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Nugget Shooter Forum Closing

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  • The title was changed to Nugget Shooter Forum Closing

There was a lot of information from Jim Straight on that forum.  Perhaps more than in his books.

Can that be accessed?

I know the same question came up when Chris Gholson's site went down.  I was never able to see any data from it because I don't know how.

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12 hours ago, mn90403 said:

There was a lot of information from Jim Straight on that forum.  Perhaps more than in his books.

Can that be accessed?

I know the same question came up when Chris Gholson's site went down.  I was never able to see any data from it because I don't know how.

The subscription based Invision sites like Bill had are contained in a database hosted on Invision servers, and if Bill did not back up that database, and it sounds like he did not, then he has no copy of the information. I have no idea how long Invision would hold a database after a client stops paying the bills, but my guess is not long. This forum by comparison is hosted on my own leased server and I have backups on my home PC.

As I posted earlier in this thread you can use the Internet Archive to access much of Bill's forum. Did you not see that? Here is a direct link to the Jim Straight pages that were archived. If you really care about them it's wise to make copies, as there is no knowing how long the archives will exist once the original service goes offline.


A tip on using the archive for database created sites - the links on the pages found often do not work. You need to use the "Click here to search for all archived pages under this URL" function that pops up when doing searches. This usually is the main page with an asterisk attached as shown above. This gives a master list you will have to revert back to in order to access each page directly instead of the normal links on the pages like found on this forum or Bill's. The formatting may be hosed but the text can usually be recovered. It takes a little work - it's not a simple functioning copy of the website.

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3 hours ago, dirtman said:

Nothing lasts forever, cept the Earth & Sky ??

All we are is dust in the wind.


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