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White's Xventure Kids Detector Being Sold On Ebay


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  • The title was changed to White's Xventure Kids Detector Being Sold On Ebay

What would worry me is seeing those kids in the 3rd picture on the Ebay advert roaming around in a park digging holes but would the parent show them how too properly recover the item and lay the turf back down as if no one had been in the that location,or being kids spoil it for the experienced detector who does by just digging a hole and leaving it.

Gut feeling tells me the latter option,it all right making detectors for the younger generation and of course i hope this detector fairs much better than the 'Go Flop' one,but kids digging up in parks could be pretty bad news for you folks across the pond who do a fair amount of 'tot lots' and parks,as kids these days dont care about things like dig up the grass with as little respect for it as all they would be after is the treasure that is show on the packaging on the detector box or sweet/toy money.

Just my opinion of course,but i do hope that instructions are provided in the box that these come in or even better if dealer could show the parents how to recover finds,but as this is a online sale rather than a dealer face to face sale then that aint going to happen either.Good new for Whites if sales do take off but not good news for detecting generally.

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I admit to worrying about legions of kids getting turned loose on parks with detectors, most with no supervision. I doubt I need to worry much though as you will never pry most kids these days away from their video games and cell phones. Detecting requires patience and everything now is instant gratification. If I ever see another detectorist in a park it is always just another old fart like me.

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Last week when the Xventure first hit eBay, there was only one for sale, it was available nowhere else, and wasn't even mentioned on the White's web site. I see they've now sold 2 on eBay, it's now on Amazon but listed as "unavailable," and still nothing on the web site. This has to be the most bizarre detector intro I've ever seen. It reminds me of when they put the BeachHunter ID on sale; it wasn't finished, so they couldn't actually sell any, but they had to advertise it "for sale" to satisfy contractural obligations.

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