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 Chevy quit building good trucks in 1954. Ford in 1932. International Harvester made it seem like everything else was a good truck and Dodge has a subliminal message in it's name. And don't get me started on imports.

I may have discovered the perfect prospecting rig. I'll know for sure just as soon as the farrier finishes up.

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Here is a picture of Klunkers CJ 7005 Jeep. Or as I call it " Scare Force One". 

Our adventure started early Saturday morning.  It was a cold and.foggy moring.  Klunker, I and my dog Rooster slid into the cold wet seats and headed out. We headed out to some old diggins way out in the high Sierra.  We were bundled up with winter hats,gloves and hoodies covering our heads. But hiking into our detecting area,the layers were  shredded fast. Each of us were able to come home with a few little nuggets each. I also got a few history lessons on our mining area. A very fun day indeed.


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