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Nugget Shooter Forum Closing

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Only the Nugget Shooter Forum is down.

Bill's other sites like his store pages and YouTube Patreon page are up and running fine as of 10:18 MT 8/23

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I hope I am not speaking out of turn here ... not meaning to at all ... I know Bill is still trying to make up his mind ... but I think he may be leaning toward closing the forum down. Traffic there has been slowed during the covid years and hasn't really picked up. A lot of the old guard that made the forum what it once was have passed on to the Heavenly Gold Fields. I will keep checking the forum pages and will check in with Bill again after the weekend. Seems the use of YouTube has also cut into the forum ... and not just Nugget Shooter. The cost to maintain a forum is not cheap. So there is no sense to throw good money after something that isn't being used.

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Bill's interest and participation in the forum has pretty much dropped to zero since he began devoting more time to the You Tube thing.  As it stands now there aren't many reasons to drop into a forum that has very low traffic.  I'm not being critical or placing blame, just stating the facts.

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Archiving the old timer posts like Jim Straight’s and some other codgers who are no longer prospecting with us would be nice- I guess Wayback will help with that…

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