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Who Would Subscribe To A Claim App?

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I, like many people use onx for hunting and anything else to mark locations and to know land status.  Since I got the prospecting bug, I've often wished there was an app to show current mining claims status.  My questions to everyone are (1) who would subscribe to an app like this? And (2) Is there anything negative for having an app like this? 

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How does the database get populated and kept up-to-date?

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1 minute ago, GB_Amateur said:

How does the database get populated and kept up-to-date?

I'm sure  it would be alot of work to start, but updates after initial app release should be easier to keep up. I'm not suggesting that I would be the one to create this app. Maybe ONX would be willing to add it to their existing platform as an option.  

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I may be dreaming,  and I really don't know the complications of it. I have thought about contacting onx about it, and just putting a bug in there ear . I'm sure they would know if it was possible or worth while for them to do it. The only website I know of that helps is mylandmatters. If there is something better, I'd love to know about it. I'm a rookie for sure.

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23 hours ago, WesD said:

Landmatters is as good as it gets for claims.  Cross reference it with OnX and a topo app with some other map layers, and you're pretty well covered.

And if you use it and like it, be sure to throw them a bone or two also! 

Thanks Clay!

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This topic comes up every once in a while. I think building an app is futile with claim location to the states allowing Mining claims with location within a 100’ is futile.

If you are interested in starting a claim app, volunteering for Clay and Land Matters.

There is somewhere around 350,000 active claims in a dozen or so mining states that allow claims.  At the federal level,  At best the BLM locates them to within a mile.  At worst, its in an unsurveyed area, or the guy just did not file the right paperwork.  I think I am camped on top of a claim filed with the county, but since the filer did not include the map, I have no idea where it is because of the non-existent markers.  Guy has two claims he pays mining claim fees for every year.

At the county level, there’s dozens of ways counties files which involve you going through paper books, or claims located to the mile, and every way in between.  In Yavapai county, I can sort by the mile (actually called township) and find claims filed in that area.  Has nothing to do if they are active or not. THat is the BLM.  In Maricopa, they do not have that, so I go back a couple of months looking for new claims in the county open EACH one individually to see if its located in where I want to look.

To open find a claim, all 350,000 of those maps have to be entered manually.  But of course it’s nto that easy.  A few of those claims will be adjusted over time, with paperwork filed with the BLM and no exact location map.  An example, I ran into is the claim was 160 acres with a map with the county, but was adjusted much smaller about 40 acres.  Of course the paperwork at the BLM said 40 acres, but the claim map at the county is blank, so it’s anywhere in this 1 mile by 1 mile sector with no markers visible.

The BLM has a new way to file claims where you put int the exact Quarter quarter section etc.  Last time I filed a claim, I called the state office up and was told not fuse that and send a copy of the claim paperwork I sent to the county.

There was a company that did what you’re saying,  Perhaps miner diggins.  The software was called footprints.  For a dozen or so gold claim areas, they would produce exact maps with an awesome geological overlay for the maps.  These areas were several square miles, and might have covered a town size area, and certainly not a county or state. This involved a lot of manual entry on there part and pulling claims maps, and then plotting.  They might have updated every six months.  The county updated there database daily.  So, I still had to search for recent claims at the county and federal level prior to going out.

If you want to start an app, choosing an area like Little San Domingo and getting good data could be the way to go.  I have not seen footprints in a while, biut that database nd platform may be available.

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From all the replies on here, I can see what NEEDS to be done. Sounds like our govt agencies need to start being forced to record all this info electronically in a place people are able to access from home. I've dealt with the blm in the past with permits to do offroading tours. They tend to sit on their hands until a member of congress sends them a letter. I know this by personal experience.  I think if the prospecting community put some effort into lobbying for these changes, it could be accomplished.  

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  1. 9 hours ago, Ndplumr said:

    From all the replies on here, I can see what NEEDS to be done. Sounds like our govt agencies need to start being forced to record all this info electronically in a place people are able to access from home. I've dealt with the blm in the past with permits to do offroading tours. They tend to sit on their hands until a member of congress sends them a letter. I know this by personal experience.  I think if the prospecting community put some effort into lobbying for these changes, it could be accomplished.  

    The BLM is doing what they are required by law to do.  In there eyes they are simply a place that keeps a record and bear no responsibility for actual location.  

Of the hundreds of thousands of claims, I’ll bet there are over 100,00 claim owners.  Of all those claims and all those people, only a handful are worth the yearly fees paid to the BLM for actual minerals extracted, the rest are speculation or just someone wanting to have a claim.  

I don’t think many would support any real change to any real effort.

What is your plan to lobby these agencies?

The AMRA on their Facebook page seems like they are active.


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Hi All,

   I think the biggest issue is when the claims are updated.  Most online sites will only show the true, current claim status when the filings are ended each year for the BLM and County.  Many sites, like MyLandMatters does updates each month I believe on claim changes when you're a registered member.  However, could you still be on someone's claim if it was filed yesterday, YES.  Could you be on a claim that is located, staked, but the claim was dropped last year from dues not paid, YES.  

The key is doing due diligence and the best research you can and then visit the site.  At least at this point, you have the data and paperwork (proof) you made an honest attempt and trying to locate or prospect something  that shows open if you run into problems with someone.  

The OnX Hunt app is great, shows good details and even private property, but does not show claims as you mentioned.  


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