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Better Separation (nfd 90)

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Monte's success was more due to using concentric coils over dd's where you can trim out iron from higher conductors. Tesoro's have always been good at that.

DD coils and in particular smaller and eliptical offer better separation in high trash areas over smothering round dd's.

90khz would probably be too ground sensitive. In the areas I hunt hot rocks and coal would be the issue. The depth of the machine is determined by the power of the machine and coil design. Good relic frequency ranges are 5-30khz range, more ground noise the lower frequency makes it easier to discern targets from it. Many early nugget machines were in the lower frequencies.

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3 hours ago, kac said:

Monte's success was more due to using concentric coils over dd's where you can trim out iron from higher conductors...

Did you saw diameter of the coil in Monte test? You don't have to play with 3 coils or think what you missed in some areas. For hot ground MD have Dynamic mode. Mono coil not working good in miniralized soil also it have small scaning zone. Relic (deep targets) and separation are not friends)

10 hours ago, palzynski said:

Would like to see a video of the NFD in the field , to have an idea of its audio in field conditions...


In reality, before teling you about MD, I tasted all in ground. Best test is user experiance. Everybody running for depth but most important is discrimination. For Max depth better use other MD with different specs (kHz, schematic, coil)

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Tesoro's used coplaner concentric and DD (wide scan). They also used much lower frequencies. High frequency machines will push high conductors up close and give the user less of a gamut between targets in that range. High frequency machines also give a wide gamut on low conductors which can give the user a more finite discrimination at the lower end towards iron. In general the lower frequency machines are easier to do coin and most jewlery hunting. Concentric coils have a less directional signal which tends to blend targets allowing the user to use threshold discrimination to trim out the lower signal revealing higher conductors. This only works within reason and obviously can't toss a rail road spike over a trime and expect to pick it out with any IB machine but is effective when there is high iron contamination, halos from rust in the ground and small flat iron like old tinned can pieces.

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18 hours ago, kac said:

High frequency machines will push high conductors up close and give the user less of a gamut between targets in that range. High frequency machines also give a wide gamut on low conductors which can give the user a more finite discrimination at the lower end towards iron...

Everything is in comparison but important thing how MD eleminates ground... Most clear places already hunted... Old vilages where peoole leaved always have many small iron peaces in the ground (MDs even not sounding on them). You think you have good separation to find interesting stuff? Just try to place small peaces of rusted iron on the ground or brick (see test)... and smile, your MD will not see even medium size coin on 3" (no mater what freq. you chose) 

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34 minutes ago, ysabxe said:

Everything is in comparison but important thing how MD eleminates ground... Most clear places already hunted... Old vilages whe peoole leaved always have many small iron peaces in the ground (MDs even not sounding on them). You think you have good separation to find interesting stuff? Just try to place small peaces of rusted iron on the ground or brick (see test)... and smile, your MD will not see even medium size coin on 3" (no mater what freq. you chose) 

Depends on the machine and where the phase is split between ground and target discriminators. Some machines have agressive settings making them easy to coin shoot and do general detection but can mask out easily while others are able to detect below desireable target range ie minerals.

Extremely high frequency machines with very sensitive coils can make detecting for coins and relics exhausting when there are large concentrations of targets.

I see in one your videos you tested against the Orx with 9" HF coil. that machine in particular with that particular coil masks out terrible around iron. I had one and got rid of it as thin iron would make only the phase meter jump and machine didn't any iron response around rust. As a coin shooter and jewerly machine its nice but not for relic or old sites.

I recently got the D2 and it does not have that issue, nor does my Tesoro's, Multi Kruzer, AT Pro, Apex or Gold Racer.

All of those with DD coil will respond to iron over other targets so if there was a nail over a silver there is a good chance the silver will not be heard and only the iron. This is not fault of the machines but just DD coils in general. Again Concentric coils don't have that issue.

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Heck just point me to a dealer and I’ll buy one. With all this heat I’m just sitting around doing nothing and I’ve got coins from all over the world and gold nuggets to add to the testing.

 I’m not in love with any detector company so what I say you can take it to the bank . 

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I’ve looked over every post that’s been made here and I’ve yet to see a price are where to buy this detector.

 I’ve went hunting for one and all is referred back to this forum with the same videos we’ve all seen.

 I feel like a dog chasing it’s tail and getting no where.


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Only bronze coin I had on hand was a usa large cent and also tested with a seated dime. GB the machines in area of testing. Put 3 nails on brick separated by a block of wood  and discriminated out the iron then put one coin directly below to test.

Gold Racer would give a broken signal with stock coil in disc 1. In all metal mode you could tell there was multiple targets but not enough to stop you in tracks.

Apex with 9" ultimate got iron only

Cibola with 8x9, picked both coins out but would break on tone in one direction.

Tejon with 5x10 wide scan would hit in one direction but very broken in another. Tejon with 8x9 hit target well in both directions, little broken in one direction.

D2 9" was iron only in 14 khz range and 40 khz range. X,Y screen would indicate multiple targets. Not sure if I would dig that though, usually hesitant on the speghetti lines but still new at the machine.

Like I suspected the concentrics did better of the machines I tested.



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