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What Does Geosense Actually Do?

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Wow  simon that's to serious for me .? After lots  of testing  I only use the one button on the 6000 now , on and off . Great change from the 5000 .  l know I'm still missing  gold , but show me a detector that doesn't, stress free detecting ?

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7 hours ago, Nedkelly said:

Wow  simon that's to serious for me .?

It's all well over my head too, I'm just curious and was hoping someone knew something about what it actually does, Minelab's description leaves more questions than answers but I guess they don't want to give away secrets.  I probably won't get many responses as I would guess nobody else knows either ?

I do really like the 6000 now I've got a fixed up one, can't wait to get the little Sadie for it. 

They say it detects in difficult environments once thought undetectable, but this isn't the case as it's pretty bad in hot rocks that the older model and the GPZ handle with greater success.  Maybe other environments I don't have around here it handles better than other detectors like some really bad or salty soils.

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Great analysis, Simon and I imagine you are correct or definitely directionally correct. The lack of timings from prior units to the 6k suggests current processors and coding have the ability to make some determination around the best timing for a given set of factors in the ground.   We all have our real world preferences driven by experience, so the "best" here is likely a theoretical best.  

I like the change as timings always seemed archaic to me, but that's likely primarily because I don't live in gold country and could never get enough time on the machines to develop a proper feel and understanding of them. 

The most puzzling part, which you also point out, is the "difficult environments" phrase.  The SDC can operate in what I would call difficult environments. 

So then the question is, how does Minelab define "environments" in this statement. Is it static mineralization, variable mineralization, gold size relative to mineralization, a weighting of those, etc.  The analysis can get a bit lawyerly and, in the end, it may just be marketing.   

Even with all the undefined parameters and its share of growing pains, it has evolved into a good machine and I am happy to have it. 

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9 hours ago, phrunt said:

Maybe other environments I don't have around here it handles better than other detectors like some really bad or salty soils.

Yeah, in wet alkali soils (common in the US) the 6000 does notably better than the GPZ. Part of that is the smaller coil though, but it still does better in wet alkalis than the GPZ running a 12" coil too.

The fact that no one really knows what Geosense is kinda shows the point I was making about it being too opaque of a detector in the other thread, none of us know what's happening, why or when. For general use it's not a big deal I guess, as long as it's finding gold and fun is being had. But for those who need or want to know what they are missing, why, and when, it's not really a good thing. 


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I don't know to much about the 6000 yet as I have only used it for just under 3 weeks so far, but I do know this, it works very well.

Mostly I use it in Difficult (wriggly lines) and get a minimum of hot rocks, when I use Normal (straight lines) it finds hot rock heaven.

I don't know if it is "Geo Sense" working, but a couple of swings over a suspect signal, (that's a signal that's not a signal) it just fades out after a few swings.

On a signal no matter how faint if it is gold is remains and it gets better after as bit of a scrape, so just dig it up, and plenty of the tiny bits I'm finding are like 6" to 8" deep, and of course there are the shallow 1" deep bits as well that can't be missed, they just say dig me now.

So I just reckon I don't need to know how a sportz car is built, I just need to know how to drive it.

cheers dave

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I do find it tracks out really tiny bits, but you can get them back again with a ground balance or even swinging off to the side of your dig for a bit but they're probably a bit smaller than your gold Dave  I think our hot rocks are basaltt?  Well I've been told they likely are by images of them but the 6000 has a lot of trouble with those particular ones, the GPZ had trouble with some green hot rocks we have too.  Both are highly magnetic.   We do have a few volcanoes dotted around though that according to my research threw out a lot of basalt.  The best for me and hot rocks has been the GPX 4500 and 5000.

The two closest to me are extinct now, the North Island is home to all the active ones and lots of them, the ones closest to me threw out a lot of basalt and surrounding them is filled with it.  They even have Taupo supervolcano that is twice the size of Yellowstone so if that ever blows....    White Island is the one that blew up two years ago killing a heap of tourists that were checking it out. ?


This is a basalt outcrop they call the organ pipes at the Volcano nearest to me.  Pretty cool how the lava formed like this.


My soils maybe often pretty mild but hot rocks are my issue.

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