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XP Deus Version 4 - Finally?

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If the elliptical comes out in May I'll Throw a party for it and my Birthday Day. How many times can one turn 39 before you have to tell the truth?

The only thing older is dirt.


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Iwas test white HF with round coil. At 59kHz. World very well with 4.0 and beta 18. Tons of better than 3.2. Audio line is better - smooth. ID is more precise too. I will continue test and review when weather change.

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A west coast dealer said he was taking orders on the HF coil that should be here early April. This may be another April Fools joke on us.


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5 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

What I am curious about Shelton is how does the new 9" coil at 14 kHz compare to the old 9" coil at 12 kHz? They should be about the same.

At 59 kHz is very, very fast ID is very good. You hear everything. Like ground minerals, ground changes. Very fast processing. But I don't test it 11 inches black factory coil yet with 4.0. Now is B19 version... and you have ID normalization feature again. I will check black coil tomorrow. At lower sens HF coin works more noisy and ID is jumping.

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You do a search for anyone that may have one but all taking preorders. It is one video that shows a guy unboxing one but he may be the only in the world that has one.

I'm on Deus email list but not one word has been said about anything coming ever.

I may have started this new post on the Version 4 and HF coil of the XP Deus way too soon.

At my age I don't have forever.


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XP had a last call for beta feedback on friday.

Steve, I've done two short hunts 9" hf on 14khz and to me it feels a lot more like 18khz than it does 12khz.  As a coin guy that pretty much voids any desire for the hf coils.  Not that I expected differently.  

Not seeing a lot of depth increase in new deep program.  It certainly amps up the gain but actual depth gain isnt much.  Absolutely love Garys hot program with v4 and negative disc.  I wasnt a fan of full tones before but targets really pop in that program now.  Pitch program is pretty much 2 tone vco all metal now.  

At times when using all the new items like smart phone blutooth connection, ws4's, coil, remote, pointer I've seen some odd switch back and forth delay with the headphones and pinpoint mode on and off.  Hopefully if was just me or in my situations.  Re-pairing items clears it up but shouldnt be necessary.

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