and/or micro mid-conductors, in general.

On Deus 1 you could select normalized or non-normalized TIDs.  The spread of TIDs would vary based on the operating frequency used, with the higher operating frequencies pushing and compressing the high conductors at the high end of the scale (i.e., above TID 90).  Or you could normalize all TIDs to display consistent with an operating frequency of 18 khz regardless of the operating frequency selected.   Ability to adjust TID normalization to a lower reference frequency to provide a greater spread of high conductive TIDs.  Right now Deus 2 TIDs are normalized to 18 khz like "ID NORM" on the Deus 1.  A lower reference frequency like 12, 8 or 4khz would create more spread on the top end TIDs at the possible expense of more compression on the lower and mid conductivity regions.  It's a tradeoff (everything is constrained to a maximum TID 99) but it would be nice to have that option.  Maybe in a future update.

Separate from the update, a small elliptical coil option would be welcome.

Will be taking these new options and features for a spin this week.

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I did a quick hunt with the new version. I’m quite happy with it so far.  Full tones is very reactive and Hi-Square is much more “informative” than the original square.  So much to play with

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All updated and paired up, now to get out and try it out. Looks like some great features have been added, the one that I am most interested in is the new improved full tones.

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10 hours ago, Zord said:

The magical analog audio is back

What I unfortunately continue to perceive is a break in the threshold in favor of the signal, instead of a rise in the threshold.Hard to say whether the cause is the square tone bonephone or simply the digital system to sound different.Same problem on the old Ctx.

In any case I found the whole system much more stable and efficient.

Right now each program is a matrix on which to process its own in all parameters.

I just miss a manual ground balance in the beach🥴 programs.

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